How can you focus, if you shut everything down.

The next day, I came.

and saw my students gathered in the courtyard.

Sesshomaru was carrying Rin's dying body, I felt sorry for her.

I came in front of Sesshomaru, and fixed Rin.

"Abolish Curse, Perfect Healing" I cast a spell on Rin's body.

The curse on Rin's body is gone, and all the wounds on Rin's soul and mind have been healed by my magic.

Dr. Doom's magic seems to be very powerful, I admit that you deserve to be called God Doom.

Rin opened her eyes and saw Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru hugged Rin and I was a little touched to see this.

I then looked at the other students.

"That was an example of how to use magic, and I want you to demonstrate what your magic is, for those who do not have magic, please stand here" I stepped back and stood away from there.

Akame and Lee stood beside me, I knew they needed special guidance.

I watched and considered how they would act, and suddenly Gabriel and Satania sat next to me.

"Why are you guys here?"

"I'm tired, I need rest" Gabriel started to sleep on the thigh of Akame who was sitting.

"I, Satania, do not need to show my true power in front of my teacher" I rubbed my forehead at Satania's words.

"Stop it" All my students stopped, and looked at me.

"Since you lack experience fighting with dangerous enemies, I want you here" I teleported all the students to another dimension, they were trapped in a large and tall hole.

I used my magic to bring up a huge amount of food on a table, with all the dishes they liked.

"Smell the food" The smell of this food spread throughout the hole, they all felt hungry, I laughed.

"Your training now is to survive in that hole, if one of you is injured or faints there, then I will eat this food one by one, and you will not get any" I started eating, from the big hole appeared parademons. they fought all out without rest, I'm just here eating enjoying this dish.

seriously , this magic really makes my life easier.

" Teacher, Help us" Their cries echoed there, I continued to eat, because I ordered the parademons to attack and paralyze. Killing is not an order.

I stared at the hole there, some of them were exhausted, fainted and so on.

"Perfect Healing" I healed them all, then ordered the parademons back.

"Disappointing, I thought you guys were better than this, it turned out to be a hoax" They certainly took offense to my comment.

"No offense, this is the basic concept of your enemy to make you unfocused, so blame you guys for not trying to survive" Minki threw an energy ball at me, but I directed the ball at the dining table.

All the food clattered on the ground, and I sighed.

"Yep, looks like your fancy food rations have been destroyed, congratulations" Several people almost attacked Minki.

"Restrain" I locked everyone here, and went down this hole.

I called the parademons, they started to panic, really panic.

I restored the condition of the food that had been destroyed.

Parademon took the food and ate in front of their faces.

"Good, eat a lot parademon" I also ate with the parademon, my students were certainly angry with me.

"You are more cruel than the devil" Of course Ami, I am indeed cruel.

"That's how you act, Satania and Minky. These are the real demons, sitting around enjoying people's suffering without interfering, and in the end I have the last laugh" I stopped the parademon, and restored the food condition on the table, then I increased the food condition until it was like a big grave party.

"So, who wants to finish it?" The smell of food that was getting stronger made my students couldn't stand it.

I shook my head and let them go, they immediately went to eat my dishes.

I returned them back to Kuoh, and of course some of the teachers panicked at our disappearance.

"Mr. Sur, where are you from? Everyone panicked seeing you disappear" Grandma Genka was worried about us. How understanding, I respect you grandma.

"Calm down Mrs. Genka, I brought them to fight an impossible enemy, and they are now exhausted and want to rest, let them replenish their energy." I watched my students eat heartily, Issei and Lee fighting over food, Gabriel flying to nirvana from eating my dessert, while Satania's mouth was full of my chocolate sandwich.

I shook my head and looked at my students who were still eating.

"Oy, how long are you eating" I scolded them, because they really didn't finish eating my food.

I wiped my food and saw them shouting in disappointment.

"Teacher give me back my dessert, I want some more" Gabriel whined towards me, I stroked her head and flicked her forehead.

"You lazy slob, I'll confiscate all your games at home if you sleep in my class again" Gabriel nodded and now she was a good girl.

But I know her true nature that can trick me behind my back.

I gave my student some low-sugar snacks, and some refreshing drinks.

"There you go, a souvenir from me for all your hard work. And tomorrow come back to class to reassess how you fought there" They nodded and I went to the teacher's room, since my schedule was over.

"Hey, Mr. Sur, what kind of magic did you use on those kids. Like not needing any energy and stuff" Chibi came over to my desk, I bribed her with a sandwich.

and told her to leave, Chibi left with my cake, it's so easy to fool an adult with a child's mind.

I reviewed all this, they don't seem to know the limits of their bodies. Except for Susanoo and Lee.

Since they're battle-crazed and like to surpass themselves, so of course their bodies are durable enough.

I also saw that they were so unfocused on their surroundings that they couldn't protect themselves from blind spots.

After finishing filling out the data and report on the results of the training this time, I went home.

and looked at my status window.

