Accidentally created the spirit queen

Unohana and I danced in this space.

I stabbed and slashed at unohana, and unohana is now not aggressive but defensive.

This is very interesting, I'm really impressed with her ingenuity this time.

I'm now changing my fighting style.

i.e. taking a little distance.

"Why are you retreating? Are you afraid of losing, Sur?" Unohana played her sword as if waiting for me. don't play your sword like that, just play with my dick.

"I'm not retreating, I have absolutely no desire to attack you if you restrain yourself" I stuck my spear and leaned back.

"Oh then, Bankai" Hm good, I see your bankai first.

Like bleach, a thick red-black liquid came out of unohana's body, and enveloped her sword.

Why isn't the sword upgrading? What's wrong? I briefly asked.

"Has anything changed with your zanpakuto?" Unohana smiled and started slashing at me, I blocked her with a royal guard. One Hand Royal Guard.

"There is, now my sword can make anyone bleed profusely and obliterate everything it touches." Is that it? Damn, you never took my lessons back then.

I blocked Unohana's attack, without the need for my spear.

"Tsk, that's it? You're weak after gaining the power I freely gave you" Unohana stopped attacking me and took distance. she took out her reaitsu which was the same as aizen.

"In that case, here" Now she used all her abilities.

Kido, and what is this? She imitated my Iaijutsu.

And unfortunately she can't be as beautiful and skillful as me.

"Copycat, you crazy woman" I was still blocking her attacks, and to be honest I was a copycat too.

"I did my best to give you the pleasure of fighting with your sword style" Fighting on the bed is something that gives me pleasure, Unohana.

"I rate you, 4/10" I blocked her attack again, and I really wanted to continue this but somehow my soul felt like teaching unohana a new breakthrough that even she herself would give her virginity to me.

Oh my god, that's a great idea.

I immediately grabbed Unohana's head and threw her out of this division building.

Unohana's body was thrown so far that it hit the division's dividing wall, all the division members and lieutenants panicked seeing their captain injured.

They immediately protected the unohana, even though I knew they were weaker than the unohana.

"My Lord, forgive me if I'm going to commit a sin. Forgive me if I will be a little cruel to the old lady" I prayed sitting down, as well as gripping my spear in front of me and standing it up.

A light, descended on my spear as if I was forgiven.

I thank my God for being merciful and forgiving to his servants.

I get up and walk, this time I let out a reiatsu greater than Spirit King's, every step I take, the reiatsu within me will increase.

I don't care about the destruction of this dimension, it's lucky if Ywach can include me in the list of dangerous variables.

My footsteps made several lieutenants and members of the Unohana division tremble. Everyone in the soul society realized this and rushed to the Unohana division.

I got off the division's building, and walked towards the division's group, but now all the shinigami here wanted to protect Unohana.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down. I'm not going to kill anyone" I took off my reiatsu, and started sitting on the plastic chair like an over-motivated person.

"Relax, I'm just testing the power of this spear and the results are beyond my calculations, ahahahahah" I tried to calm this tense atmosphere.

"Liar, you almost killed us"

"Captain Unohana was injured by your attack"

"You monster"

I let out a big sigh and transformed into an angel, restoring the law of balance in this dimension after what I did.

I looked at everyone who was amazed by my angelic form.

"Is this a monster to you?" I then played with some of the spirits here like a good father.

"Are you an angel?" I moved my fingers left and right.

"No, I'm human" I made all the zanpakutou of these shinigami.

"Why you?" I made all the zanpakutou I imitated take on their true forms.

"I analyzed, what needs to be improved in the zanpakutou of all of you, but there seems to be nothing, so what remains is you" All the zanpakutou I created paid me respect by bowing to me.

I ordered them to raise their bodies.

and I returned them to the void.

"I apologize for the mess here, please resume your duties" I gave them a gift, food of course.

They smelled the food so delicious.

And they left, leaving us all behind.

After they left, I then changed this place back to the way it was before.

I then created a zone around this division.

"Now, no one will bother us anymore. I want you to remove yourselves from your captain or I will remove yourselves from your captain" They remained stubborn and I smiled cruelly.

