Incorrect implementation

My schedule was empty for four days.

So I was idle in the teacher's room, I saw some teachers teaching but they had the wrong technique.

I don't know why I felt that way.

It's like teaching a fish how to climb a tree.

Energy implementation also varies here. chakra, reiatsu, mana, and others.

It's really inefficient, because of the different implementations.

I just laughed at my confused student.

I relaxed in the cafeteria to enjoy my delicious meal.

Of course those damn students came because they smelled my food.

"Mr. Sur, help us" Shiryu pleaded with me and also took my portion of food.

"Right Mr. Sur, please call Kamazhu for me" Issei you're such a pervert.

"You guys can wait for tomorrow, I'm resting" I was about to continue my meal but everything disappeared into their stomach.

"Promise, Mr. Sur" Usagi was happy after drinking my avocado juice.

"Okay, when my schedule is available, you're all free. I don't want you to be late or anything. Including you Gabriel, I'll really take away your game if I catch you sleeping again." Gabriel was surprised to hear this, choking on my pastel.

I then fed them another big meal then I folded my arms and watched them.

'I'm like their uncle, how tiresome'

As they left to continue their next lesson, I sighed as I had once again become their free restaurant.

"Mr. Sur, what's wrong?" Mrs. Kikyo came over to eat with me, but unfortunately I had already eaten.

"Taking care of the spoiled children" Mrs. Kikyo laughed and continued eating, we were silent for 5 minutes. our aura was very awkward, I just wanted to imagine how to teach them about energy matters.

"Sur" I kept thinking what? how? until I saw Kikyo's breasts, that's right, breasts.

"Mr. Sur" I came to my senses and saw Mrs. Kikyo's eyes, I smiled.

"Thank you for your help, it seems I got enlightened, thank you Ms. Kikyo" I went to the teacher's room leaving Ms. Kikyo behind.

I wrote a note on how to implement it, balloon or bottle.

The analogy of using energy, with the concept of a medium.

Well, I understand a bit about the implementation, with the balloon.

Inspired by Ms. Kikyo's sizable breasts, I finally understood the correct use of energy.

With breasts everything can be solved.





I saw my students waiting in the courtyard.

They were very excited, for some reason.

"What's this?" They were swarming like ants, damn it.

"Teach us about magic power" Yukina begged me.

"Teach us a variation of magic." Sure Asia, sure.

I took distance and created all the energy in the universe, turning it into a ball around myself.

"This is the energy of each of you" I separated some of my students to adjust their energy usage.

then how to manipulate it, and what happens if the energy is stored too much.

"Implement this balloon is your body" I took the balloon and filled it with energy.

"If I overfill this energy" I fill the energy inside the balloon until it bursts, I return the balloon to its original state and fill it with energy again.

"If I want to manipulate with the energy in this balloon" I make this balloon big and shoot energy equivalent to half this balloon. the destruction power is good enough for me.

"What you put out will be equal to what you keep in, so you have to think about how much you need to put out, if it's too much" I filled the energy inside the balloon and then released all the energy. the balloon was inflated and the students understood.

"Now let's turn this balloon into a jug. This jug is the energy capacity inside your body" I took the jug and filled it with energy.

"Now what happens if two opposite energies are in one jug" I gave the energy that collided with each other in the jug, the jug broke. I returned the jug to its original state.

"Now how to combine the energies so that they are compatible with each other, like this" I combined some special characteristics of the energies and merged them with other energies. They merged in a jug again, and of course the jug did not break.

"This is how it's implemented, each energy has a special feature in it, it's just how you combine it and make it compatible with you, Akame throws your murasama" Akame gave me her murasama, I stabbed my heart and the poison spread through my body.

I controlled this poison to give me strength, a high level of adrenaline rush. so my human strength increased even more.

"If the poison in this sword makes your nerves die, but there is one thing that keeps you alive, hormones and willpower. if your hormone and adrenaline is big enough, and your willpower is strong enough, then it will be like this" I returned the murasama to Akame and demonstrated the power I gained from this poison.

Good speed, decent strength, and adequate reflexes, after I finished neutralizing the poison, I looked back at them.

"It all depends on how you implement it, like this it works too, Bankai" I used bankai and released a great spiritual pressure equivalent to vasto lorde, then took a small twig, I poured all my spiritual energy into this twig.

Then it slashed at the sky, the clouds split into two, then the twig crumbled like dust.

"This is an example of what happens if too much energy is stored and released, your body will vanish like dust" I then walked back to them and sat down.

"Watch this" I gathered demonic energy inside my body, then slowly by slowly my body turned into a terrifying demon. I roared loudly and released enough energy to make the weather change.