>[Innate Ability: 3D]<

>[Status changed to Temporarily Locked]<

>[Available Ability:

The Beyonder (Locked)

God Doom (Temporary)

True Satan (Temporary)

True Angel (Locked)

True Dragon (Locked)

Primordial Being (Locked)

God Armor (Locked)

God Of War (Locked)

Cursed Holy Blade (Locked)

Holy Accursed Blade (Locked)]<

As a result of me being too cruel to them, I unlocked True Satan instead. I have to unlock True Angel's power this time.

I also think that right now I need a key to unlock some weapons or a power but what? What is the key.

Does it need behavior or something? I don't know, I don't know.

But I'm sure this will end well.

I pressed True Satan.

>[True Satan: You want an apple? Here, and goodbye]<

[(Temporary) Can only be used at school]

Really short, clear, and concise.





The next day I returned to the academy, this time they welcomed me well.

Well, it gets better.

"You guys did great with your fight against the parademons, if you want to fight with them again. just say so, but there is one thing you should know" They listened to me clearly, it seemed like these damn students were waiting for another big meal.

"Those who stand less than yesterday, I will increase the power of the parademons, and they will completely tear you up like this paper" I made a small doll and made an illusion in front of them.

This illusion is themselves and I am the parademon.

I tore off the paper doll's hands and they heard their hysterical screams.

Some covered their ears and closed their eyes.

"I want you to see, and hear the screams of your dead, slowly by slowly" I continued, this time I imagined in their minds and amplified their screams in their minds.

" Teacher, stop, please stop" Asia screamed hysterically, and cried.

I stopped and gave them tranquilizing magic.

"Alright, you guys have calmed down, I'm sorry about this. This will teach you that here I'm giving you the pain of what if you're careless, where you get tortured that you can't ask for help" They were trembling and some weren't because they lived like that.

I explained what was lacking in yesterday's battle.

Especially their biggest weakness, which is focus and attack variety.

They were too focused on the enemy, and forgot their own limitations.

And the variety of attacks that make the enemy fooled, they don't have, this is what makes a fight long and waste more energy.

They have a limit, even though they can accumulate energy or experience with something, if they are given more burden or enemies. they will slack and weaken.

They don't need friendship plots or shield plots, except for a few people I know.

"Now, I want you to look at me" They looked at me seriously.

"Are you afraid of demons or enemies that can make you tremble violently?"

"Of course not, as long as our souls are strong, we will continue to move forward."

"Well said Seiya, Now I want you to do a task" I transformed this classroom into a throne room, I sat on the throne.

"Your task is to walk up to the throne, if you succeed. then I will give you some things that mean a lot to you" They nodded and got ready.

I gave the pillar boundaries.

7 pillars of determination, each pillar has a suffering that people go through.

Sadness, anger, loss, emptiness, loneliness, ignorance, despair.

"Each pillar you pass has its own power, so you must be able to surpass it, if you fail. look behind you" They looked back, seeing the parademon tearing apart the living, they screamed hysterically as the body was mutilated.

"When the parademon is done with that person, whoever is late will be the next victim" They were scared and I smiled.

"Master, this is so cruel" Ichigo asked me about what was cruel.

"Calm down Ichigo, this is training for you to have the determination to survive and move forward" I'm boasting here.

"But it's irrelevant" Amy you're so smart.

"Right, it is indeed irrelevant. Alright I'll make it easy, if you can get here in 30 minutes without needing help from your powers, you'll get special treatment from me" They cheered.

"For example."

"Whatever you want? Want power that never runs out? You can, you want power equal to gods? You can, you want power that transcends the laws of nature? You can, you want a place where you can relax without being disturbed? You name it, but you have to reach the foot of my stairs before the first 30 minutes" They were excited and immediately set foot on the first pillar.

They immediately screamed hysterically.

I was happily drinking tea on top of my seat, what a sight.

So this is how Thanos felt when he wanted to entertain Lady Death, it was interesting but boring.

While I was enjoying my tea comfortably.

"Teacher" I was surprised to see Rin under my shelter, what a willpower this kid has.

"You passed, let's see your friends here" Rin nodded and looked at Sesshomaru who was still on the 6th pillar.

He growled in pain, Rin seemed to be worried about Sesshomaru.

I erased this dimension and saw my student who was severely exhausted.

"Perfect Healing" I healed them. then ordered Rin to sit down.

"You're pretty good at surviving except for one who passed" Everyone looked at Rin who was embarrassed by her efforts this time.

"What do you want Rin?" Rin was at a loss for an answer since it was her first time asking for something.

"I don't know, I just want to be with Lord Sesshomaru" What a loyal girl.

I gave Rin a book about demons.

"That book consists of how to defeat and subdue various creatures of the underworld, Demons, Yokai, Monsters, and others" Everyone was certainly fascinated by this book, as it was a book on how to defeat several monsters that were difficult to defeat.

"Teacher, I want one too" Izuna asked me for something.

"In that case, it's easy. Try to count how many fingers I have, if you succeed then I'll give you the most powerful fox that can kill gods" Izuna was excited and sat in the front seat. sending Seiya away in the front seat.

