Catching attention

"Check current health status" Klaus thought within himself. This was a direct command of course towards the system. And in no time, a prompt appeared displaying his health status.


-Current health status-

[HP - 70/100]

"His attacks are strong!!!" Klaus said after looking at his HP bar and realized he only had 70 out of a hundred left. What this meant was that on arrival inside the octagon, he had received three hits and each one took 10 HP out of his bulk amount.

Yet again, his worries were far more than just looking out for his HP. As a matter of fact, his biggest worry was quite obvious. A problem that seemed to always present itself. "How do I stop him? " Klaus thought to himself.

All his attacks seemed to do nothing. His shadow wrap skill had bought him a significant amount of time to unleash a flurry of offence. But that was it, nothing resulted from it as the moment he have room for Gabriel Daylong, his opponent to breathe, he payed terribly for it.