"Sur, Leave them, this is my fight with you. You guys watch how your captain beats this guy" Everyone moved to the edge, I gave them cover in case this fight got out of hand.

"How many times do you want to die?" Unohana smirked at this and readied her stance.

"That's my business after I defeat you." Oh well, then. I took my spear.

set up my stance and stab at Unohana at the speed of sound.

The sound of my spear streaking like lightning, broke unohana's zanpakutou and pierced her chest.

Unohana coughed up blood and looked at her shattered zanpakutou and chest.

On the tip of my spear that I straightened with my hand, dripping blood.

"First death" Unohana collapsed and everyone panicked and shouted.

"Captain" I stopped their movements with the law of time.

"Spectators must not interfere" I revived Unohana and returned her destroyed Zanpakutou.

"You've been holding back?" Ping Pong. I still refrained from eliminating you.

"Guess who's the only woman capable of making me like this" I mocked how weak Unohana was who couldn't even cause me a major injury, by pointing at my severed right hand.

Unohana now attacked me with her full strength again, but as soon as she could attack, I stabbed my spear back into her heart, obliterating her left hand.

Unohana fell again, everyone who saw this panicked again, but fortunately the law of time was still in effect so they could only watch but could not speak or act.

"Second death" I revived unohana and she immediately attacked me, I slashed unohana's hand and neck.

Unohana who saw me from her severed head couldn't believe it.

"Third death" I revive her again, she now takes distance and prepares her bankai.

"Tsk, boring technique" I stabbed Unohana in the head, her body collapsed again.

"Fourth death" I resurrected her again and this time Unohana attacked me from a distance, I casually threw my spear beyond the speed of light, making half of Unohana's body shattered leaving only her lower body.

"Fifth death" I kept repeating all this.

Slash, stab, throw, all I repeated until the point where unohana ran out of options to survive, as if what she was doing was futile.

Everyone in the division could not bear to see their captain being killed so many times in front of them, they could not help their desperate captain.

"The one thousand two hundred and seventy sixth death" I spun my spear like a fan, seeing unohana sitting there as she released her zanpakuto this time.

She was crying because she knew I was playing her from the start. And she was just dancing on my hand. Like an innocent girl running away from reality.

I went over to unohana and wiped her tears, she looked at me and I kissed her on the lips.

After finishing kissing her I took her zanpakuto and took some distance.

"I feel sorry for you, I'm sorry about this. and thank you for being the second person to die on this spear" Unohana was shocked, she didn't know that she was the second person to die on that spear.

"I won, I told you, my victory has been decided since I kissed you. And you're still stubborn about it" I played with the zanpakuto like a tree branch.

"I'm not a cheap woman, who you can play with" Bruh, you're a mommy. How could I play with you over such a trivial thing.

If I wasn't sincere in kissing you, I could have fucked you right now in front of your men.

"I respect you putting aside your dark past, with your strong maternal aura, you will definitely be a good mother. look at your men who worry about you when you die many times" Unohana looked at her men who were crying and nodding because of my words.

Unohana was getting sadder because this was the reality she had to accept. Putting aside her excessive bloodlust.

I let Unohana and her division give each other warmth, while I confiscated Unohana's zanpakutou for now.

>[Requirements Fulfilled]<

>[Primordial Being enhanced]<

>[Power list:

Absolute Chaos

True Time

Absolute Creation

Absolute Light

Absolute Darkness]

>[Enhancement requirements:

True Time (Meet All Primordial Beings in this universe)]<

Wow, unexpectedly I finished off unohana even made me prosperous. then I analyzed the zanpakuto.

Tsk, from unohana's information it turns out that this zanpakutou is only limited to that.

Obliterate everything it touches? Ahahahahah I laughed in my mind, obliterate how? This sword can't even withstand my spear which I don't even need to add any power to, just an ordinary spear.

Which by description obliterates everything it touches, even though my spear touched it first and boom. My spear was intact and pierced through unohana's body.

Really, I only used the power of God of War, without my other 8 powers.

Pure raw power, like Zaraki but more efficient.

