My forever spring

Yang Jingshen sat on one of the comfortable chairs inside the lounge and smiled at its current occupants– mainly the beautiful young woman sitting on the chair in front and the slightly familiar-looking young man, whom he remembered to be the artist under the management of Feng Xue's friend, and was rewarded with a smile in return.

He had already dismissed the damned screen after making sure that no one was watching– this was not the place to check it, lest he be labeled a freak. And thinking of the troubles it had already put him through these past few days, Yang Jingshen secretly gritted his teeth but none of his inner rage showed on his face as he cordially introduced himself.

After the small introduction, where everyone showed appropriate amounts of courtesy to one another -including three other people, who were starring in side characters just like him- the room fell into an awkward silence.

Yang Jingshen could vaguely perceive the judging looks directed his way -they thought they hid it well- but he pretended not to realize this. It was then that the beauty who had introduced herself as Song Yue broke the silence.

"It's good that little sister Xi joined our crew. Now there's one more beauty to look at."

"Eeeh?" Yang Jingshen showed his surprise before blushing slightly. "Sister Yue, you're joking with me. If it's about beauty, you look way better than me." Dejectedly hanging his head, "Everyone says I look like a foreigner."

Song Yue stared at the young girl seated opposite her in surprise before laughing out loud. "Who said something like that, eh? Even if someone did, they probably meant it in a good way. Look at you– you're gorgeous ne. Right, Siqi?"

The youngster who had been sitting silently and was smiling, slowly nodded his head, "Sister Yue is right. Whoever said this meant it as a good thing."

Seeing the adorable young girl blush as she shyly smiled in response, Song Yue felt the earlier unhappiness that she felt in her heart disappear like smoke on a windy day. No matter what others say, she is always inclined to believe what she sees with her eyes and hears from her ears.

Besides, this kind of cute little sister, who won't like them? As for whether she's acting shy or not– who cares? This girl knew how to behave without being offensive, even if she was from a big company. So, what's the loss in treating this type of adorable junior well? As a bonus, she even gets to enjoy herself by looking at a rare type of enchanting belle!

Yang Jingshen couldn't help feeling some form of admiration in his heart towards this woman called Song Yue while he was being dressed up for the upcoming scene. Not only had she dispersed the awkwardness in the air by treating him closely, but had also sent a message out to the others that, she, the actress starring in the second female lead role, didn't mind the presence of this supposedly 'disgraced' actress in their set.

'Whatever! I'll just return this favor once I get the chance. It's also not easy for an actress like her from some unknown, unrated company as well.'

He once again glanced at the script, making sure that he had memorized the lines correctly, as the makeup artist prodded and poked him this way and that, all the while praising his good skin. Absentmindedly smiling at her comments, Yang Jingshen tried to adjust his mentality.

It had been quite some time since he lasted acted -that also being in his original world no less- so he couldn't help feeling a tad bit nervous. This was after all a completely new world, plus…

'Why do I feel like my brain capacity had suddenly reduced after coming to this world? It can't be that the original Feng Xi was really stupid with a low IQ range, right?'


No, seriously– that would spell disaster for him! Not only did he have to cope with all the trouble pertaining to being a woman, but now he also had to get by with a deficient brain? Couldn't that damned soul guardian have found a better body for him, especially considering the risk he was going to put himself through?


Despite its rather poetic name, 'My forever spring' was a quite cliche drama belonging to an overused trope; it was simply a story about a high school love between a poor girl and a rich boy and the obstacles they face on their way to finally being together. Isn't that just banal? But, the scriptwriter would beg to differ.

It goes like this; this rich and arrogant young master (male lead) gets interested in a poor girl (female lead) at school, simply because she stopped him from arrogantly picking on an innocent, passerby student. This poor but beautiful and morally upright young girl bravely stood up to the ML's depravity and from this moment on became the target of his bullying in return.

Of course, the oppression gradually grows into something more -a budding youthful love if you please- and the two's relationship does a slow turn as they started to shyly interact with each other while getting to know the other person better. Need not say– the previous deadly enmity was of course all gone by this point.

So, do you think that this love would have a peaceful ending after this? Hmmmm? Of course not! Because, then came the obstacles, in the shape of love rivals no less. That is… if we totally ignore the powerful and snobbish parents of the ML, who have nothing but dollar signs in their eyes, with the ultimate goal of their life being marrying their son off to the daughter from an equally rich family.

For the moment, let's forget these parents -a proper son can always manage them excellently- and instead focus on the love rivals. Namely, the best friend of the ML (second ML) who was against his bullying of the FL from the beginning, and who, somehow or other, fell in love with her during the process. The other one was the childhood friend of the ML (second FL).

Well, as far as love rivals go, the second ML can still be considered quite the soft persimmon. He was after all the BFF (1) of the ML (2), not to mention that he was deeply, madly, and irrevocably in love with the FL (3).

So, with the habitual open-heartedness and benevolence that was solely unique to the second or third male leads in the drama verse, he graciously gave up his love in the end, wholeheartedly blessing the happy couple while forever mourning the loss of his youthful love in his heart, determined to stay single until the end of times.

So, what about the second female lead? Was she also that benevolent and open-minded?

Heh! In your dreams– she's a villainess ah! A villainess!! Unlike men in the drama world, the women, especially the second or third female leads– they might appear so vicious that you might wet your bed if you dream of them at night. Oh, what did you say? That it was unfair!? How was it unfair?

Aren't females the most vicious, cruelest, and dreaded creatures in the entire universe? It was just the law of nature. Eh, you are asking why the FL is different? Aaiyooo… Why are you so stupid? How can a gentle, sweet and exemplary character like the FL compare with the rest of the general female populace?

She was someone created by gods– the darling of the heavens! Don't lump her together with the rest of them! Isn't it because she was so outstanding that she could win the love of the ML?

So, operating along this chain of logic, the second FL of 'My forever spring' was as vicious as you could get, a bonafide white lotus-green tea bitch (4), and an original one at that! She'd try to make the ML fed up with his innocent and pure lover using all sorts of schemes, smear the poor girl's reputation in front of the public using various methods &, etc.

Fortunately– fortunately, she wasn't able to kidnap our darling girl– but if she had enough time in her hands before her heinous crimes were revealed to the world, she'd have done even that! Thank god for small mercies! Especially considering that she was this vicious at such a young age -considering that she was only sixteen-, what would have happened if she was allowed to run rampant until she was older?

*Cough* Excuse the ramblings. The plot was too immersive. Now, why wasn't such a brilliant script not even rated? *Cough* let's just get back to the topic at hand.

Now, in this very immersive and thrilling story plot, where does the character played by our Yang Jingshen, the infamous Zhu Wanyin, who had garnered so much attention from the scriptwriter himself fit into?

Oh, her?

Well, she was just as you imagined her to be. A small villainess who madly fell in love with the unparalleled male lead and was used by the vicious second FL as a weapon against the female lead. In retrospect, she barely got five scenes to act in this whole drama.


In that sense, instead of being a villain, this Zhu Wanyin could be considered quite the victim as well. Just from the way the script treated her, it was apparent to Yang Jingshen just how much the script writer disliked this particular character.



01) BFF - Abbreviation for 'Best Friends Forever'

02) ML - Abbreviation for 'Male Lead'

03) FL - Abbreviation for 'Female lead'

04) White lotus green tea bitch -A woman who appears super innocent and naive from the outside while being devious and sabotaging the female lead from the inside. In short, this is an extremely derogatory term used to describe a two-faced, nasty, antagonistic female character.