
The guardian stood quietly at the door, watching them go away. Behind them were countless faintly contoured sculptures. Slowly in the dark, the marble and expressionless faces came out, as if fish came out of the sea. Man stands still and has no pupils. At night, he can hardly be distinguished from the faintly moving sculptures behind him.

The main quest to explore the Siren Museum is rewarded with 50 points

The current points balance is 81, whether to buy props

81. Bai Liu touched his chin and asked if he had high-concentration alcohol

Open the shop, a bottle of 6, 9 points

6 Ah, there are so many in one bottle, which is too cheap.

A strong light flashlight costs 10 points, while 6 alcohol only costs 9 points. Last time, the three 3d projectors only cost 8 points, but Bai Liu remembers the last time he saw the flame torch, this consumable cost 20 points. integral

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the words behind the flaming torch and the 3D projector on the menu bar where the price of the commodity had changed.

Fireworks lowered the price to 17 points

3d projector returns to the original price, 6 points each

He had noticed that the prices of these two items had changed before.

Bai Liu thoughtfully, bright flashlights and fireworks are relatively common and effective items in horror games, and they seem to be more expensive.

But it seems that after he used certain items, the price of these items changed to some extent, and he knew that he was in a live broadcast system. Bai Liu guessed that the number of players who bought these items occurred during his game. Changes, which led to changes in the prices of items.

In other words, the price of these item points should not be directly linked to practicality, but linked to market demand, that is, expensive items may not be better to use.

This is different from Bai Liu's idea of ​​designing horror game props. He always uses the more expensive the props, but he didn't expect that the price of this game is actually set by the supply and demand market.

Bai Liu is completely relieved now, there is no need to specifically pursue high-priced items for customs clearance.

This can save him a lot of points.

Bai Liu is very generous and wants everything

Pack 9 bottles of high-concentration alcohol into the player's Bailiu shopping bag, welcome to visit next time

In front of the small TV, Wang Shun watched Bai Liu anxiously and patted his thigh. "Hey, why is this newcomer preparing to burn the sculptures with alcohol? Although these sculptures are light-sensitive, they are not afraid of fire, and they spent all their points at once. , Are you stupid?"

There are also players whispering nearby

"What's the matter with this newcomer, I bought alcohol for all 81 points. Is this man an alcoholic?"

"Fortunately, I still look forward to it. This newcomer is too fascinated to operate, do you play games with your eyes closed and feel?

"Why does he buy so much alcohol? Monsters are only afraid of weaknesses. Mermaid sculptures are light-sensitive but not afraid of fire, and the brightness of alcohol burning is not enough to drive back mermaid sculptures. Buying so much alcohol is useless."

"Take it for granted, thinking that mermaid sculptures are afraid of light and fire. Some newcomers have made this mistake before and used torches to burn them instead of illuminating the mermaid sculptures. As a result, when the torch was dark, the whole body would die.

"It's gone, I thought it was so awesome, but I still hit it by luck."

"The gold content of the central screen is getting lower and lower, and this kind of newcomer can be on it. The previous batch of Faun was really stunned."

Added 0 people like Bailiu TV, 2 new people added Bailiu TV, 766 people stepped on the player Bailiu TV, no one charged the player Bailiu

Added 1447 people watching Bailiu TV, more than half of them stepped on Bailiu TV, the player Bailiu won the title of misnomer, it is really bad to play, everyone hopes you die soon

Player Bailiu's promotion at the edge of the central screen expires

The total number of steps has risen too fast. Player Bailiu enters the screen of death comedy division. Use your funny death and game skills to please everyone.

Wang Shun watched the small screen on the edge of the central area flashed, and the Bailiu TV went dark. The players behind him were still laughing at the newcomer player who fell from the central screen area to the death comedy division. Only Wang Shun sighed. Pushing the glasses, thinking that he hadn't finished collecting the information of the god-level wandering nc, he hesitated, got up and went to the death comedy partition screen.

Night falls.

The driver drove the van on the darkened street. The street lights on both sides flashed on. There were fishermen dragging fishing nets and scimitars on the street, watching the van passing by their side with a dull look.

These are all fishermen who want to participate in mermaid fishing activities tonight.

Under the dark street lights of these people, the marble-like blue and black lines on their faces are densely interacting, and some mucus slips ticking off them, looking like a fish with a slippery layer after the scales have been shaved off. His skin was more terrifying than watching during the day, and his eyes glowed with dark green light in the dark.