So it's not an improvement but a limitation again.

Another waste of investment, I'm so proud of Chibi this time.

There are already two people who disappointed me.

But this time I forgive because, I have to suckle on that breast.

I have priorities, even if she is disappointing, as long as she takes off that robe and offers her two big breasts. all your sins have been forgiven.

"Sur" I looked at unohana who finished whining to her division.

"What? You want to fight again? I told you, it's futile" I was kissed by unohana, a surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

I enjoyed this kiss.

And unohana released the kiss, then left.

Oy, again, why isn't there a scene where we french kiss.

Ah shit, I missed my golden opportunity.

but there's something odd, Unohana's reiatsu increased 3x stronger than Spirit king.

what the fuck ??????? Can my kiss make people strong ???? Oh shit galaxia will definitely be much stronger.

I unintentionally ruined the balance of this realm, more precisely this dimension.

by creating a new spirit queen, which makes even the spirit king, Ywach and aizen like newborns.

I had to seal her away, I chased after Unohana who had now entered her division. After storing her zanpakutou, I arrived where she was.

"Unohana, wait" I see Unohana naked and this is the second time I see her naked again, big boobs and ass, elegant body like a milf. white skin and loose hair.

Oh my god, thank you for the gift.


That loud sound once again.





I sealed her power when she slapped me, she can open it in 3 ways.

1. Double cultivation

2. Taking back the zanpakuto.

3. Apologize to me.

Why should she apologize, it seems that she can't accept me seeing her naked body as if it tarnishes her chastity.

Bruh, when you and I fought in the white dimension we were both naked back then.

That senile woman, she's even more senile than Kikyo.

And I was the one who created a new body for you that could contain the power that broke the balance of this dimension.

You should be grateful you unlucky woman.

"I'm leaving, enjoy your time here. I'm returning this, I'm now angry that you let me down. I thought you'd improve after this, but it turns out you're just that, annoying. bye mommy milkies" I put down the zanpakuto and left in my dragon form.

I was lazy to use an angel because some members of this division wanted to analyze my wings, in reality they just wanted to stroke and hug my soft wings.

Unohana picked up her zanpakutou and at that moment, unohana's reiatsu exploded greatly.

Unohana felt that this reiatsu could surpass Captain Yamamoto, she tried to suppress this reiatsu and slowly but surely she succeeded.

"Captain, what's wrong with that reiatsu" The members asked Unohana.

Unohana was at a loss as to what to answer, as this was the first time she had gotten a reiatsu of this magnitude after the battle with Aizen.

"I don't know either, I want you guys to keep this a secret" All the members nodded and Unohana thought.

'Even though you seem annoying you do care about me'

Unohana giggled and looked at the front gate of her division. where I went.

Unexpectedly the spear that I used to kill Unohana appeared in front of her.

The spear gave off an aura and made an inscription.

'I still haven't taken my gift, if you refuse it, then all the creatures in this universe can't help you. Signed by your Rival, oh sorry, the Rival who has surpassed you, oh sorry again, the Rival who has succeeded in deceiving you'

The spear flew back out of the division and shot at the speed of light back to its dimension.

Unohana giggled and touched her large chest.

"Sur, of course I'll look forward to that" Unohana smiled and meditated to adapt to her new reiatsu.


I arrived at Kikyo's shrine and immediately slept in her shrine, I knew Kikyo slept in the next shrine over from the core shrine.

And I slept in the core shrine under this statue of the god Susanoo.

"I know you exist, please keep me under your protection. I don't want any more ants to disturb my sleep" I looked at the statue and began to close my eyes.

I let my body rest, and created an illusion around my body as if I was a huge white tiger yokai with unlimited power protecting this shrine.

Meanwhile, my spirit was walking around happily.

Astral walk, I can do it now with absolute creation.

My body, my mind, my soul cannot be destroyed with primordial creation.

With the power of the dragon, my soul can neither be harmed nor obliterated.

With the power of the beyonder, my soul can now break through the boundaries of the soul.

in the sense that I can just interact with people with my soul without the body.


Now let's do something that makes people hate.

Voyeurism with prank on another level.