I gave Izuna the middle finger, but I pointed it out by not raising my finger.

"Now try counting my fingers" Izuna looked at my unraised fingers, but her classmates knew that I gave her the middle finger.

I looked at my other students not to tell her.

"Empty" She answered confidently, some people giggled at that.

I dispelled my illusion and showed my middle finger.

Izuna got angry and cursed me.

"You have been fooled the devil lady, are you want playing again" Izuna was angry and rejected it.

I made a chunk of gems and diamonds on my table. everyone was wide-eyed.

"This time it's quite easy, look for the real gem in this pile of treasures. if you succeed I will give you 2 foxes" All the girls took the gems and diamonds, basic.

All the treasures disappeared, I rubbed my head at their behavior.

"Now that I have the gem, where's my fox, hurry" Impatient as hell Miss Izuna.

I removed the gem and left one real gem between Izuna's breasts, I made it hidden from Izuna.

"Alright, this time I'll be serious. Whoever finds the jewel quickly, I will give you a prize. For izuna are these two creatures" I called 2 foxes.

one male fox and one female fox.

The male fox with 1 long tail, and the female with 12 tails.

"This is Beowulf and Kamazhu, they are strong family foxes. They can protect you wherever you are. But first, you must find the jewel before them" They were mesmerized by the beauty of these two foxes, I coded these two foxes to turn into humans.

Beowulf became a handsome man, and Kamazhu became an elegant woman.

Of course all my students were mesmerized by them again.

"3,2,1" I counted down and everyone frantically searched for the jewel.

"Time's up" They were surprised and looking at me, I coded Beowulf to take out the gem.

"This is the jewel of the daughter of the god poseidon, created from her cries of grief at being left for dead by her lover at sea, a sea blue diamond that exudes the aura of the turbulent ocean" Beowulf handed the jewel to me and I kept it.

"That's not fair, we don't even know where that place is" Orihime rejected this result.

" Teacher, teach me to move that fast" Lee eagerly wanted to learn to move as fast as Beowulf.

"Give it to me, that diamond will definitely sell for a lot" Izuna always thought of money at times like this.

"Fun fact, this gem is very valuable, if you give it to poseidon, you will get his personal treasure. if you give this to his daughter, then you will get an acquaintance in the god realm. interesting isn't it" I bragged because I knew this was just my imagination.

They were amazed at what could be obtained if they could take these.

"How about my two foxes" I gave Beowulf and Kamazhu some souvenirs, then took them home.

"No, my foxes" Izuna was hysterical seeing this, I just shook my head.

"You only know foxes and money, first improve your abilities then you will be recognized by the fox" Izuna slammed my desk and did not accept it, I just smiled.

"But you're cheating, there's no way I know what the winning criteria are if you hide it" Finally, there is a smart person.

"Right, that's why you have to be painstaking in talking and listening to people talk. indeed asking others makes others annoyed, at least we can't be deceived. well this time I'll give you this" I gave Izuna a small bamboo.

"What is this?" I shook my head, Izuna was confused to see me.

"If you manage to unlock the bamboo, I'll take you to the fox village that even in this universe can't have it" Izuna was excited and tried to unlock this bamboo but the result was nothing.

"The trick is desire" I then picked up the bamboo, and threw it into the sky.

I used my power to teleport my class to the fox dimension.

We arrived and I picked up the bamboo, in front of us was a large gate covering a village.

"This is the dimension where the fox you met is behind that gate, the key is this bamboo" I returned them to class and threw them to Izuna.

"Now unlock the bamboo to enter the fox dimension, and you can choose any fox you want. Even the fox king can be chosen" Izuna nodded and returned to her seat.

"So, kids, I have promised to make you strong even equal to gods, Izuna and Rin have gotten the key to help them, now you just have to try to be stronger." They are excited and I am quite happy with this.

At least they are motivated to be better, except Izuna and Gabriel.

For those two, I tried to rack my brains.

I went home, to check on my next gift. Come on True Angel, come on.

>[Innate Ability: 3D]<

>[Status changed Locked to Temporary]<

>[Available Ability:

The Beyonder (Locked)

God Doom (Temporary)

True Satan (Temporary)

True Angel (Temporary)

True Dragon (Locked)

Primordial Being (Locked)

God Armor (Locked)

God Of War (Locked)

Cursed Holy Blade (Locked)

Holy Accursed Blade (Locked)]<

>[True Angel: In the name of god, I'll go to heaven]<

[(Temporary)Can only be used at school]

Finally, finally, if my demon power can summon monsters, maybe I can summon goddesses or other angels.

Let's see my schedule tomorrow.

I wish I could have cool wings, I tried to activate demon wings but to no avail. and my magic is limited to curses, healing, teleportation, illusion. that's it.

I thought the variations were wide but it turns out I'm also limited by this damn system.

I want to get a Beyonder soon, come on when will I get a beyonder so that my limitations can disappear.

Damn, damn, damn. Hopefully I can unlock the true dragon.

The day after tomorrow is my best day.