The Explanation

Bai Liu understood why the driver would describe this mermaid being salvaged for the first time as beautiful and high-class.

The mermaid bones that were originally carved with finely carved mermaid statues are just like cheap tourist souvenirs made in shoddy way.

And Bai Liu was very fond of seemingly expensive items, he stepped forward and looked at the explanation beside the mermaid.

Siren, Siren Town, **** year **** month x night, a collective fishing activity caught the organisms. After verification by relevant agencies, it was determined that there were no artificial factors and it was a rare organism that grew naturally under purely natural conditions. Already in a corpse state, it was later sealed in a solidified liquid and kept in the central exhibition hall of the Siren Museum for visitors to visit

This thing should be a very awesome monster, Bai Liu thought.

When Bai Liu looked down at the explanation of this mermaid skeleton, the white bones of the mermaid's right hand flicked slightly in the cabinet.

Suddenly Bai Liu's chest shook like a coin mad, and countless bright red panels popped up suddenly, one after another, superimposed in front of Bai Liu like a system failure.

Siren Town Monster Book Refresh King Siren 24

Monster Name Siren King

Weaknesses for the time being, players are not required to explore the weaknesses of the monster

Unknown attack method, to be explored

You have triggered the wandering **** nc siren king

The survival rate of Siren Town's game dungeon is declining rapidly. Recalculating the Central Plains game clearance rate is 51, and it's currently down to

The warning warns that the nc is extremely dangerous, and there is no clear weakness. Once nc wants to kill, the player cannot use the weakness to escape. There is only a dead end. Please speed up the game cracking progress and quickly escape from Siren Town before the nc wakes up

It is estimated that the nc will wake up one day, please speed up the exploration progress

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows, he had encountered something extraordinary

Bai Liu calmly looked at the red warning text on the panel, and was still thinking about countermeasures, but didn't know that this warning had almost frightened a senior cloud player who accidentally passed by in front of the big screen in the central game hall.

Wang Shun is a veteran cloud player who has been squatting in front of the big screen in the central game hall for many years. Now he is squatting on the central screen, watching blankly next to the Bailiu TV.

Cloud players mean less time to end, watching other people play more time, watching other people play games can let Wang Shun get a lot of game-related information, so that he can play well in the official game, but he watched the game video for so long, this is the first time Seeing the god-level wandering nc on the central game screen, Wang Shun looked at the screen, and after repeated confirmation twice, he spoke in a trance.

"I'm not mistaken, this is the god-level wandering nc, right? Who is so unlucky to enter the god-level wandering nc copy"

In the entire system, there are thousands of horror games, which can be regarded as independent game copies. In each game, nc and monsters are different and fixed. It is like displaying different games on a game store. Interference does not affect. Players enter each copy of the game and play independently, and they will not flee and merge with each other.

But I don't know when, a strange wandering type nc appeared. This nc will randomly appear in every horror game copy. It will shuttle through the game unreasonably, attach to one of the monsters inside, and remove this monster from Ordinary monsters were transformed into god-level monsters with huge lethality, which made a lot of players complain. Every time they entered the game, they were trembling and afraid of triggering this god-level wandering nc.

However, the probability of triggering this nc is actually not high. Wang Shun has watched small TV for many years and has never seen anyone trigger this god-level wandering nc.

But it is also because this god-level wandering nc has a very powerful lethality. Usually, the entire team is instantly wiped out. The audience has no time to see, and the players are all dead. So there are many rumors about nc, but there is very little information. , For cloud players like Wang Shun, that's the top information

If you collect all the information, maybe you can sell points

Wang Shun was attentive in an instant. Today, he is going to squat in front of the little TV Bailiu.

But it's amazing that such a god-level nc Madden game video appeared at the very edge of the central screen. If it weren't for Wang Shun's habit of scanning the entire screen, he saw this small screen full of red warnings, and maybe missed it. .

"Is the system algorithm wrong?" Wang Shunshou muttered in front of the Bailiu screen, "Why shouldn't this kind of video be in such an edge position? This player performed very well, and the first page of the monster book must be collected. , And seeing that the wandering **** level nc is so calm and there is no negative game, this psychological quality is good enough."

While talking, he clicked on his game manager, inquired about the player information behind the little TV, Bai Liu, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Lying in a big trough, this is actually the first time a newcomer to play a game seriously?"

