Chapter 11 - Miyuki's New Beginning

At this point, it was dawn, and people were starting to come out of their homes. Miyuki zipped past all the buildings, while holding onto Isaiah.

""I'll- I'll kill you. You can't stop me." Isaiah was still conscious.

"You're fucking still awake!?" Miyuki couldn't believe his ears. His heart was filled with rage. "If Evelyn dies, the Black Order won't be the ones to slaughter your entire family."

"It will be me."

What Miyuki uttered, shook Isaiah to his core.

He couldn't run anymore, Miyuki started to feel his legs give out, so he then came to a complete stop. He had let go of Isaiah, then collapsed onto the ground. Isaiah soared and crashed into a nearby well. Miyuki was very reckless, as what he did amost hit a family of 3 who was walking past at that exact moment. A crowd had gathered around Miyuki, they were all curious, yet scared.

"Who is that?"

"Is he okay?"

Miyuki noticed the crowd. He had to calm their nerves. He stood up, his body ached badly.

"You people don't have to worry, me and this man got into an altercation, he tried to kill Princess Evelyn." The crowd was shocked and stunned by his allegation. Miyuki walked up to the rubble and grabbed the unconscious Isaiah, and threw him into the street for all the people to see.

"Is that Isaiah Josephine?"

"One of the 5 royal families?"

"What happened to him?"

"Why did he try to attack the princess?"

The crowd was bombarding Miyuki with questions. He didn't know how to react. Everything hurt. But he still had to get help for Evelyn.

"I have to go to the castle and get the royal knight command, I have to get help for the princess." Miyuki told the crowd, quickly picked up Isaiah, then zipped out of the crowd and ran, searching for where Evelyn had been left with Lillith. "Hopefully someone on the knight command can heal Evelyn."


A large banging was at the gate. Leonidas had just awoke, and was on duty. He did not want to be disturbed at such an early hour.

"Leonidas! Anyone!? I need a healer! Evelyn is in danger!"


The gates opened, to reveal Miyuki, holding an unconscious man by his collar. Miyuki, to his surprise, was met by 20 men. They looked as if they were ready for anything.

Leonidas had stepped forward.

"I told you, if Evelyn got hurt while with you, you'd face consequences worse than death!" Leonidas had reached for his sword when he was abruptly interrupted by a plea from Miyuki.

"You don't understand, I didn't have anything to do with this! This Josephine-guy was trying to kidnap Evelyn, and I had to stop him. Please! I don't want you to put my head on a pike!" He threw down Isaiah, who at this point was still unconscious.

"He…tried to kill Evelyn?" This struck Leonidas as odd. But more important things were at hand. "We can exchange details later, take me to the princess." Leonidas slid his blade back into the sheath.

Miyuki at this point, no longer had the energy to use his newfound super-speed. He had to walk the whole way back to Evelyn and Lillith.


Tears filled her eyes.

"Heal! Heal! Heal!" Lillith was trying her hardest. No one had come to help her yet and the sun was already peering over rooftops. "Heal! Heal! Heal!" She kept on trying. She put her ear to Evelyn's chest, she listened for anything.

Evelyn was alive.

Loud marching and carriages could be heard in the distance, Lillith snapped her gaze to where the sounds had come from.

Help had finally arrived.


Miyuki ran to barely-alive Evelyn, and he got onto his knees and held her in his arms. He was sobbing into her arms. He didn't want to let go. He didn't want to lose her.

What if I do lose her?

It would be my fault.

I killed her.

I was too weak to get up and help her.

In one day she showed me how bright the world could be, but it won't be bright if she's gone.

Miyuki thought these terrible thoughts. It was his fault after-all. If she dies, it will because he was too weak to help her.

He felt that, he wasn't her hero.


Muyuki was laid down in the carrige that had Evelyn, and 2 knights in it. "Who are these guys?" Miyuki asked.

"These two knights here know how to use healing magic, they'll heal Evelyn in this carriage. But even then, she will be in a coma until we get the best healer there is to help the princess. And you have gotten some serious injuries yourself, so one will heal you and the other will heal Evelyn.

"You've used up all of your mana as well, Miyuki. It could possibly take over a month for the supply to replenish, so do not use any kind of magic nor any abilities until you're checked to be good to know. Leonidas had pat Miyuki on his left shoulder.


"My apologies."

"On a serious note, thank you, Leonidas. I will keep all this information in mind." Miyuki was truly grateful for Leonidas and the knight command.

"As for Mr. Isaiah Josephine," Leonidas continued, "We will take him in for questioning, then imprison him. And finally you, well, I would punish you. But you did save the princess with your quick thinking to get someone who could potentially heal her, and keep her stable enough for us to come. You're a hero in a way."

Miyuki? A hero?

"I do have a question though Miyuki."

"What's your question?"

"Miyuki, would you like to join the knight command? We could use someone with your ability. You would be an incredibly unstoppable knight if you're taught by the right people."

Miyuki was blown away by his offer. A knight? There was no way he could say no. "I'll definitely have to think about it, I'll let you know as soon as possible!" Miyuki replied with excitement.

"Good." Leonidas turned towards another carriage, but then he turned his head back towards Miyuki. "Also, there will most probably be an election soon. Since Evelyn is in a coma, we won't have a king. So we need to elect a new one. All 5 royal families will participate, but Evelyn cannot, because she is again, in a coma, and we don't have anyone that can take her spot."

Miyuki thought about what he had said. "Is she going to lose her heir? I can't let that happen, if the other royals are anything like the Josephine dude, I cannot let them become the new king or queen."


Leonidas then turned around. "Yes Miyuki?"

"I'll hold Evelyn's spot until she wakes. She cannot lose her heir. So I will participate in the election for her."

"I'll inform the others." Leonidas replied.

"Miyuki might be mature some times, but he can most definitely be a fool during others." He thought briefly.