Two Opposide Force

I tried some powers.

And sure, the soul limitation I mentioned earlier can be done.

With what? I tried taking a piss with my soul. Really, I'm not lying.

I can pee comfortably.

I made sure my body didn't pee with me. Yep, safe.

I learned that the essence of absolute creation is existence.

Existence includes Body, Soul, Mind.

As long as those 3 basics exist in an existence, I can create it.

With the power of the dragon that rejects the law, I can pee with my spirit.

With the power of the beyonder, maybe I can get horny. Let's try it.

Yep, I can and what's more, I can touch my spirit as if it were my own body.

I can masturbate with my spirit without anyone knowing, muahahaahah. oopss I forgot my god can see everything. but that's okay, as long as I ask for forgiveness and don't go overboard with my powers, everything will be fine.

Now that I've gone next door, I can penetrate and see Kikyo who is fast asleep.

I put my face close to her ear.

"kikyo" I whispered her name and kikyo growled, turning her body towards me.

"Sur, be quiet. I'm tired" I laughed, and she could hear my whisper.

"Kikyo, your shirt is slightly open" Kikyo adjusted her shirt, and continued to sleep.

Wait a minute, this should be impossible, Kikyo is still asleep even though she can straighten her clothes.

Can my soul command other souls, and their bodies have no effect.

holy shit thats some nice power.

So I can command someone's soul even if their body refuses, muahahahhahaha. I'll use this power on Galaxia later.

How about Chaos? I'll try it later.

I'll try the mind now, Physic power. I'm trying to read Kikyo's mind.

Is she dreaming? Nope, just an empty dimension.

She's really sleeping. Okay now the second target.

I teleport to the heavenly realm, looking for Zaphkiel, she' s there, eating with her family.

I see Gabriel, Zaphkiel, their little sister, just like in the anime. The only thing that amazes me is the parents.

Gabriel's father is very handsome, and holy moly. Gabriel's mom is like a very, how to describe it, Perfect Milf Body and Appearance.

She has a very gentle demeanor, like Unohana. It's a perfect family but with strange children.

Gabriel who is lazy, Zaphkiel who is strict, and his younger sister who is still undetermined.

When they finished eating, I followed Zaphkiel to her room.

Her room was very normal, like a typical girl's room.

When Zaphkiel sat down at her desk to write a diary.

I looked at the contents, I held back my laughter. her writing was a mess, she was writing new notes, writing reports about her sister and me.

She left her desk, like she was going to take a shower. As she left I peeked at her diary.

I whistled, it seems that after I embarrassed her, she holds an excessive grudge against me. because after sorting out all the contents of this diary. I found 3 sentences that she always wrote.

"I will punish you Sur"

"I'm not his dog Sur, I'm the strongest angel in the angel faction"

"I don't care if you are a child of God, I will punish you with my own hands."

For the last one is the sentence that is always written at the end of each diary

When she returned from the bathroom, she saw her diary open and looked at the contents in surprise.

"Did I close this book?" Zaphkiel was confused and I put myself close to her ear.

"Your writing is terrible, my dog" Zaphkiel immediately unleashed her divine powers and searched for me around her room.

"Sur, show yourself, get out" I giggled at the sight of her searching for me, even though I was right next to her. What an op this power is.

"I'm here, look under your bed" Zaphkiel bent down and looked for me under her bed, I looked at Zaphkiel's ass and rated it. 8/10. now the tenderness test. I slap Zaphkiel's ass. she squealed cutely.

"Who did that? Sur, get out!" Zaphkiel yells at me, I admit, her ass is very soft.

"Zaphkiel, don't yell. You're disturbing people here" Zaphkiel's mother knocked on her door and Zaphkiel apologized to his mother.

"That's right Zaphkiel, my dog. Don't yell. You're disturbing people here" Zaphkiel got angrier and looked around her room.

"Sur, I know you're here, get out" Zaphkiel yelled back and I shook my head.

"Zaphkiel, this is the last warning before I punish you" Now it was Zaphkiel's father who was scolding her behind her door. I held back my laughter here. Zaphkiel's face was red because this was the first time she was scolded by her own father.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm tired maybe. I'm sorry" Zaphkiel took a drink and drank, I popped my head in front of her.

"Hello" Zaphkiel spit out her drink and I lost myself again.

"Damn it, watch out you Sur" Uuuuuuuuu, this is the first time I've heard an angel curse me. be a fallen angel so I can make you a good dog. she coughs and coughs until I cure her.

Zaphkiel started sleeping and turned over. I got under the covers and faced her.

"Hug me Zaphkiel" Zaphkiel's body immediately hugged me, I laughed because I just ordered her soul, and she immediately hugged me.

"Good dogs hug their masters" Zaphkiel immediately got up and looked at me who was hugged by her.

"I didn't know you didn't want to lose me, you're such a good dog" When she wanted to scream, I covered her mouth with my hand.