The driver warned again, "These townspeople are very dangerous. They have had no income for a long time. You can watch the mermaid fishing on the designated boat later. Don't contact them. You look like foreigners and are easy to be caught. robbery."

While the driver was talking, he chewed the sandwiches in his hands. This man also ate sandwiches for dinner. The minced fish steak fell from his mouth. Bai Liu smelled the rancid fish smell that made him want to vomit, but in the car No one except him seemed to smell this smell. Andre even watched the driver's sandwich dinner and swallowed his mouth, and kept pressing his ear anxiously.

Lucy couldn't help but said, "This sandwich smells so good."

Andre was very irritable, "We starved to death with something for dinner" and he looked at the white willow behind him with a hateful look.

The group of them ate at the museum at night. Bai Liu ordered the cheapest vegetarian banquet and didn't want any fish. Not only Andrea got angry, but Lucy was taken aback, but Bai Liu paid the most for him, he said. If you don't want to eat fish, everyone has to stay with him.

Andre cursed, "Don't come out to play adult games if you can't afford it. Go back and eat your mother's vegetarian milk."

Bai Liu just smiled slightly, "I think so too, Andre wants to eat meat and order it himself."

He withdrew Andre's vegan package, and all the packages in the museum were so expensive that Andre couldn't afford it, but Bai Liu said that he would not give it to him.

Andre didn't dare to trouble Bai Liu. After all, Bai Liu had to pay him to check out the hotel at night. He didn't want to sleep on the street in this kind of town, but Jeff didn't care, so Jeff was robbed of everything by Andre. For the set meal, Andre hit a few punches, and kept shrinking in the corner, holding his belly silently.

Now smelling the sandwich, Jeff kept sliding his Adam's apple up and down, his eyes filled with depressed desire, and then he watched Andre's eyes flush with blood.

Jeff Bloody Conspiracy Sideline Progress 30

Bai Liu split his eyes and looked at Jeff with his head down.

Andre was very irritated by hunger and the smell of food. He couldn't help but squeezed his itchy ears. Bai Liu noticed that a piece of skin was suddenly opened and closed by him behind Andre's ear, and there were several arcs. The folds resembled the gills of a fish, but only for a moment, and soon the piece of skin came back snugly.

That piece of skin seemed to be alive, agitating slightly.

It was agitated slightly as if a fish closed its gills on the shore.

Bai Liu swept Andre with the coin.

nc name Andre is highly alienated

Andre's degree of alienation has increased after coming out of the museum

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Andre, did you touch those mermaid sculptures in the museum?"

"What if you touch it?" Andre turned his head and said wickedly, "Bai Liu, tonight we will see who should go home and drink milk"

At this moment, Andre roared in anger, his cheeks swelled and opened in the dim car, Bai Liu could clearly see the fins behind Andre's ears were shaking violently, and Andre's eyes also There appeared the gray-black lines like fish scales, the pupils in his eyes narrowed again, a subtle fishy odor exuded from his body, and the sweat became like mucus sliding on his bare skin.

The driver suddenly whispered, "Hey, boys, don't fight in our car"

Andre retracted the gills in an instant, but his eyes still fell viciously on Bai Liu.

The driver "I found you a duel at your request, or the place where you bet, a remote beach and two wooden boats tonight, pay attention to your own safety, if you drown, I will not be responsible."

After a while, the driver seemed to be laughing to himself, "But you have been here for so long, and you probably won't be drowned. You should all swim."

Bai Liu's face changed, he could not swim.

The residents in this town are all fish-like things, including the group of them just a day ago, they are gradually becoming like fish, they like to eat strange fish, and they exude a subtle smell.

Fish are born to swim, of course they will not drown.

Except Bai Liu.

He is different from others in that he neither eats those weird fish and meat, nor does he let any mermaid sculpture approach him at night. Bailiu speculates that these two things have caused others to evolve into fish, but Bailiu is not assimilated. Evolution, after Bai Liu made an appointment with Shanghai for a bet, his risk level would definitely double.

Who knows what's in the sea? Who knows if Andre will turn into a monster to overthrow his ship when he waits. Remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, website, free and fastest update. No anti-theft, no anti-theft error report chapter Chat with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number