
Talent Test

Arthur immediately writes up on the magic contract for Butler Hans. This is a safety measure for him to prevent any leakage of his power and his abilities. As such, Butler Hans has to sign a magical contract with him since he will be showing Butler Hans his talent. He previously knows Arthur has a really small mana core and this world thinks that this cannot be changed.

Butler Hans agrees to the condition of the contract and signs it with his name. The paper lights up before shooting a beam of light to his heart. This is both a blessing and a curse but this assures secrecy of information.

"Butler Hans, I will be retesting my talent for magic." Arthur walks side by side with Butler Hans and leads him to the storage room where the magic talent tester is kept.

"What makes you think it will change?" Butler Hans is obviously confused with his young master's words. After all, even if one retakes their talent a thousand times, nothing will change with their talent.

In fact, being a magician is really hard even for other kingdoms. They are so rare that they can tremendously affect any war with their might. This is the reason that there is a centralized administration for magicians. The seven Sages are part of what they call the Great Magic Council.

They are the ones who have the authority in implementing restrictions and laws to magicians. One such law is that a magician needs to register in one of the Magic Towers which are administrative branches scattered all over the world.

A magician can also stay inside a magic tower to improve their magic. They are also mandated to annually check their ranks. There are people who can improve fast and climb two ranks in just a year but it is rare for people to reach Grandmaster Mage and Saint Mage.

However, one truth remains that talents can never be improved.

Arthur ignores the question Butler Hans has given. He will just explain it later once he has measured his talent. He places his hand on the orb that is placed on a pillar-like structure.

It starts to glow red and this has shocked Butler Hans by a lot. He is a witness when Arthur's talent is tested. It hasn't even glow by a little bit but now it has become red. With red talent, someone has the potential to be at the peak of Magic Apprentice rank.

Yet, the light proceeds to the color orange which continues to shock the butler. This means that the young master can be a Full-Fledged Magician in the future!

Before he can completely imagine these happy thoughts, the light changes once more to yellow then to green. It continues until it reaches the last color, Indigo.

Butler Hans has his mouth agape while looking at the result of this test. This is his first time to see the color Indigo because this talent is extremely rare. Magicians with this talent have the potential to become Sages. However, not many people with this talent have survived the harsh reality of the world.

Looking at the tester closely, there are tinges of the color violet that Butler Hans has seen but since this is the first time, he thinks that this is just normal for people with this talent. He cannot mind what that is but he is extremely happy that his young master has the potential to be one of the Sages.

Though, there is a legend about a rank above the Sages. Someone that can completely wipe out all the Sages combined. This rank is called the Lord of Magic.

Butler Hans is like an uncle that wants the best for his nephew. In fact, King Harry is like a brother to him. Naturally, he will protect and help the last descendant of his best friend.

"How is this possible?" After calming his heart down, Butler Hans asks Arthur as to how he achieved this feat.

Arthur looks around before speaking in a soft voice. "I used a technique that can improve my talent."

Though it is shocking to Butler Hans, this is the only explanation he can reach, too. This is a dangerous news that should never be leaked. He understands the reason why Arthur made him sign a magic contract.

"However, this technique is difficult to master." Arthur adds to his explanation.

Actually, Butler Hans only has a red talent in magic but this doesn't mean anyone can look down on him. His talent with the sword is terrifying and in the entire Windshire Castle, he is only second to the late King Harry. No wonder these two terrifying sword freaks are best friends.

Swordsmanship is divided into different ranks namely Entry Swordsman, True Swordsman, Master Swordsman, Grandmaster Swordsman, Sword Intent, and Sword Heart. These ranks are also divided to nine steps. Thus, advancement in swordsmanship is harder than magic.

Even so, Butler Hans has already reached the second step of the Sword Intent. This is how terrifying this old man is. However, he is also turning old and unlike magic, swordsmanship doesn't lengthen his lifespan.

Thus, Butler Hans asks Arthur to tell him the technique that he used. This can probably improve his talent in magic.

Arthur can only smile to Butler Hans before telling him about the technique. He tells him to remove all mana from the core and surround the outside of his core with mana.

As Butler Hans has expected, this technique requires a high level of mental strength to retain the mana around the core. However, he has verified that the mana core has indeed wanted to expand and swallow the mana around it.

After trying it for an hour, Butler Hans has barely improved his talent. He can only heave a sigh before giving up on it. This is a really hard technique and it has almost completely drained his mental strength. With this, he has a renewed respect for Arthur.

While seeing Butler Hans struggle to perform the technique, Arthur looks at him with a smile. "There is another way to improve one's talent."