"This is what happens when the energy you control gets out of control" I spoke in my demonic voice, I forgot that some of the students here were afraid of seeing my form, more like trembling.

I neutralized my energy and returned to human form, my clothes were damaged again damn it.

I manipulated the energy again into a white gold suit like an angel, I then stood up.

"This is also the harnessing of energy into armor or your needs, you just need to imagine it, like this" I gave the imagination of a large spear, I gathered the energy I demonstrated and materialized a large spear, and created a large enough spear shape.

Then I manipulated the spear into a shield, wings, and an image of myself.

"Any other questions?" they asked more questions than I expected, I was overwhelmed. at least I gave them a point where they could use their powers.

At least they can be creative in combat or anything else, not stand still like a stone.

After I finished answering their questions, I called out to Rin and Lee.

"You are special students, I will teach you another technique, pay attention" I manipulated the energy in my body into an explosion, like the hachimon tonko technique but more fatal and dangerous.

"This is what happens if you try to forcefully control the energy, the energy inside your body will eat you, but I will change that" I calmed the energy inside my body, making it flow perfectly.

"Lee, center the Chakra in your feet, Rin, please feel the energy flowing around you" Lee demonstrated his Chakra control in his feet and Rin, I gave her 100 balls of energy from all the creatures of this universe, so she could feel the difference.

"Lee, try jumping from here to the sky" Lee jumped so high that the ground he stepped on shattered, I moved Lee back to the ground.

"You gave too much Chakra, just control it as needed" Lee admitted his mistake and apologized to me.

Rin finished adapting to all the energy I gave her, now their lesson is

"You humans have limits, Lee with his martial arts techniques, and Rin with her willpower. I want you to be able to improvise, adapt, and then transcend them. that is my message." After finishing giving them my knowledge, I gathered them back for one important thing

"Don't always rely on what you have, whether it's weapons, martial arts, or heritage. all of that has its limits, you just need to use everything around you like a weapon that even the most powerful enemies will be fooled by" They listened to me seriously, and I hoped that they could control their powers more diversely and full of definite advantages.

Because let's be honest, they're using the same powers, I'm even tired of seeing them. Honestly, I'm not lying.

The break came, of course they asked me to binge again, suck.

I satisfied them and tried some techniques that I wanted to try, namely energy merging.

And there was a big explosion here, I was excited because I didn't measure how much energy I had to put in the ball.

"What's wrong Mr. Sur?" Mr. Yamamoto approached me, I straightened my ruined clothes again.

"Just experimenting" He laughed and left me, Mrs. Unohana looked at me and smiled devilishly at me, oh shit, shit, shit, shit. I'm dead.

I smiled back at Mrs. Unohana. She went to follow Mr. Yamamoto. Fyuh, good thing the demon left.

I told the other teachers what happened here.

I was scolded by Tsunade and Kikyo, comforted by Genka's grandmother, encouraged by Guy and Nube.

I just rubbed my head which was dizzy because I seemed to have gone overboard.

"Learning is over, I want to sleep" I teleport to the health room and sleep on the mattress in this room, I spread illusion magic in this room so that I won't be disturbed.

And unfortunately I was disturbed by Ms. Chibi,

"Mr. Sur, explain to me how you can have crystal energy" Ms. Chibi's cute and adorable voice disturbed my sleep.

"Listen here, you twinkling little lady. I'm tired, if you want to ask questions, just ask my students, I'm sleepy" I went back to sleep, using my illusion magic to make Chibi's voice like a cozy sleep song.

Keep talking Chibi, the more melodious your voice is to make me sleep. And I really fell asleep.




I woke up and unfortunately I slept too late, because the school was closed, I was locked in here, I saw the nurse's desk.

'If you wake up late, enjoy your stay here. Signed Tsunade'

Alright let's take a tour of this spooky school.

I walk corridor by corridor, I know there are spiritual beings here, but somehow they are afraid of me.

I used angelic energy to invite them, and of course they came to me, playing and singing.

I play and sing with them here, enjoying the company of the yokai and other spiritual beings. I don't care about their faces and shapes, as long as they are comfortable with me.

Because I know, we all live side by side but there is a law that makes us unable to be together which is race. You can't possibly do your nature with spiritual beings, you will be considered strange.

But I don't mind as long as you don't impose your opinions or fetishes on others, as long as you respect me, I respect you too.

I continued playing and having fun with the creatures here, until I got tired and slept on the field bench.



"Mr. Sur wake up" I growled and went back to sleep.

