Prologue - The Josephine Family



"Give me a moment. I'll be right with you." She answered.

A few seconds later, the door opened.

"Good evening, how may I help-" With the sound of a 𝘴𝘩𝘩𝘬, she was stopped.

"Good evening, Mrs. Josephine, I am sure you know why we are here." Mimic had impaled her torso with a blade.

"W-Why... did you-?" He took out the sword from her stomach, and she collapsed onto the tile floor with a 𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘥. He stared at her, as she seeped blood from her abdomen and mouth.

"Alright, the rest of you, look for other family members hiding throughout the premises." Mimic wiped-clean the blood from off his blackened-steel blade.

"Yes, my lord." The Black Order said in unison. The six members quickly scurried into the main hall, going up stairs and going through halls and doors, looking for anyone.

Mimic stepped over Mrs. Josephine's body, glancing at it quickly.

"This is because your son had failed me. No hard feelings ma'am." He scoffed as he observed the three doorways around him. One was to his left, at the beginning of the stairs. Another was to his right, at the beginning of the stairs on the other side. Then one last one towards the middle underneath the stairs, presumably leading to a dining room.

"Since most of them went upstairs, I'll stay down here with Glider." He watched as his disciple went through the dining room door.

"I was right." He thought.

Mimic then ventured towards the door on the left side, opening it slowly. "Is anyone here? I just want to talk with you briefly." He glanced around the small library room, but he didn't look long before he heard someone.

"Ahh!" From behind the door, a small boy charged at Mimic with a kitchen knife, yelling at him. He turned around and almost within an instant, he pinned the boy down onto the wooden floor.

"I appreciate your bravery, young one, but it is what will cost your life." He stood up, raising the little boy by the throat. Mimic gripped his neck tightly, with 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬 after 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬. The boy tried to claw at his hand, but his efforts were worthless.

"This is your brother's fault. Blame him, not me."


Mimic, with no hesitation, hastily snapped the little boy's neck. He dropped the body, then stepped over it, leaving the room.


While leaving, he noticed the door on the other side of the main hall, was slightly cracked open.

"Hm?" He promptly made his way down the hall, entering the room fast. The window was open, the curtains flapping with the faint breeze.

"Wait. No. No, no, no ,no!" Mimic slammed his fist into the wall, penetrating it.

"Goddamn it! Someone escaped! Glider! Get them!" He punched the wall again, creating a crack throughout the wall.

"My lord, did you call upon me?" Glider stepped through the doorway. It was as if he teleported. He was that quick to his master's call.

"Yes. Someone escaped the house. Catch them, we cannot let anyone know that we are in the kingdom. Go find them, and kill them. Follow any ice structures they could have made." Mimic pointed to the open window.

"Yes my lord, I'll be on it immediately."


He huffed and puffed, as he had to run before the Black Order got him. He quickly ran into an alley, hopping into a large dumpster.

"Ew. Fuck."

He covered himself quickly, but felt something hard and fleshy. He pulled it closer to himself, to look at it correctly.

"What the fuck!? An arm!? Who's arm is this!? What the hell is going on!?"

The arm's sleeve was yellow, made from a fabric that seemed to be from a suit jacket.