Daylong's ability

"Unbelievable. Is there such thing as what I'm seeing?!!" Klaus couldn't help but think. Just as he had landed the blow on Gabriel Daylong, his opponent for the night, a popping sound was heard. But what followed up was like a recoil action as he felt his entire body being tugged back and in no time, he found himself skidding backwards.

Ultimately, he managed to regain his footing. Placing his legs firmly on the ground and readying himself for what was to come next. But he never prepared for what he saw next.

His opponent, Gabriel Longday took him by surprise as his body was taking a strange form. The area which Klaus had hit with the Nerve punch seemed to be taking a semisolid form. Almost like glue but thicker than that and worst of all, it appeared as though his chest area was going to fall of his body.