"Mr. Sur" I opened my eyes to see Satania proudly buying me a sandwich, I accepted it and went back to sleep.

"Mr. Sur, get up, the lesson is about to start" You want to trick me, it's still 6 am, why did you come so early.

"Go about your business, Satania. A Demon Queen doesn't need to wake up a commoner like me" Satania proudly announced what I called her, this will definitely be exciting because Satania and Minky will argue about this.

She left me, I smiled and got hit on the head with a broom by Ms. Kikyo.

"Wake up, school is a place to study, not a hotel" bruh, if this is a hotel then you are my servant in bed.

"Yes, yes" I got up and got up from the bench, yawning heavily and rubbing my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I saw Ms. Kikyo covering her ears and getting scared. I wondered what was going on.

"You roared like a dragon just now, the whole energy and nature seemed to be afraid of you." HA? What do you mean? Nonsense, it seems like she didn't have enough breakfast.

"I see, well I have to take a shower, it seems like I didn't get enough exercise today" I went to the teacher's room and took a shower.

For some reason my whole body is very refreshed, like the whole essence of this water is cleansing my body and soul. After finishing I went out and got dressed again, but I changed it a bit like an eastern fantasy outfit, because I was lazy.

I rested again at my desk and leaned back in my chair.

I then heard the bell ring and opened my eyes.

I was glared at by Kikyo, Chibi, and Nube.

"Is there a problem?" They looked at me as if I was sexually harassing them here.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Because I'm lazy Kikyo.

"Your outfit is so simple" Shut up Chibi, your outfit is simple but your colors are too flashy.

"Cool" Thank you Nube. I gave him a male greeting.

I went for a walk here because my schedule is free again. What's wrong with enjoying a stroll in the corridor.

I'm an interesting spectacle for the other students, and the teacher too. I don't know why it's like that, even though my face is so ordinary in this fanfic, Mr. Tamamo is more handsome than me, even Kakashi is more handsome than Tamamo.

I arrived at the courtyard, seeing those damn students being trained by Guy, I laughed at the suffering of Gabriel who was so exhausted running 200 laps.

I gave her the illusion that she would get home if she sped up, but every time she blinked, she was back where she started.

And so a new record was set, 200 laps in 3 minutes, Gabriel.

I dispelled my illusion, and clapped my hands proudly.

"Mr. Sur" Gabriel shouted my name and I walked away from those damn students.

After teasing Gabriel, I went to the pond where the spiritual mermaid lived and sang with her.

For some reason I like singing with her, and she is also comfortable singing with me. We sing from love songs to sad songs. we sing together without caring about our surroundings.

"Your voice is very good" I stopped my singing, the Mermaid then went to dive into the pool, I looked at Chibi in disbelief.

"Thank you for praising me and thank you for making my partner run away" I then threw a crystal stone into the pond then looked at Ms. Chibi.

"What do you want Ms. Chibi?" I adjusted my seat and then created a cake for me and her.

"I want to know, how do you create crystals" I made thousands of crystals with different properties and threw them on Ms. Chibi's petite body.

"I want power crystals, trililing trililing, pop, that's it. And take all those crystals, study them and absorb all the energy there, maybe you can change your form a little more 'ideal'" I gave her an extra cake and quickly left here, before Ms. Chibi got angry.

Of course it wasn't Ms. Chibi who was angry, it was Tsunade because of Chibi's story. damn it, I was scolded by Tsunade in the teacher's room. and worse, I had to be seen by various teachers and the principal.

I had to stop playing this time, I apologized and tried to be mature again. I forgot what uncle ben said, from great power comes great responsibility.

I'm now back early because I got a dispensation for my behavior at school.

I arrived home to see my status window.

>[Innate Ability: 3D]<

>[Status changed Locked to Temporary]<

>[Available Ability:

The Beyonder (Locked)

God Doom (Temporary)

True Satan (Temporary)

True Angel (Temporary)

True Dragon (Temporary)

Primordial Being (Locked)

God Armor (Locked)

God Of War (Temporary)

Cursed Holy Blade (Locked)

Holy Accursed Blade (Locked)]<

>[True Dragon: I am not an animal that obeys the laws of nature]<

>[God Of War: imagine yourself needing a weapon to fight.]<

[(Temporary)Can only be used at school]

Pretty good, I got two powers, now I'm starting to feel strong, I hope it will be even better in the future, I'm confused about this plot, what is the purpose of me helping them, really but I have to be responsible for my work, even though it's boring, what else can I do.

I want the power of my beyonder, I must be willing to do hard labor, hopefully you will be paid by my invaders after this.