
Clue To King Harry's Death

Arthur and Butler Hans are in the dining room on their chairs with two cups of tea in front of them.

The investigation that Butler Hans has conducted is very important to Arthur and he really wants to hear it in full detail.

From the start, he has doubted the death of his father to be merely about getting killed by beasts. There are a lot of questions in Arthur's head that he wants to be clarified with the lead from the investigation.

"Where should I start?" Butler Hans recalls the event to Arthur and tells it to him as clearly as possible.

During the night when there is an unusual king-ranked beast, King Harry and Butler Hans has conducted an inspection of the area. As they search around, the reports are right. There is a trace of a high-ranking beast.

While they are conducting this inspection, the beast in question has appeared. It has the appearance of a matured grizzly bear but this is a magical beast of the king rank. This has caused King Harry to draw his sword and shout to Butler Hans to call reinforcements.

Magical beasts with king rank and higher can command beasts nearby in a certain radius which can cause a beast tide. This is the reason why King Harry is decisive to call for reinforcements.

As a loyal and trusted aide of the King of Windshire, Butler Hans has immediately left from the forest and then calls for reinforcements. This is one of the reasons that make him regretful and shameful.

Commanding the reinforcements, Butler Hans has returned to the scene only to find the body of King Harry on the ground. He has seen blood oozing out from all of the wounds caused by the beast's claw. The beast is also nowhere to be seen.

At first, all Butler Hans wants to do is to retreat and bring the body to the castle. After all, this event is really shocking for everyone and that includes him.

The kingdom has held the funeral and declared ten days of mourning for the late king. Everyone in the castle is sad and a few days after King Harry's death, Butler Hans has become suspicious. This is also the day when Arthur has been 'exiled' from the kingdom.

After dropping Arthur off in Camelot City, Butler Hans secretly returns to the funeral as he hides himself in black robe and mask. He checks the King's body thoroughly before being seen by the guard doing so.

He has been chased by the late king's special guards for months before they has lost track of Hans. Even though months have passed, the revelation and findings he got are enough to make his body shake. There is a trace of magic with high purity and Hans can only speculate.

One has to know that King Harry is a magic swordsman and his magic alone is in the rank of the Saint Mages. He has been suspicious because the magical beast is not that strong to kill the late king. However, when they have returned, he has already died. The only worry of the King at that time is the beast tide the king beast can cause.

At first, Hans has ignored the trace of magic on the corpse of King Harry as this is either his magic or the magic of the beast but this seems to not be the case after his thorough inspection of the corpse.

After hearing all of this, Arthur can only nod as this has also been his hunch. It is impossible for him to be killed by a single beast and he can surely hold himself until reinforcement comes when a beast tide happen. "From your speculation, what is that magic? Where did it come from?"

"I know you will be shock but the purity of the magic trace is not a Saint-class Magic Spell." Butler Hans can only heave a sigh.

"Do you mean?" Arthur is shocked to the revelation he is hearing.

"It is a Sage-class Magic."

There are only seven Sages in this world and for his father to offend one of them, this is something that the King will never do. There are only two possible answers to this. An unregistered Sage Mage or one of the seven Sages has killed King Harry.

The first option is dangerous to the world order while the second option will be more infuriating than the first one. This is because the Sages have always been portrayed to be good and generous people. They are magicians who don't interfere with worldly affairs.

Even Butler Hans, who is always with the king as his trusted aide, has never seen King Harry interact with any Sages or even meet one of them.

Arthur's body is currently shaking from anger and helplessness. It has already been his guess that his father was killed but it is hard to take for him that this has slowly become a fact.

Arthur eventually gives in to his emotion and cries loudly. In his mind, his father has always been a good person. Someone that takes good care of his people and citizens as much as possible. His leadership is what Arthur admires the most.

Yet, he has received an unfair death. Arthur cannot help but imagine how helpless his father was at that time. Was he screaming for someone to save him?

Arthur feels helpless and weak. If only he was strong enough at that time, could he have saved him?

This has bring Arthur back to reality of this current world. The strong preys on the weak regardless if they have been good or not. He feels that he has been too focused on developing the city that he has forgotten to improve his strength.

After calming himself down, Arthur decides internally that he will study more about magic since he has sufficient talent to do so. He will be checking his talent with the tester.

Arthur clenches his fist and promises to himself that he will avenge his father. No matter how long it takes.