Chapter 4 - The Date Before The Storm: I

There were screams.

Loud screams.

Cries of fear, and of the unknown of what was to come.

But two voices stuck out.

"Miyuki!" They called out.



Miyuki jolted up, cold sweat dripping from every pore on his body.

"Why the fuck do I keep getting these weird ass dreams? Why the hell man?" Miyuki began to lightly sob, as his head hurt once again. "I just want it to stop, I just want to be left alone."

"Miyuki? What's wrong?" Evelyn woke up when she heard his rambling. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"I just- it's nothing." He grabbed a pillow to shove his face into. He was slightly scared to talk about it.

"Miyuki, you're gonna be my prince one day, we have to talk about things between eachother, especially ones that bother us." She sat up and began to rub his back.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry. It's just, I keep getting these strange dreams, and I see... him, and we're in these strange places. Like the Realm of Light, and Realm of Shadows. It's so bizarre. But right now I had a dream of my parents, calling out my name for help. I just want the dreams to stop." He buried his face in his hands.

"They'll end soon enough. It's okay, if something were to happen, then as long as were together, we'll be unstoppable." Evelyn rested her head on Miyuki's right shoulder. "Also, who is 'him'?"

Miyuki paused for a moment.

"Mimic, the leader of the Black Order."


"Mimic, huh?" Leonidas pondered.

The Valis camp were all seated in the castle's great room. Sakuta was shaking, as he could barely hold in his anger. The man who killed the woman he loved, is still alive, and has been infiltrating his ally's mind.

"M-Mimic?" Sakuta still could not believe what he was hearing.

"Yeah, every now and then, I see him, and we briefly talk. He keeps giving me like, these warnings? Recently, he said something big was coming, but I don't know what it could be." Miyuki was rubbing his arm.

"I see, have you told anyone, besides Evelyn?" Leonidas asked.

"The only time he had told me, was this morning." She stated, grasping Miyuki's right hand.

"Interesting, well if Mimic isn't lying, me and a group of my men will search the kingdom's grounds. We need to find any sliver of evidence that something is indeed coming." Leonidas stood up, straightened his white gambeson, and made his way out of the room.

"I'll probably join him." Sakuta said, following Leonidas.

It was just Evelyn and Miyuki in the great room when they left. He sat there, thinking about how he could pass the time with his queen. He looked around the room for inspiration, then it hit him.

"Evelyn!" He quickly turned to face her.

"Yes Miyuki?" She tilted her head in question.

"Would you want to... go on a date today?"

Evelyn grew lightly flustered, looking down to their clasped hands.

"Y-Yes. I do." Still facing down, she glanced at him with her beautiful eyes.

"That's wonderful, go get dressed, as I shall get dressed myself!" Miyuki hopped up with joy, as he had secured a date with his love.

But Miyuki left one thing out.

He didn't tell anyone about his parents yelling out his name.


Miyuki patted down his knight tailcoat, then he set himself straight, staring himself down in the mirror. He took a deep look at himself, even making contact with his own eyes.

"I'm a hero now. At least, I should be."

Miyuki fastened his sheath to his belt, then placed his sword inside. He took one last look at himself, and he had one more thought.

"I feel like something is missing."


Evelyn was waiting for her knight, by the entrance of the castle.

"Your Majesty, how have you been today? Are you waiting for someone?" Avery saw Evelyn standing by the castle entrance, and greeted her.

"Oh, I'm doing well, I'm just waiting on Miyuki to take me on a date."

Avery stopped in her tracks.

"A date?"

"Yes." Evelyn smirked.

"I see. I hope it goes well." Avery quickly bowed, then made her way down a corridor to the right, stopping once she knew she was out of view. She collapsed onto the ground.

"Does Miyuki... not love me anymore?" She lightly wept.


Miyuki finally met his Queen, taking her hand with his own.

"My love, are you ready? I'll spend money on you." He scoffed.

"But Miyuki, you don't have any?" Evelyn was struck as odd, because Miyuki was as poor as one could be.

"Ehhh I have my ways."

Miyuki flaunted his royal cape. It was a light scarlet, with a crimson inner-lining.

"Sooooo, do you like it?"

Evelyn touched the cloak.

"I think it looks good on you. It suites you Miyuki."

Her remark, left a smile on his face.