The Ship

No wonder the side mission of the True Love Ship has 100 points, which is much more dangerous than the other missions.

Andre couldn't control his appetite, he reached out to grab the sandwich from the driver and "give me a bite."

The sandwich in the driver's hand was gorged and stuffed into the mouth by Andre. He ate extremely rudely. He beat his chest and swallowed it without chewing his teeth. The driver did not grab it, but there was something that seemed to be feeding animals. Pitying eyes watching Andre hunker down and eat, "Eat, my child, eat, I'm hungry, I'm not eating much, enjoy your dinner."

Bai Liu glanced at it and said, "This is his second dinner tonight." The first meal was Andre grabbing Jeff.

After being snatched for dinner, Jeff moved a bit when he heard this, lowered his head and covered his face. There were also gill-like patterns in his ears. Jeff's gills seemed to grow out of anger for a moment, and his teeth also Become sharp and dense like a shark.

But such a horrifying scene was only a moment. When Bai Liu looked over, Jeff lowered his head timidly, covering his face as if nothing happened, but the light from the end of his eyes remained strangely reflected in the rearview mirror on Bai Liu's face. .

Jeff's **** conspiracy, side progress 50

Bai Liu frowned invisibly. Why did this task just increase its progress, and now it's up again?

Jeff should have made sure to raise Andwa once before, but why did he raise this time?

Bai Liu and the others arrived at the port. When they got off the bus, he remembered that the driver had extremely low trust in him. He thought that most of the driver in Jeff's **** conspiracy was involved. Bai Liu still wanted to increase the driver's trust in nc. When he got off the bus, he gave the driver another money in the name of thanking the driver as a tip, but the driver looked at those in Bai Liu's package that did not give him money, and finally cracked a hideous smile and kissed Bai Liu to tip him. Waved, "I wish you a good time."

Jeff's Bloody Conspiracy Sideline Progress 80

Bai Liuxin said that the townspeople here are indeed robbers. When he saw the money, his eyes glowed green. He didn't seem to see the driver's greedy look at the banknotes in his pocket. He opened it generously for the driver to look at. Smile as usual "We will."

The onlooker mermaid fishing activity took place on a ship. This huge ship slowly left the port at night. On the deck, there were silent sailors coming and going. Under the ship, some small boats were all fishermen who looked like fish. , Bai Liu and the others got on the boat after it was completely dark. The fishermen below who were on the boat kept looking straight at Bai Liu and his group on the deck.

There is a fundamental difference between the sailors on this deck and the fishermen on the ground. The most important thing is that these sailors look like people instead of fish, and they don't have the strange patterns on their faces, and they don't have fishy smell on their bodies. They just have pale skin. The front desk of the hotel is said to have albinism.

Bai Liu paid attention and observed that there were not many people on this huge ship, and he didn't know why it was too wasteful to open a ship with such a heavy load when it came out to fish.

Moreover, there is something wrong with this ship. Bai Liu noticed it when he got on the ship. The draft of the ship was too deep, and there was definitely something very sinking on the ship.

The sailors walked up and down on the boat with expressionless faces, as if they hadn't seen Bai Liu and his party. Occasionally, Bai Liu would find a few sailors standing in a dark corner looking at Bai Liu and them with strange eyes, and then with the side. The sailor whispered in a low voice, then gave a contented but weird smile.

The boat left.

At night, the sea is calm and the sea is calm, and the bow searchlight can only illuminate a small area of ​​the sea. Other than that, it seems that the huge ship can swallow the darkness. From time to time there is the sound of waves passing by on both sides of the ship, and the sailors on the huge ship orderly distribute At work, fishermen on the side of the boat lay their fishing nets.

The ship sailed deeper into the bottomless night.

Lucy was standing next to the white willow in a cloak, her lips full of lipstick were blown purple at the moment, and she shrank beside Bai Liu to keep warm. "Why is it so cold, Bai Liu, I just asked them, they said they wanted to catch mermaids. The boat should be driven to the sea area where the first mermaid was caught. Only from that place can the mermaid be caught. They called the sea area called the Siren Gift, as if there is a legend."

Bai Liu "Siren Gift"

"Yes." Lucy pulled the cloak closer, and she shuddered. "Oh my God, it's too cold. I feel like I'm heading to a ghostly hell. Only there can there be such a cold wind."