"You don't want your father to get angry do you, calm down" I remove myself and sit on her desk.

"How are you?" Zaphkiel was confused by me being here, I made myself disappear again and sat next to her.

"It's just my soul, my body is now dead because of your curse. This time I'm haunting you" I used a very good excuse to make her regret it.

"Ahahahahaha, you deserve it, now I'm satisfied" Zaphkiel laughed and I laughed along with her.

"I have to haunt you for the rest of your life, booooo, boooo" I twirled my body around Zaphkiel through her bed, I kept saying her name.

Zaphkiel covered her ears and started to sleep.

"I saw you naked and what a beautiful sight" Zaphkiel woke up again and wanted to scream.

"Su" I stopped her in time.

"I'm not satisfied yet, let me see more" I approached the buttons of her nightgown, and looked at her face. I then penetrated my hand to her body.

"Ahahhahaha, you were fooled, but you were hoping weren't you?" Zaphkiel just looked at me, I dissipated my power and Zaphkiel immediately hit me, unfortunately her attack went through.

Zaphkiel kept hitting me like she wouldn't be satisfied until I got hit. I then walked towards her door and opened it.

I used her voice.

"Dad, I peed my pants" I smiled then looked at Zaphkiel and left.

"Sur!" Zaphkiel shouted my name, I went back to my body, it was already morning.

My tiger body seemed to be still in a deep sleep, my soul entered my body.

I walked out of the shrine and stretched my body. suddenly my body was attacked by arrows.

"Yokai, get out of this shrine" Oh shit I forgot to take off my illusion.

I remove my illusion and stretch my body.

"You really don't love me after all" Kikyo returned her bow and hugged me.

"Welcome back" I accepted her hug, and I whispered her the news.

"I love you too Kikyo" We hugged here until we were satisfied,

"Do you want to eat?" This is the first time you asked me to eat, I went to the other shrine, I also didn't want to be a disrespectful man, I cleaned and tidied up all the shrines like when they were originally built.

When Kikyo finished cooking, I went in and started eating with her.

The taste was appropriate, but somehow a little salty. hmm what is this sign?

"A little salty, are you adding tears of joy here because you can cook for your lover" Kikyo giggled and nodded.

I ate this food with relish, a virgin girl's tears of happiness.

I looked at Kikyo who was eating, I tried the creation property that is thought.

He finally ate my food, even though it wasn't as good as his.

Owh okay, let's try this.

"Your food is good Kikyo, you might be able to learn as time goes by, you are indeed fit to be a wife" Kikyo smiled and went back to eating, I then read her thoughts

'I don't know what to reply, he seemed honest in saying that'

"I'm being honest, you're fit to be a wife by behaving like this" Kikyo looked at me in disbelief.

"Can he read my mind?

"What's wrong? You look surprised" I finished my meal and looked at her.

"Nothing, I'm just feeling yokai energy" Nonsense, I'm listening to your mind talking.

'Thankfully, he can' t read my mind. I just want to be by his side, as proof of my gratitude and love for him'

"Why not just get married? You don't want me by your side all the time" Kikyo was now glaring at me, I seemed to know how my god heard my thoughts.

"You read my mind?" I shook my head, I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with my new power.

"I can read your expression and behavior right now, you're confused about what you can give me in return, just marrying me or being by my side is enough" Kikyo immediately came over to me and hugged me.

I accepted her hug and stroked her back.

"Sur, Sur" She said my name and cried as I stroked her head. She wiped her tears on my shirt, oy, I just cleaned this shirt.

She released her hug and straightened her miko clothes, I made a ring with additional power.

Creation, Body, Unlimited Stamina.

Creation, Body, Adaptable Body.

Absolute Light, Holy Light, Light Speed.

Absolute Light, Holy Bless, Purity

Why did I choose that power, with light speed balanced with endless stamina, Kikyo can shoot her bow without fear of exhaustion,

With the adaptation of her body, she can now be strong.

Coupled with Purity, Kikyo will be difficult to be possessed by the forces of evil or Chaos.

Holy Maiden If you ask me, whats her title is.

Now Kikyo can be as strong as her sister, ufufufu. That's good.

"Here, a ring from me to you. Will you be my wife?" I proposed to Kikyo with my left hand, really I was still stubborn not to grow it.

Kikyo was moved and nodded, I created my right hand with stardust, and put on this ring.

Kikyo and I then kissed, this was a kiss of pure love not vengeance or anything else.

We broke our kiss and embraced.

"Kikyo, can I ask you a favor" I hugged Kikyo and stroked her back again.

"Yes, Sur" Kikyo hugged me tighter.

"I need you to help me with something" I led Kikyo outside the shrine.

"Can you dance the Kagura dance?" Kikyo nodded, thank goodness.

Kikyo prepared everything and I created a zone around the shrine.

"What do you want to do with this?" Kikyo was ready and I started to stand up straight.

