
Meeting With Andrew

Two days have passed since the Cement and Bricks Factory was built. The production has seized because of the lack of materials in the storage.

Arthur proceeds to ask Kuri for materials for the factory. The city wall is a large project as the estimated land area of the city is around 30 square kilometers. Although it is a small city but building a wall around it will need a lot of materials.

A letter from the William's Tavern has arrived to Arthur's office. He opens it up to see who shall be chosen as the department head.

As expected the two candidates are normal people and they don't seem to be involved in any criminal organizations. What caught Arthur's attention is the information about Andrew. He has been forced to shoulder the fault of the famous company but there is no information as to what company it is.

After reading the information, Arthur has already decided what positions to give to these three people. He walks out of the office to find Kuri.

When he enters the secretary's office, Arthur sees that Kuri is working hard on affairs related to the city. This is when he realizes that he needs to hire more people once the city's income has stabilized. "I am not wrong in hiring you, Kuri. You are doing a great job. How is your mother?"

Kuri blushes when she heard the compliments. "Thank you, City Lord. I am just doing my job. My mother is doing a lot better."

"That is good to hear. Can you post this announcement for me? We need to rush on completing the Construction Department." Arthur hands out a paper to Kuri.

"Okay, City Lord." Kuri bows to Arthur and then proceeds to go to the announcement board.

This is when Arthur realized that it will be far better if there is a better way to give announcement. Not everyone will reach the announcement and they need to travel just to look at the bulletin board. Not everyone in this city are swordsmen and magicians. As a matter of fact, most people in this city are ordinary humans like him. This is the reason why the Camelot City seems to be ordinary. Thus, most citizens will get tired to go to the bulletin board.

Arthur returns to his office and asks Grima. "Is there a book on the Great Library about fast communication?"

Grima, the special book, releases a green glow that turns to white. Arthur is already familiar with this. The green color signifies that Grima is saying yes and the white glow is a transformation to copy that book's contents.

Arthur opens it up as he begins to read. It is a blessing to be able to read books through one single book. The Great Library and this grimoire are full of mysteries and wonders to Arthur.

"They seem to use a 'smartphone' in order to contact people from long distances. A tower can help with this and the creation of the internet through underground tubes and wires." Arthur tries to comprehend the contents of the book.

"System, is this possible to apply for the city?" Arthur inquires to the system.

Arthur is in a hurry to apply this technology for the city as this will be of great help.

The system takes a few seconds to reply. "It is possible with a few mission points to buy from the shop. However, the internet option will cost you a lot as this needs a few server for the applications on the smartphone. The best option now is a cellular tower that you can easily build."

Arthur understands very well that this will take time to apply as such he is not in a hurry. He needs to finish the city wall task first. He has to meet with Andrew to begin the Construction Department's first project.

Many people are happy to see their names on the announcement board. The salary is high enough for them to have a few savings each month and they can feel that their families will do a lot better.

Andrew and the other candidates are also looking at the announcement. He is shocked to see that he became the department head. The other two candidates are also shocked to see that they will be assistants of the department head.

What shocks the two the most is that they will be getting fifteen silver coins monthly while the department head will be getting twenty silver coins. Their impression of the City Lord has become really clear. He is super rich.

Arthur has hired thirty workers excluding the three positions. This ordinary workers will also receive ten silvers coins. That is three gold coins monthly!

Andrew looks closely at the announcement. It says that he needs to go to the castle as soon as possible and the other workers will have to go to the castle tomorrow morning for a briefing.

After reading the announcement, Andrew walks towards the City Lord's Castle. He sees Arthur waiting outside the castle gate. He bows to the City Lord. "It is an honor to meet you, City Lord."

"It is my pleasure to meet you as well. Let us go inside the castle." Arthur believes that he has to leave a good impression to Andrew. He has to be welcoming. Reading the report about Andrew, he is a skilled mason that can be very helpful in the future projects of the city.

After reaching the office, Arthur closes the door and walks to his office table. "You can sit on the sofa."

Andrew sits down as he looks at Arthur. "Is there anything you want to discuss, City Lord?"

"I just want to brief you with the first project of your department. It will be the construction of the city wall." Arthur smiles as he looks at the shocked face of Andrew.

"Milord, I think that will take a lot of time to do. Maybe two to three months." Andrew replies honestly.

"I know but you don't have to worry about the blueprint and the materials. You can all start this project next week." Arthur hands over a book and a blueprint to Andrew.

"That book contains best practices for construction. I want you to brief the employees of the department tomorrow. You can start as soon as you think you are ready. Also, follow me." Arthur opens the door of the office toward the courtyard of the castle.

Andrew sees some familiar machineries in the courtyard and then he hears Arthur talk once more. "This will help reduce the time for your construction. I have already bought the necessary equipment and machineries for the construction. You can also take one office here in the castle."

The more Arthur talks, the more Andrew gets shocked. He has heard before that the Camelot City's Lord is a good for nothing that only hides inside his castle. How is this meticulous lord the same lord they talk about?