Bai Liu didn't feel cold. He suddenly thought of something and swept Lucy with a coin.

nc name Lucy Alienation

Bai Liu reached out and touched Lucy's hand. Her skin was cold and hard, and she felt like a stone covered with human skin. Lucy looked at Bai Liu with a smile. She probably wanted to squeeze her brows, but the muscles on her face looked like a corpse. It was as stiff as a block, which made her look very strange, like an abstract figure painting by Picasso.

Her voice also began to become dry and dumb, with inexplicable eagerness, "Are you going to have **** with me?"

Bai Liu Wan refused "No." He found an explanation for himself, "There are too many people here."

Lucy was not blown cold, but her body temperature was dropping.

I don't know when he appeared next to the white willow. Jeff looked at the sea ahead with a fanatical gaze. He whispered, "Yes, Siren gift. Legend has it that the sea here is a gift from the Siren King. It can be brought back to life as a ship. Shang accidentally fell into the water and drowned tourists who died in this area. King Siren will give them rebirth power. They will become mermaids and return to the world so that fishermen can catch mermaids here."

Bai Liuxin said that King Siren had already been picked up and kept in the museum, why is this sea area still producing mermaids?

And it was from the time when King Siren was caught and landed that this sea area began to produce mermaids.

And the ghost of the dead turns into a mermaid and returns to the world. It doesn't sound like a **** blessing story. This story is more like a cult myth like a curse.

Bai Liu added to this story in his heart that made people horrible and then died. People became mermaids and they were picked up and poured into marble to make sculptures for tourists to visit. Some mermaids were directly made into food and used by the townspeople. Eaten it, and then these mermaid sculptures finally started to behave, and tourists in the town began to disappear one after another.

This is not like a siren gift, but like a mermaid revenge.

The sailor suddenly came over and said, "We are going to the Siren Gift Sea. Please don't walk around on the boat, otherwise we will not be responsible for what happened." After saying this, he left. Bai Liu found that all the sailors had gone to the bottom of the ship, the deck. Suddenly there was no one on it.

Bai Liu squinted his eyes and circled the boat a few times, pretending to follow one of the sailors inadvertently.

The sailors all went to the lowest cabin, which is the warehouse. There was no emotion on the faces of these sailors. One by one, they followed the wooden ladder to the cabin, and then came out one by one, accompanied by some whispers.

"I'm OK."

"Make sure these things are okay."

"We broke a few before, but it doesn't matter. After these four people are eaten tonight, there will be new ones that can be put in."

This group of sailors seemed to be checking something very important, and then they came out one by one after checking.

Bai Liu hid in the corner, squinted his eyes, and said to his heart that there was something very heavy in the warehouse. It was heavy and important. Bai Liu vaguely guessed what it was, but he still didn't know why these sailors had to take them with them when they came out to fish. This thing.

After all the sailors were gone, the last sailor seemed to have forgotten to lock the silo and left.

The lock just hung on the bottom door, as the waves swayed back and forth, it was like saying to the player Bailiu, come and explore me, come and explore me

Bai Liu opened the door and went down. After going down, there was a long, narrow wooden staircase, which creaked when he walked, leading to an unclear bottom warehouse. There were no lights on both sides. The whole structure looked like a cellar. Bai Liu did not go down. Instead, he turned on the flashlight and wanted to see if it was placed in the bottom bin as he wanted.

He turned on the flashlight and looked down. Even if he had expected it, Bai Liu's breath was still choked.

The warehouse is full of all kinds of mermaid sculptures. These sculptures are densely filled with the entire bottom warehouse. At a glance, there is almost no place to stay. They are all Bai Sensen sculptures, and these mermaid sculptures stretch their heads and tilt their heads. Looking directly at Bai Liu with his white eyes, Bai Liu found that there were significantly more sculptures around the stairs when he was standing. The mermaid sculptures seemed to smell fishy and crowded with fish. Two of them had already walked up the stairs where Bai Liu was and were lit by a flashlight. After a flash, he retreated.

But the flashlight light can only illuminate one place. The dark place in the warehouse cannot be illuminated. The sound of rustling dull stones and rubbing against the ground is constantly heard, and more and more mermaid sculptures gather on the stairs where Bailiu is located, just like He looked up at Bailiu like bait fish.

But Bai Liu did not return. He also stared at these sculptures for a while, then suddenly put down the flashlight, walked on, and stretched out his hand to try to touch these sculptures.

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