Chapter 1 - Queen Evelyn And Her Knight

"Queen Valis!" The crowd cheered as Evelyn's royal carriage paraded through the street. Miyuki held her right hand as she waved at the people with her left. A bouquet of flowers landed through the carriage window, with Evelyn catching it.

"Thank you!"

Miyuki smiled, he was happy, because she was finally here. He can finally see her smile, he can finally see her face light up with joy. He has thoroughly enjoyed every second he has had with her. He really does love her.

But he also loves another.

"Miyuki! Someone gave me flowers!" She turned to face him, holding the bouquet. She was grinning from ear to ear. Miyuki took a mental screenshot, wanting to savor her cute expression.

"I love you so much.

"I love you too Miyuki." She blew a raspberry, then proceeded to wave to the crowd again as they passed by.

"So, Evelyn, I wanted to talk to you about something." Miyuki tried to speak but she put her finger to his lips.

"We can talk about it later, 'kay?" She shushed him.

"Okay okay."

He brushed it off, but he really does need to talk to her about his feelings towards her and Avery. He cannot choose between the two, at least he feels that way. He is quite selfish in a way.

He looked out the window on his side and waved to the citizens. Such a weird feeling to be held at such a high regard, but he savored it. He is a "hero" after all.

"As long as I have Evelyn by my side, I can do anything." He whispered under his breath.


The dining table was quite long, roughly 25 feet in length and 3 feet in width. Five people sat at the table. Miyuki and Evelyn on both ends, Leonidas on one side, with Sakuta and Lillith parallel to him. They all dined on some freshly prepared salmon and mashed potatoes, or known as "salmous" on this different Earth.

"So, your Majesty, Evelyn, how come you asked me and my daughter to come join you and Miyuki for dinner?" Sakuta put his spoon down.

With her mouth still full, she answered. "Actually it was Miyuki who wanted to talk with you both. Also you don't have to use honorifics when speaking to me, we're still buddy-buddy."

"Oh, I see, then Miyuki, what did you want to talk about?"

He was chewing, then quickly swallowed. "Well, since we are all apart of the Valis party, it would only make sense for all of us to live under the same roof. That includes you Leon, you're apart of the Valis camp now." Miyuki pointed at him with his fork.

"Oh, uh, okay, did you run that by Evelyn?" Leonidas asked.

"Yes, I actually requested it with your family." Evelyn responded.

"Then, it will be my honor, your Majesty." Leonidas slightly bowed in his seat, towards the Queen.

"So what about you?" Miyuki pointed at Sakuta with his fork.

"It would have to be up to Lillith, personally, I'm okay with it, only gripe is that I'll have to sell my home."

"We can discuss your previous housing, at another time, but we do need to know now if you want to live in the castle." Evelyn said, with food in her mouth again.

"Well, Lillith?" Miyuki asked as he pointed at her with his fork.

"Hmm, well, I'm okay with it. That means I'll be closer with Evelyn! So I'll never leave her side!" She smiled as she jokingly puffed out her chest.

"Of course." Sakuta added. "So that'll be it, we'll move in, give us about a week."

"That's great." Miyuki took a piece of mashed potato into his mouth, quickly consuming it.

"Bro, it's not going to run away." Sakuta scoffed.

"I know that, it's just good man." He laughed as he wiped his mouth. "So Evelyn," He gulped. "I wanted to talk about someone, that's important, at least to me."

He felt his stomach get nervous, as if it was his stomach acid draining. "I uh..... well.. her and I got kind of..... close, while I stayed at the Pratt Mansion."

"So I've heard. So what did you want to mention? Do you want her to move in too?" She asked, a fork-full of food heading towards her mouth.

"Well, I mean, I have.... feelings, that I cannot deny. I know it's very selfish of me, but I love her too... I'm sorry."

Evelyn dropped her fork, making a mess on the table sheet.

"I... did not know you felt that way. I knew you two had gotten close but.... I didn't know you.... loved... her. I will have to think about it." She sat still for a moment.

"Evelyn, I just can't choose between you two, I have grown to love you both alot, especially you. I just can't choose. I know its selfish of me, but would you be okay with you, her, and I being together? It'll only be us three though-"

"I said I will have to think about it." She uttered with a louder tone.

The room went silent.

"Okay, yeah. I'm sorry Evelyn."

She got up, and walked away down the hall.

"Wait, Evelyn!" He got up and instantly caught up to her. "I know it sounds bad, and I'm sorry, but I just want to ask of you this one thing. I understand if you don't want to do it. I know it's selfish."

"We'll talk about in a moment." She opened the door to the master bedroom and went inside, as Miyuki stopped outside the door.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! I just had to fuck it up between us." He thought briefly.


"So, do we just eat then go back home?" Sakuta asked.

"I'm assuming so." Leonidas answered.

"Man, she does not seem too happy about Miyuki and his newfound love for Ms. Avery." Sakuta snickered as he took a bite.

"She definitely does not." Lillith added.

"Quite awkward if I do say so." Leonidas wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.


Miyuki sat down onto the bed as she stood near him.

"I'm sorry Evelyn, I really am. I just don't know how to feel about her, I just-" She put her finger to his lips.

"Shush. I don't want you loving her anymore, Miyuki." She put her hand down as she walked back towards the door, locking it.

"Uh, why did you lock the door?" He questioned, still sitting.

She turned a bright red, so red in fact, that even her ears blushed red. She hastily removed her crimson gown, throwing it towards the wooden floor. She then removed her scarlet leggings, moving them aside as well.

"Oh my, Evelyn." Miyuki was shocked by what he was watching unfold.

She was standing there, in her bra and panties, slightly covering herself with her arms and hands. Her cheeks and ears were as red as a tomato.

"Miyuki, do you like my body?" She whispered, timidly.

"Yes, Evelyn of course. You're absolutely beautiful." Miyuki could feel himself feeling different.