Transmigrating and where is my power?

"Why did my apartment change?" I shouted as loud as I could.

seeing my apartment go from shabby to very clean.

I didn't know I was this clean, I thought.

But how come? Wait a minute.

Maybe I was transmigrated.

I'll make sure of one thing first.

I opened my pants.

Owh, still like before.

Good, now the appearance.

I went to the mirror and was mesmerized by my new look.

"Damn, why is my sexy appearance more charming than the old one. Not that I want to complain but, damn it" I'm proud and jealous of how I look now.

I really didn't expect that in my 22 years of age, I could get that kind of appearance.

Let's just accept what I have, remember what the old priest said.

'Be grateful for what you have'

For the third certainty, I have to observe which world I was sent to.

Fantasy world or modern world, because these two worlds will definitely determine how I act.

I walked out of my apartment.

Looking at this beautiful world, birds are singing, the sun is not so hot, and some sexy ladies with animal ears.

Wait a minute, I was sent to a semi-modern fantasy world? That's good, at least the technology here isn't lagging behind.

Now the problem is, I have no power to keep up with myself in this fantasy world.

Thankfully, there are humans with powers, but me? Unprepared.

Kidnapped from my room to this world, and even worse. I left my cell phone behind and forgot to delete my internet search history there.

I must have been the subject of ridicule by the people there, fortunately I had no family in that world.

After the death of my parents I had a hard enough time surviving, at least they didn't know how pathetic their son was.

Enough reminiscing about the past, let's take a look here.

This is a fantasy world, there should be additional power, whether it's cheating or a legacy?

I waited outside my apartment room for the power to come to my aid.

Seeing little kids, sexy moms, and macho dudes.

Time passed until the afternoon, the power had not come yet, I was willing to sunbathe here too.

"Afternoon" A girl greeted me, I looked at her.

Very cute, yellow hair with angel wings behind her.

"Afternoon" I smiled and the girl went into her room, oh looks like she's my neighbor.

She also brought her friends.

Demons and angels, I'm jealous. She has friends here but I don't.

It sucks, I really suck.

I went inside my apartment and sat on my soft sofa.

I sighed heavily and looked at the ceiling.

"When will my power come?" I tried to scream but that would disturb the next door neighbor, I don't want to be the neighbor who disturbs the peace of other neighbors.

Unlike my neighbors in my world, who are noisy every day.

"I hate you" I shouted and my neighbor knocked on my wall.

"Sorry" I yelled back, and corrected my behavior.

I really can't control my emotions, I need to calm down. Calm down.

I'm an adult, don't be childish at a time like this.

Observe first, what is happening in this world.

How do angels and demons walk together, shouldn't they kill each other?

Is the plot in this world different from the usual.

Okay, good then.

At least I'm in an alternate universe, maybe. I don't know.

I saw a letter on my desk, an invitation to become an apprentice teacher.

At Kuoh Academy, huh? Kuoh Academy? Isn't that the academy where that perverted red dragon goes to school.

Damn, damn, damn. Am I in DxD world? Damn, I'm starting to hate this.

Come quickly my power, I need you here.

I'm waiting and waiting.

>>[Power Input]<<


I woke up from my short rest, I saw the status window in front of me.

System? Finally.

Power input? So I can choose any power? Yeah baby this is what I've been waiting for.

Alright, time to get greedy.





That's it, I'm done putting in all the power I want.

>>[The Beyonder


Dr. Doom

Lucifer Morningstar

Gabriel Hornblower

Michael Demiurgos

Goddess Khaos

God Khronos

Goddess Thesis

Goddess Nyx

God Aether

True Dragon God]<<


I pressed confirm, come to me.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel my divine power enter.

2 minutes passed, come, I can't wait anymore.

7 minutes passed, why is it taking so long?

30 minutes pass, I can't wait anymore, I open my eyes, and try not to get angry.



"Ffffffffff" I gripped my hand tightly, Invalid? What's invalid, Oy what fantasy world is this? Invalid? Damn you.

I pressed reset.

>>[Power Input]<<


Alright, if the power of comics and mythology doesn't work, what about games? Let's try it.





That's it, this is my favorite game, now hurry up and accept it.

>>[God Of War




Warhammer 40K

Metal Gear Rising

Resident Evil

Devil May Cry]<<


well, i guess this is enough for me. no need to overdo it, just the way it is, hope it's a success.



I held the status window but failed, hitting this status window, until I was satisfied.

"Why won't you accept this" I kept hitting the status window until I exhausted myself.

Damn it, western Comic Power, can't. Mythology, no go. Games, can't either.

What? Maybe Eastern fantasy? Try it.

I hit the reselect button, hopefully this will work.





special bloodline

alchemy ability

dual cultivation ability

divine inheritance power

power of cursed inheritance]<<


Come, come, accept it. accept it quickly.


>[Thank you for entering the power, have a nice life]<<

The status window disappeared, I stared at this blankly, as if the only ticket I could enjoy life here, vanished right before my eyes.

