Chapter 5 - Someone Like Him

The two of them walked down many blocks, and talked about the houses around them, when they got to the front of a somewhat big house with bamboo-like roofing. "This is the place, let's go meet Lilith." Evelyn stated.

"Also, she's apart of the Eloise royal family. Oh and I forgot to tell you, there are 5 royal families in the kingdom of Valis. There's obviously my family, the Valis', at the top. There's the Archer family, Leonidas is the heir of their family. Then there's the Josephine family, then the Eloise family, my friend is the heir to their family. Then finally the Pratt family is last.

That was quite a bit for Miyuki to take in.


Evelyn knocked on the gates, but only after one knock, the gates had opened.

"Evelyn!!" A girl with light brown hair hopped up and hugged Evelyn.

"I'm assuming you're Lilith Eloise?" Miyuki asked.

"Yes I'm Lilith, you can call me Lily if you want. Um, why are you wearing such weird clothes?" Lilith seems to not have any sort of manners, or maybe she does, but was more focused on the strange boy's attire.

"Now that you asked that, you're right Lily. Miyuki, what are you wearing?" Now Evelyn and Lilly were both questioning his clothing choices.

"Well I'm wearing a hoodie, and under this is my school dress-shirt and these are my school pants, and these are my ASICS." He pointed to his black shoes with accents of orange and blue.

"Such wild clothes, I've never seen something like this before. A hoodie?" Evelyn got close and examined his white hoodie.

Evelyn gave him a heads up. "Well, if these clothes get messed up, Lilith can help you out. She has the power to clone objects, but only if there are less than 20 types of different materials used in the object."

"Po-wer?" Miyuki was confused. And less than 20 materials? How the hell did she figure that one out?

"Yes, I have 3 powers, the ability of healing others, though I'm not good at it yet. The ability to heal myself, which is better than the first one. And the ability to clone objects, but it can't be made with more than 20 different materials." Lilly spoke about her gifts, as if it was normal to have abilities.

"Wait, so there's magic and super powers?" Miyuki got excited again. If he were a dog, his tail would be wagging right now.

"Yes, I have Earth magic, and greater durability than a normal human" Evelyn pointed to herself. "While magic is in 70% of people, super-human abilities are in only 20% of people."

"Wait, so people can have both?" Miyuki was quite shocked to this new revelation.

"Yes." Evelyn and Lilith both answered him, and gave him the answer he wanted.

"There's a chance I could have a super-power!?" Miyuki couldn't hold in his excitement.

"Let's all talk about this inside, okay?" Lillith pointed to her front door.


Inside now, the three continued their conversation. Miyuki started, "I think I have shadow magic, I said a bunch of spells of different elements earlier, and got only a feeling in my palm when I said 'shadow ball'." Miyuki felt a spark at his finger tips. "Oh there it goes again!" He shouted.

"You have shadow magic? That's so cool! It's pretty rare compared to other elements." Evelyn's eyes lit up. "Try it again! Try it again!"

Miyuki stuck out his hand and uttered, "Shadow ball!" His hand lightly sparked with black static.

It was real.

The Eloise's living room lit up with excitement and cheers when they all witnessed what Miyuki had achieved. Then there were heavy footsteps coming from the stairs. Lilith looked towards the stairs and greeted with, "Father!"

Mr. Eloise came down the stairs, and asked one question. "Why is there a boy in my house? And could you all quiet down a bit, I was trying to sleep."

"Sorry." The three of them replied in unison.

"This is my new friend, Miyuki Aza…. something." Evelyn gave him an answer. Her father slowly stepped down the stairs and finally sat on the teal couch.

"So what were you guys talking about? I heard something about magic?" He asked.

"Well Miyuki isn't from this world, and he didn't know about magic and 'superpowers' or whatever he called them." Evelyn was the one doing to talking for the 3 of them.

"Not from this world? Miyuki, come join me for a moment in the dining room. It's rather important." He got up from the couch and walked down the hall and took a right into, presumably, the dining room. Miyuki soon followed. While he followed Mr. Eloise towards the dining room, Lillith and Evelyn very quietly followed behind the two men.


"Your name is.. Miyuki? Correct?"

"Yes, Mr Eloise."

"Do you happen to be from Japan?"

How did he know? Was he isekai'd too? If so, why is he here like him


"Wait right here." Mr. Eloise started walking toward the exit down the hall, then Lilith and Evelyn quickly slipped back into the living room after listening to their brief conversation. He then continued upstairs.


He came down a few minutes later, with something large and very long in his hand. He met back with Miyuki, who was now sitting down at the dining table. Mr. Eloise umwrapped the mysterious item and handed it to Miyuki. He grabbed it by the handle and unsheathed it.

It was a longsword.

"Miyuki, I was isekai'd too."