
New Mission

In the morning, Arthur opens his eyes and stand up from his bed. A day has passed and a smile appears on his face as he has advanced two stages. However, he still wonders about his dream whether it is a real dream or a revelation. He dismisses the second idea as he knows that the dream is purely based on the investigation done by Butler Hans.


[New mission for the Host.]

[Mission 2: Read 10 books about medicine and magic pill concoction]

Arthur lips has formed to a smile. It is his joy to read books in the morning. Actually, whenever he is curious about something, he will ask the System if there is a book about it. Even without the system's mission to read books, he has read a lot already.

He begins to read the first book about medicine. It talks about the cure for flu. Arthur's eyes become more serious and he has focused on what he is reading.

Flu is a mild virus but what makes it deadly is that the medicine for it is not accessible. There is a magic pill that can cure all diseases. However, the virus is contagious and people are normally advised not to go outside. When meeting someone with flu, covering their mouth and sanitizing themselves are the norms. This is what he has talked about with Kuri back in Camelot City, too. She has a separate room from her mother.

Arthur is not knowledgeable about this medicine that is why he asks the System. "Is this the formula for the magic pill?"

"No. As you know there are common pills that are easy to create by ordinary people. This is one of those medicines." The System replies. "There are variety of antiviral drugs for flu. However, this is the one with the easiest process to make."

Arthur understands much of the content as the book also shows him the diagram of the process as well as the pictures of the herbs or ingredients being used. There are two types of pharmacist in this world. The first one is those who pursue the efficient and cost effective treatment. These people are only ordinary people who want others like them to be treated using ordinary means.

The second type is the Magic Pharmacist which is a profession under magic. These people are the one that uses their magical abilities and magic herbs in order to form a pill that has, of course, magical effect. Mostly, these pills are used for magicians only because the pills are for the improvement of their magic. However, there is a special but expensive drug that cures all diseases which is called the Full Recovery Pill.

Arthur is shocked to know that there is an ordinary way to make a cure for flu. It is only now that he finds out Kuri is working to buy that expensive Full Recovery Pill that costs around thirty gold coins. It will take her awhile to buy that for his mother.

"System, is there a way to deliver a message fast?" Arthur hurriedly asks. The flu can be deadly if it is left unattended. Though there are common pills to alleviate the symptoms, he wants to at least help his secretary to be at ease.

"There is a pigeon that is actually robotic which I can manually control. This costs one mission point." The system replies.

Arthur immediately agrees to buy this robotic pigeon and writes Butler Hans a letter. In this letter, he says that he may need a bit more time in the Versailles City. He asks him to recreate this common pill and he adds the diagram of the ingredients. He adds to his instructions that he gives one to Kuri's mother. If this fails, he wants Butler Hans to buy a Full Recovery Pill.

The last part where he asks Butler Hans to buy a full recovery pill if the common pill doesn't work is not because Arthur doesn't trust the system. He just doesn't want Butler Hans to ask so many questions and to make it appear that he is not sure about the common pill.

Arthur continues to read about common pills. There are more diseases that he finds out the cure. He continues to read books about magic pill concoction. There are various ways of doing so and it depends on a magician what technique to use.

Arthur has also discovered that most magicians try to have at least one profession under magic as this helps with the improvement of their abilities. This is also the reason why the Great Magic Council has signed a rule for all magicians to have at least one profession. The professions to choose from are Magic Pill Concoction, Magic Inscriptions, and Magical Talisman Creation.

When Arthur has finished the ten books before afternoon, he continues to read more about magic pill concoction. After all, he is in a rush to improve his magic because of what he has dreamt of. This has make him more eager to improve his abilities.


[Mission 2 has been completed]

In this moment, the system gives him his rewards. There are two rewards given to him. The first one is one hundred gold coins while the other one is how to make a black flame for magic pill concoction.

Arthur smiles as he takes the rewards and looks at the pouch of one hundred gold coins. He has brought with him only one thousand gold coins and left the rest in Camelot City. He feels bad on leaving his responsibilities but he also understands that in order to make the city safe and avenge his father, it is necessary to strengthen himself.

After reading, he has ate his brunch and proceeds to plan his day but before he is able to do so. Another mission has appeared.


[Main Mission: Become a Magic Pharmacist]

Arthur looks at the mission details and the rewards before he heaves a sigh.