"Start dancing when I give the signal, whatever you see and hear, don't stop your dance. And one more thing. Do you remember when I turned into a demon?" Kikyo nodded and I prepared.

"I will become Satan. and you must exorcise all the evil inside me, if you stop for even one second. say goodbye to me" Kikyo threw away all her ritual tools and begged me not to do it, come on. I just want to try the power of Absolute darkness. I know you're worried I'll get out of control. as long as you keep dancing I'll be fine.

"No, no, no, no, I don't want to" I kissed Kikyo, and released her.

"Trust me, you're the one I trust right now" Kikyo was still hesitant, but I gave her a 'Trust Me' look.

Finally Kikyo agreed, I honestly deceived her again. Even though I could have gone beyond that boundary, I was just experimenting if Chaos, Darkness, Creation inside me. And with the power of Light from Kikyo and Purity from her.

I combined them into a single entity, what it will look like, I don't know.

"Let's start" Kikyo started dancing, I did the merging. Absolute Darkness, Absolute Chaos, Absolute Creation. All the forces of Evil and the Damned. I gathered all that energy in my body.

"aaaauuuggghhhhhhhh" I growled, it started to react.

"Sur" Kikyo yelled, I shook my head.

"Continue your dance arrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh" All the energy I mentioned earlier is gathering.

In all dimensions, in all universes, and in the dimension I created.

"Sur" Galaxia felt all the negative energy in the dimension she lived in being sucked away and left here, Trihexa growled in his sleep like he was afraid of something.

In the divine realm, there were many violent shocks like there was going to be an apocalypse, destruction was coming in the divine realm.

"Sur, what are you doing? " Cosmos saw all the energy of Chaos and evil moving to one place. Cosmos knew that he was the one who did this.

"Captain, why did all the Hollow energy disappear?" Unohana saw the sky with a lot of hollow energy sucked in.

"This is beyond the laws of nature" Unohana gripped her zanpakuto tightly.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I screamed loudly, it was like I ate stale raw food for 7 years.

"Sur, stop this" Kikyo continued to dance, and didn't stop her movements.

"Continue...." I absorbed the power of Kikyo's Light and my body was enveloped in a dark ball.

The zone I created was instantly destroyed, Kikyo continued to dance and pray for my safety.

"Sur, Sur, Sur" Kikyo called my name. I was still enveloped in total darkness.

Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh nice, I broke my ball. My Demon body came out and Roared.

My roar could be heard across dimensions and realms,

My body was red and black, my height was almost equal to 12 mountains.

I used my creation power to beautify my form,

and tada. The form of True Satan was formed.

With three spheres with the essence of Chaos, Darkness, Creation within one sphere, this power is complete.

All beings feel terror as the Chaos within me spreads and absorbs all the Chaos that roam freely in the various multiverses, and my power increases with the presence of Void or Darkness in this world.

I turned my body around, and saw Kikyo still dancing, she was shaking violently but she was still dancing, it seems the ring's power is active, thank goodness.

As long as Purity is active, Chaos is just a fart in front of Kikyo. I gave her a chef kiss for my creation.

"Kikyo" My voice was so scary, Kikyo immediately sat down, My huge body is the terror of this town. Oops. I have to make it small.

I adjusted my size and looked at Kikyo.

"Tada, I still have consciousness" I behaved like the demon in the kamen raider Den-O, ridiculously.

Kikyo cried and hugged me, I wanted to touch her but I was afraid she would break if I did.

"You're sur aren't you?" Oooooooooohhhhhh yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh, Finally the question has changed.

"Yep, it's still the same old thing. This power is really dangerous. Please remind me not to use it if you're not by my side." Because you know, there's an essence of Chaos that's like Mikabussy, Madness. If Kikyo wasn't by my side, maybe everyone would go crazy.

The kryptonite for this form is kikyo, but honestly, it's fun to be in this form. You can feel chaos, panic, terror, fear, despair, sadness, misery. It becomes your strength and increases your power, to the point where I myself once said.

The true devil just stays out of the way, in the end you're the one laughing at the end. And this has been proven. I guarantee 100% Proof

I felt all the dark forces gathering inside me, and ridiculously, in the entire universe, including dimensions, the evil forces were empty.

I'm seriously not lying, all the evil power is inside me right now.

So the essence of Darkness is Evil. Ah yes, Final villain is me. But the question is, who is the hero.

Let's take a poll.

Cosmos or Zaphkiel.

No hero is suitable to fight me, because I'm too op, for those two girls. hmmmmmm I don't know.

"Kikyo, let me go. Im about to Morb" Kikyo let me go, I transformed into True Angel form. and restored balance to the universe.

After finishing with giving balance to my god's creation, I transformed into the one-handed sur.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful? "Kikyo who was mesmerized by my True Angel form fell silent, and looked at me.

"Sur, who are you?" Oh my god, this question again.

"Sur, your human, your husband, your lover, and your protector" I flicked her forehead, gently this time.

We went into the quarters and spent some time telling stories. Long stories.