I held back my anger and wanted to sleep to forget all this.

I slowly slept, and enjoyed my last days here, which would definitely be boring.

"I want to go home" I mumbled before entering the Dream world, where that is the reality I want, not here.




>[Power input confirmed, power merge]<


>[Power has been maximized]<

>[The Beyonder

God Doom

True Satan

True Angel

True Dragon

Primordial Being

God Armor

God Of War

Cursed Holy Blade

Holy Accursed Blade]<

>[Innate power molded]<






I woke up and tried to get up but why didn't I want to, because I felt empty.

Really, what's the point if you're not strong in other people's works, is this fanfic so substandard that I as the main character have to be tortured to entertain someone.

This really sucks, my creator seems to have run out of ideas for original works, what a hassle. I'll file a complaint letter to him later.

I want a guarantee, please ease my plot.

I have to work today, I'm scared because my students must be supernatural people.

I'm sure of it, my soul says so.

I showered and got ready, but I saw the status window in front of my couch.

I checked, and shouted with excitement.

"Confirmation, Confirmation" I pressed the confirmation button many times.

>[Confirmation received]<

>[Power Sealed]<

>>[Powers available as follows:

The Beyonder (Locked)

God Doom (Locked)

True Satan (Locked)

True Angel (Locked)

True Dragon (Locked)

Primordial Being (Locked)

God Armor (Locked)

God Of War (Locked)

Cursed Holy Blade (Locked)

Holy Accursed Blade (Locked)]<<

I fainted, almost fainted to be more precise. My overpower, sealed away. And the need for me to use it was not mentioned.

Damn, damn, damn, damn you my creator.

I checked the other features open besides the button that says my ability is here.

>[Innate Power]<


Huh? 3D ? What is this? What is this innate power?

I pressed the 3D button.

>[3D : Being from a dimension that cannot be touched or reached, all laws here do not apply to you. Because you are from another dimension]<

That's obviously lame, I'm in a fanfic, is my creator stupid or what?

The laws here don't apply? So I can't die or any of the things that limit me.

It's quite useful in many ways, at least I can teach without any hassle, but how can I teach if my powers are locked up you idiot.

I give up, I'd better go to that damn academy.

I walked with a heavy heart, looking at the crowded street, and the few people passing by.

I have to accept this.

Being a weakling, not too weak anyway, it's more like I became a Tank, able to defend but hardly able to attack.

I arrived at this damn academy, and went into the teachers' room.

"Morning" I greeted some of the teachers here.

Wait a minute, I know the teachers here.

The Konoha duo and the girl with the big boobs,

the old lady who's good at martial arts,

The demon hand teacher and his snow girlfriend and fox friend.

Issei's girlfriend and who is she? I forgot.

There's a shrine maiden too? Weird?

There's the goddesses Athena and Artemis. Why do I know that? There are chest names on their clothes.

There's that damn old principal, and his secretary who's always smiling. I'm scared of that smile.

It's like the devil's smile.

And a blonde who wears a hat too big for his head.

And finally, a loli who wears the flashiest outfit here.

My colleagues and boss seem to be from various other anime.

I'm sure this is an alternate universe, yep my task is getting harder.

"Mr. Sur, welcome to Kuoh Academy, I am Principal Yamamoto welcoming you. Since you are late for the class selection, I will penalize you as an intern teacher" Old man Yamamoto punished me, Hooray. I can rest now.

"Please teach the problem class for 1 month before the final exam" Bruh, that's obvious Mr. Yamamoto, in your letter you already explained.

"I understand, I will fulfill it. Before I continue to teach, may I ask, what are the passing criteria for the upcoming exams?" I make sure my students pass because I can guide them on how to graduate from here, and I can go back to enjoying my life.

"Easy enough, you just need to improve their latent abilities." That's it? That's all? Oh my god that's easy.

"Okay, I understand, can I be escorted to class, I apologize for my carelessness this time" I was escorted by this loli teacher.

We talked lightly about the ethics of being a teacher and the integrity of the job. yes, yes, yes I know shut up little lady.

I arrived at the front of the class, it was very noisy.

"Happy teaching Mr. Sur" The loli teacher left, I sighed and went in.

Opened the door, closed the door and walked to my desk.

Sat down and looked at my students who were still noisy.

Good, do this until you get home.

I relaxed until the class became silent, I realized and looked at them.

" Is it over? I think you still want to continue, just relax. i don't mind this" I wrote my name on the board and my race as a human being. they were silent and watched me.

"Listen, I teach here because I have to and I get students like you, so what can I do?" I checked the names of each of my students.

I am familiar with some names.

Seshomaru and Rin? But where is Rin?

"Sesshomaru, where's Rin?" Sesshomaru was silent and did not answer.

"Huh, okay" I continued taking attendance.

Ichigo and Orihime

Sasuke and Lee.

Akame and Susanoo.

Hiei and Yukina.

Minki and Izuna.

Issei and Asia.

Gabriel and Satania, why did I get this duo? Damn my luck is really bad.

Seiya and Shiryu.

