Chapter 4 - The Magnificent Kingdom of Valis

Miyuki had sat in his cell, waiting for Leonidas to come escort him into the town. Then he heard a door open, and heavy metallic foot steps rang out throughout the cells. Miyuki got up and peeked through the bars. It was Leonidas.

This was the first real-good look Miyuki had gotten of Leonidas. His hair was silver with gray accents, his eyes were a bright blue. He had a very strict, yet loosened look on his face, as if he takes his job seriously, but he could probably be a unique and fun person, given the opportunity.

"Lady Valis had told me that you're free to go, I personally would interrogate you further, but I assume she trusts you enough to let you go. She can be quite foolish sometimes." Leonidas picked out a key from a pocket on the inside of his longjacket, and slipped it into the cell's keyhole. Miyuki really was relieved that he can be a free man now.


The two were walking down some corridors before entering the main hall, where they were met by Evelyn.

"My lady what are you doing here?" Leonidas questioned.

"I changed my mind. I'll show Miyuki around the town, and you can tend to my tasks." Evelyn smiled, then stuck her tongue out as to tease the knight.

"But my lad-"

"No buts'. I've decided." Evelyn interrupted him.

"Well if you insist." Leonidas made a gesture to Miyuki, as to follow her.

"Wait, now I can get to know her more." Miyuki thought to himself excitedly. While walking, he was then stopped dead in his tracks.

Leonidas put his hand on Miyuki's shoulder. "If you are to lay a single finger on Lady Valis, though I'm sure she can defend herself, I assure you, Miyuki, your death will be guaranteed. And if she is injured, or even worse, deceased, you will face consequences far worse than death." He had whispered the threat into Miyuki's ear and he gulped.

"Maybe I assumed too early that he could be a friend." He thought briefly.

"Aw he's just playing around!" Evelyn patted Miyuki's back and tried to reassure him.

"No, I'm serious Evelyn. He'll be punished for any wrongdoings he does with you or to you." Miyuki was slightly terrified at that point.

"Hey, how about we start to get going?" Miyuki had asked her, trembling in his voice.


Miyuki and Evelyn walked up to a enormous golden gate with red accents. The gates truly towered over the walls and every person nearby. With one call from Evelyn, the gates opened. On the other side, was a large, beautiful town square. With wagons and carriges being carried by horses and large lizard-like reptiles. This was beyond anything Miyuki had seen before. The people were human, but there was also cat-people, dog-people, and even reptile-people. If there was any kind of demi-human you could think of, they were here.

Miyuki looked around all amazed and astounded. He turned to look to Evelyn. "Well, want me to show you around, Miyuki?" Evelyn turned to face Miyuki, with a soft, precious glint in her now, lively green eyes. She was gorgeous. Miyuki smirked. He truly might be in love.


Miyuki was shown around the town square. It was quite large, with many people and animals, and shops to explore. "This diner is my favorite!" Evelyn said, pointing to the restaurant's entrance. She grabbed his hand and took him in.

"I'll pay for you, just for this one occasion." Evelyn had grabbed a little pouch from inside her gown's pocket and opened it. She took out 2 golden coins. Miyuki noticed there seemed to be 3 types of coins in her purse, copper, most probably the lowest, gold, most probably the highest, and silver, the middle-man of the currency. Evelyn then handed the 2 coins to a man at the front of the restaurant.

"Right this way, my lady and her… acquaintance?" The man spoke, and guided them to their seats. While walking behind Evelyn and the man, Miyuki really observed her outfit. It really popped, it screamed royalty. She had a deep-red cape with yellow accents, but under that was a white royal uniform, with red, yellow, and green accents. Maybe to match with her beautiful hair and eyes?

They both sat in the booth. The man handed them their menus. "What kind of drinks would you want to start off with my lady?" The waiter asked.

"I'll take some tea, please and thank you." Miyuki was surprised that someone of royalty would actually have manners and politeness.

She is so perfect.

"I'll take tea too" Miyuki followed up.

Evelyn opened up her menu and started looking though it. Miyuki opened his, and to his surprise, it was in Japanese. He can actually read this. But as if she was reading his mind, Evelyn spoke.

"So if you're not from this Earth, how do you know Valinine?"

"Val-inn-eee-what?" Miyuki said confusingly.

"Val-in-eee-in, it is the language the world speaks." She pronounced the word for Miyuki to understand.

"On my Earth, the language is called Japanese."

"That is very interesting Miyuki, very." She looked back down at her menu. Miyuki looked back down at his. Most of the animal names he was somewhat familiar with, except for "black spotted bull". Is that a cow? Why wouldn't they just stick to cow? Nonetheless, everything on this Earth was odd.


Evelyn and Miyuki walked out the exit of the restaurant. It was dawn now, the sky was lit with an aura of purple. The sun though, still peered over rooftops. "That salmous was really delicious!" Evelyn exclaimed.

"Salmous? Do you mean salmon?" Miyuki tried to correct her.

"No, salmous. It's a fish, and the meat is kinda orange. It's called salmous not sal-man." Evelyn was baffled that Miyuki did not know simple breeds of fish.

"Besides that, I want to go visit my friend Lilith, and I want to know if you would come join us?" Evelyn had asked.

"A friend? I mean, sure, I don't have anything else to do." He was surprised she had a friend, he assumed she had never left the castle.

Miyuki reached for his pocket, and took out his phone to check the time. He glanced at it and noticed it was at 48 percent. A bright idea came over his mind.

"Evelyn, wanna take a picture with my phone?" Miyuki asked, somewhat as excitedly as a happy puppy.

"Fo-ne? What's that?" Evelyn had never heard that word in her life.

"It's this," Miyuki brandished the phone. "It's a device that let's you do alot of cool stuff on it, I don't think you guys have any here. But on my Earth, everyone has one, even kids and old ladies."

"So one thing it can do, is take photos." Miyuki continued as he opened the camera app and showed Evelyn.

"Photo? Like a painting?" She still didn't really understand, but she was extremely curious.

"Somewhat. Here, let me take one." He switched the camera to selfie mode, and stuck his arm out. He made sure to get the both of them in frame. "Say cheese!" Miyuki blurted.

"Ch-cheese?" Evelyn's confusion only grew.

"See? Look at us." He gave her the phone to look at the photo of themselves. "Wow! This thing has some strange magic in it, but I like it." Evelyn's eyes grew in delight as she looked at the photo.

Miyuki smiled as he saw her look as adorable as a puppy.