Chapter 3 - Being Interrogated

Miyuki was in a cell.

"Really cramped. But how the hell am I getting out of this." Miyuki kicked the cell's bed. He then sat down, he looked around for anything.

He thought about all the isekai anime he have watched and all the manga he has read, and tried to think about anything that could help him.

"Wait. If I've been isekai'd, does that mean?" He looked down at his hands. "Does that mean I get isekai powers!?" He exclaimed loudly.

But what kind of powers does he have? Miyuki thought of the easiest way to find out.

"Fire ball!" He stuck his hand out.


"Uh, water, ball?" He stuck his hand out.


"So not those elements? Or do I have to say something extravagant?"

"Air, ball?" He stuck his hand out.


"What if I have a cool one like light or shadow magic?" "Let me try…"

"Shadow ball!" He stuck his hand out.

Nothing, except for a tingling sensation in his palm. He didn't feel that sensation when he exclaimed the other elements.

"No fucking way, is this actually something!?"

"Shadow ball!" He stuck his hand out.

His palm tingles again, but the sensation felt the smallest bit stronger.

"Ugh, how many times am I going to have to do this?"

But at that moment he heard footsteps down the narrow corridor. Miyuki got up and peeked through the bars. The footsteps didn't sound as loud and clunky as the knights did. The footsteps sounded more gentle, but still firm. They sounded familiar.

Then the person, rather, the interrogator turned the corner. It was Evelyn. She was going to be his interrogator?

She stood in front of his cell. Evelyn firmy looked into Miyuki's eyes."We're going to have to execute you."

"What the fuck!?" Miyuki shouted.

She started giggling. "I'm kidding of course." She bursted with laughter, and when she finished, she blew a raspberry at Miyuki.

"So you didn't sneak into our home?" Evelyn started.

"No of course not. Like I said, I'm not even from here, I popped up in your father's bed." Miyuki followed her up.

"So, you're telling me, that you're not even from Valis? You just appeared in my father's room?" She questioned Miyuki's alibi.

"No, I'm from Japan, specifically Akihabara, and isn't Valis your father's name?" Miyuki didn't understand if he really was on Earth or not anymore.

"Japan? What's that? That's a country? There's only four countries here on Earth, Valis, where we're at right now, named after my family, home to humans and demi-humans. Bouvala, a country to the south from here, the home of dwarfs. Langris, a country to the northeast, home to elves and half elves. And finally, Govore, home to orcs, goblins and demi-humans. Their country is far to the west." Evelyn gave him quite the geographical lecture, that most kids around 9 would have learned in this world by now.

But one thing struck a chord with him. Only four countries? Orcs? Elves? Dwarfs? How big is this planet? Is there only 1 continent? And this planet is also called Earth? The confusion just only got deeper. "So this planet is also called Earth?" Miyuki questioned.

"Yes, what do you mean by also?" Evelyn looked at him with a confused look on her face.

"Where I'm from, the planet is also called Earth, named after the soil, which we refer to as 'dirt', but also refer to it as 'earth'." Miyuki explained to her.

"Oh, well yeah, that's how Earth was named here, we also call the dirt "earth". She stated, with her cute smile.

So he's on a different Earth? A different universe? Planet? Time travel? Is this the past? The future? So many questions and no answers. But he didn't want to get all into that with Evelyn right now, because there was still one very important question he had to ask.

"So, Evelyn, are you fine with me calling you that? Doesn't matter. So is there like, magic in this world? Because my Earth doesn't have any kinds of magic." He really wanted to know if he had gotten any kind of cool magical abilities.

"Why yes, there's magic, roughly 70% of people in Valis have magical abilities. Personally I have earth-based magic, so I can do things like this" She put her hand out, palm facing the ceiling, and she whispered, "Rock cat statue." Then a 6 inch, little statuette of a cat, made out of solid rock and mud formed out of nothing.

It was adorable.

"Oh wow! That's fucking awesome." Miyuki couldn't hold in his amazement. Now he knows this means that feeling earlier when shouting shadow "spells" meant something.

"Thank you, uh, what's your name anyway?" She asked politely.

"Miyuki Azagawa." He answered.

"Miyuki…Aza..what? Very abnormal."

Miyuki cried on the inside.

"So anyway, what types of magic is there?" Miyuki asked.

Evelyn took a look at the cat, now slowly crumbling in her hand. "Well there's earth, as I've shown you, but there's also fire, water, air, shadow, and light. Though Shadow and light are extremely rare."

"Ah okay." Miyuki was decently satisfied with the answer.

Evelyn finally turned around. "Well I have other things to do, now that my father is gone, but I can assume you truly have no idea what is going on here or how you even got here. I guess you're free to go, I'll have Leonidas take you out into the town, he'll help you out, we'll also give you your weird looking bag back and your belongings."

"Who's Leonidas?" Miyuki quickly asked before she left.

"The Royal Knight Command leader, the one with the white hair, you'll get along with him I think." She started skipping down the narrow hall again and turned the corner to leave.

After she left, Miyuki uttered "Fuck man." He sighed with a bit of relief. "There's no going home now, is there?"