Usagi and Ami.

What the hell is this class, it's not balanced at all, especially there is such an innocent sailor moon group here.

Tsk, I should be able to teach them what.

"What do you want to teach?" Good question Usagi, I don't even know what to teach you.

"I also have no idea" They laughed at my absurd answer.

"Then what are you good at, if you have no ideas" Ami stop pressuring me, I know what I'm doing.

"Alright, how about this. Please write down your strengths on a paper, and please don't make it weird, be as honest as possible if you can. tomorrow I will start the real learning" They agreed and wrote down all their strengths.

I waited for them for a long time, and Ami collected all the papers, I checked except Gabriel who didn't collect.

Gabriel, that girl, my neighbor is really lazy.

"Gabriel, if you don't collect then you will clean this class until night and I will supervise myself" Gabriel woke up from her lazy sleep and wrote, I knew that girl didn't want to miss her game at home.

This paper collection is complete, well done.

Spirituals, energies and magical weapons, fill this classroom and judging by their personalities.

They seem to be curious, indifferent and hateful towards me. I don't care.

"Oh yes, Sesshomaru. Bring Rin here tomorrow. I'll show you something" Sesshomaru was silent, and I shrugged my shoulders.

We spent the time making small talk, mostly asking about what my powers were.

Come on, if my powers weren't sealed away, I would have made you into a god that even the third world is afraid of you.

" My teaching system is practice over theory, more inclined to teaching techniques rather than theory, I only need to explain the theory as briefly and minimally as possible by analogy" I explained my teaching system, they just listened.

"Tomorrow I want you in the school yard, because this place is too small to teach you, and you can immediately rest in the cafeteria after teaching, simple isn't it" They nodded, but Hiei raised his hand.

"How can you teach if you have no proof that you can teach us?" That's right, it's a truth that must be questioned. I will promise.

"Rin is a human like me. Rin is cursed by a ridiculousness, If I fail to cure Rin. then I will stop teaching, if I can cure Rin" I stopped and looked at them seriously.

"I will make you transcend yourselves, the limitations that make you now so weak, weaker than ants in a herd of elephants. And your task is to transform yourselves from ants to humans. In that concept, humans are predators at the top of the food chain with various utilizations all around" They looked at me seriously at my nonsense.

"I will show you, over the course of this month, how to truly control" I stood up and sighed looking at them, gesturing towards Ichigo, Akame, Sasuke.

"Ichigo, slash me with your zangetsu, Akame stab me in the heart, then Sasuke burn me alive" They were surprised and refused.

"This is your duty, now you just need to carry it out" Ichigo slashed my neck, Akame threw her sword at my heart, Sasuke burned my body with his fire element.

My body stood still in front of the class, neither moving nor making a sound.

Some people panicked trying to call out to other teachers.

"Calm down and pay attention" My booming voice made them shut up and look at me.

I came out of the fire and saw that my neck was fine and my clothes were burnt off.

Akame's curse of the murasama sword remained in my heart.

"Tada, I' m fine, aren't I?" I tidied up my burnt clothes and looked back at them.

"Next time, remind me to bring more clothes, it's a hassle, really" some of them laughed and only Akame panicked.

"How can you be alive, you should have died right away" I paused, and wanted to tease her.

"Oh really, Oh no, help, please" I panicked trying to exaggerate my expression.

"Your acting is bad Mr. Sur" I stopped my acting and sat back in my chair.

"I know Izuna, stop interrupting my fun" Izuna gave me an exasperated look, I just gave her a normal look.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I' ll get cold if you keep this up" I left the classroom, and the bell rang. they went home I went back to the office.

"Are you an exhibitionist, you're so excited" Thanks for the sarcasm Guy.

"No, there was a small demonstration going on in class, look at this, and this" I showed Akame and Sasuke the wound, I was healed by teacher Tsunade and this loli.

"I'm not a loli, I'm a Chibi" oh yeah, I forgot her name. when everyone was done healing, I went home by borrowing Guy's jacket.

Damn, how am I going to teach them if it's like this.

I walked right and left to think.

>[Status changed to Temporarily Locked]<

I heard a familiar sound, I walked over to my couch, my Status Window was still here.

I checked the table of contents of my abilities.

>[Innate Ability: 3D]<

>[Available Ability:

The Beyonder (Locked)

God Doom (Temporary)

True Satan (Locked)

True Angel (Locked)

True Dragon (Locked)

Primordial Being (Locked)

God Armor (Locked)

God Of War (Locked)

Cursed Holy Blade (Locked)

Cursed Holy Blade (Locked)]<

Temporarily? No problem, I'll check God Doom's abilities first.

>[God Doom: Magic is my thing, you are all under me]<

[(Temporary)Can only be used at school]

Damn it, my magic can only be used at school.

I can't seem to use it here.

That sucks, really sucks. I need the power of the beyonder to remove that temporary limitation.

Now with this magic, maybe I can remove Rin's curse and set her free.

let's see tomorrow, hopefully it will be a good thing.