Chapter 10 - A Royal Beating

"I-Ice wall!"

Isaiah quickly created a massive wall of ice in center of their path. The two smashed right through, shattering it. The two were soaring extensively through the air, then tumbled back onto the road.

"Fuck, that really hurt!" Miyuki began to feel the pain of the shattered bones in his left arm. His body finally came to a stop, he struggled to move, and he stumbled to get up. He glanced over and noticed that Isaiah had gotten up faster than him. He observed the man's wounds. Miyuki did quite the number on him. Isaiah was holding the back of his head with his right hand, blood running down his arm. His right sleeve was torn off, so Miyuki could see the blood run down his bare arm. There was blood running down his left shoulder, it deeply stained his, now dirty, purple suit. He dropped his arm, and unbuttoned his suit vest.

"This purple suit had cost a fortune, you know? Not like you'll ever know how that is." He took off the jacket, revealing his untouched, pristine, white dress shirt. He stuck his arms out, and shouted, "Is that all you got!? If so, then I'll finish this quickly."

Dozens of shards of ice were summoned around him, facing Miyuki. With the twist of a finger, the fleet of icicles zoomed towards Miyuki. He had to act fast. His legs moved on their own, zipping and dodging past all the projectiles, narrowly miss them. Each and every icicle had zoomed past him, shattering onto the road.

Miyuki had to think of a strategy. "Maybe if I ran around him, too fast for Isaiah to see. Then went in and hit him in intervals, I could take him out, without using lethal force. If I kill him, I could get in major trouble. He deserves to be punished, but death will be too quick of one. I have to incapacitate him." Isaiah then started walking closer. Miyuki had to act.

Be bolted and started to sprint in a circle around the royal. Dirt and debris picked up and danced around him as he ran. He could not he spotted easily with his fast movements and dust in the air. Isaiah was speechless as he looked around, as he had no idea what to do. "Where the hell is he?" He thought to himself.

Miyuki's plan was working.

Within every few seconds, Miyuki would quickly step into the eye of the storm, and pummel his enemy.

Left-side lower jaw.

Right shoulder.


Right forearm.

Shoulder blades.

Right shoulder.



Isaiah was getting beaten down. He felt each and every hit, with throbbing, excruciating pain. He felt as his bones were being fractured and shattered one by one. All the punches to his head, it began to pound. He was losing his vision, he was losing his balance.

"Wha- *punch* -the fuck~!" *punch*

Isaiah could barely stand. He tried to look for Miyuki, he tried to focus to see Miyuki. He had to kill the peasant.

Isaiah, still getting beaten down, started to focus. Maybe he can see the pattern. Maybe he can take ahold of Miyuki. He has to get past him, the only way he can save his family from being slaughtered, is to turn in the princess.

After a minute of being beaten left-and-right, he found the pattern.


"I have to keep hitting him in the head, then he'll collapse." Miyuki was getting ready for the final blows. He kept hitting the royal's body and head.

Left temporal.


Right ear.

Lower jaw.

Left temporal-

Miyuki was abruptly grabbed and forcefully shoved into the pavement. The pavement cracked with all the force Isaiah had put into grounding Miyuki. He choked as he felt his spine and ribs fracture. He started choking and coughing up blood.

He was at his wit's end.

Isaiah got down on his knees. And firmly wrapped his hands around Miyuki's neck.

He was going to strangle the life out of Miyuki.

He was choking, he couldn't breathe. He had to think of something. He has to save Evelyn.

He has to be her hero.

"My magic. But I don't know any spells. Do I just say a word? Saying 'wall' creates a wall, so what should I say?" He tried to think of something he could do with his shadow magic. Then it clicked.

"Sha-Shadow blast!"

Miyuki shot his left palm into Isaiah's abdomen, and had cast a powerful blast into him. Isaiah was blown back quite extensively. Miyuki quickly stood up and bolted over to Isaiah, who was tumbling on the ground. Miyuki caught up to his drifting body and grabbed him and kept running.

Isaiah quickly grabbed one of Miyuki's legs. "God, you can't stay down!" He was pissed, no matter what he did, the royal kept on getting back up. With his leg now stuck, he slipped and both men crashed into a stray fruit stand.

Miyuki was furious and frustrated. He quickly crawled over to Isaiah, who was barely conscious, and took ahold of his collar once again. Miyuki began to pummel Isaiah, rapidly punching his face. His knuckles became soaked with blood. Once he stopped, he stood up, and grabbed Isaiah once again, he started to run, he just wanted to run.

"I fucking finishing this!"