Does anyone see the central screen in the game forum? The new player who has just risen from the rookie area

1 The first game came up. Okay, let me take a bite. Will there be him for this year's standings?

2Dream, the new stars in this year's standings are all gods fighting, just ascended to the central screen, don't start wheat so early, you will be laughed at

3 It's impossible. This person must be cold. I'm watching his small TV. He was too lucky. He showed a god-level wandering nc. It is estimated that this game is the last game in his life. Silent for him

4 I can't believe it. He was very good in the rookie area before, why is it so bad, but he is really good, and he doesn't necessarily die.

5 Do people still don't know how to write nc and read nc as a bug? This nc has no weakness. Every time it appears, the player is basically destroyed. Because I can't run away, I feel that the game's balance has been destroyed. I feel that it is the system. Unable to solve the bug, a roaming nc name was created to fool the player

6 This newcomer is too unreasonable. Obviously, the strength is okay, but the luck is really bad. I won the difficult copy of Siren Town, not to mention, but I also encountered the roaming nc. The probability of clearance is basically 0ri

7 Harm, I was very optimistic about him before, I think he has the hope of hitting the highest score of Siren Town, because he has a really good idea

8 Siren Town's highest score is Mu Shen, right? I remember it was more than 1,300 points without charging. Mu Shen is now in the top ten of the new points list. This newcomer can't survive, and he has missed the level.

9 I also watch this newcomer here on this small TV. God-level nc is amazing. When I play, the central exhibition hall is an ordinary woman's bones, called the siren banshee. When the god-level nc comes, I will directly give it a plug. King Ren.

10What is this new player thinking about? Just commit suicide. It's meaningless. I must die. I will die miserably.

11 I don't know, the first time I play, who knows I'll meet nbucg

12 But as an nc, the face value of this product is a bit too high. Although I looked dizzy, I just remember that it looks good and I can't remember what it looks like. I think my goddess Xinxin among the top ten high face value players can't match This nc face is too much. Did the system increase the nc face value to full frame? This is also very buggy

13 It's a pity, this newcomer can also look good. If he doesn't die, he still has a chance to hit the top ten high-profile players.

14 Fart, his little white face looks like he can get in with a hammer. The top ten high-profile players first look at the operation, okay? He will be cold in this one

1 new person liked Bailiu TV, 416 people added Bailiu TV, no one charged Bailiu

Added 512 people who are watching Bailiu TV, but no one likes it. It's really weird. It's because the players are not behaving well. Can you please give me a like?

The number of new likes is too small, and the promotion of the player's Bailiu central screen edge is about to expire

Bai Liu didn't know anything about these discussions, but silently stared at the mermaid in the glass cabinet. This was undoubtedly the highest-level boss in the entire game, and it was the play that clearly told him that facing this boss, players have no way to take advantage of their weaknesses. Make an escape.

After waking up, he must die.

Although Bai Liu didn't like this feeling of being absolutely restrained, but even if the game said so, he really couldn't help the other party.

But Bai Liu thought, flipping the coin between his fingers with his fingers.

Before waking up, this mermaid might not be able to bring a trace of life to Bai Liu.

Bai Liu touched his chin, boldly trying to use King Siren to get some benefits for himself. If he said this idea, it is estimated that a crowd of people watching outside would be speechless to him, saying that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

But it's a pity that he doesn't know anything. Bai Liu usually treats King Siren as a monster that he can deal with at will. It's just advanced and difficult, but there is no player in the game. There is no way to boss, even if you watch The panel is terrible. The same is true for monsters. As long as there are no bugs in the game, then the game tells the player that this monster is too much for people to do, and it is probably one of the methods that designers have come up with to make the player appetite.

But Bai Liu didn't know it was. He encountered it because it was called the game bug.

They stayed in the museum until the night, and the driver drove to pick them up. The guards said goodbye to them with their old and declining voice, "It has been a long time since there has been such a large-scale mermaid fishing activity. After tonight, the Siren Museum can finally welcome them. Here comes the new mermaid sculpture."

He smiled with a kind of weird joy. He rolled his eyes without eyeballs and stared at Bai Liu "I wish you a nice evening.",,Please remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, website, free and fastest update No anti-theft, no anti-theft report chapter For book chat with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number