Chapter 5 - The Date Before The Storm: II

"Evelyn, you're absolutely dazzling." Miyuki stammered to speak as he held her hand.

It was warm. It reminded him of all the nights he would hold her hand while she lied in her coma.

Evelyn wore an elegant, basil-green, dress, which complimented her hair and eyes. The white floral patterns, really popped to Miyuki's eyes. He was sure every boy in Valis was envious of his position as the Queen's boyfriend.

"Evelyn, I have somewhat of an idea of what we're going to do today. Just let me take care of you for today." Miyuki smirked, then made a thumbs-up with his right hand. Evelyn giggled as he was stupidly charming.

"Show me the way then, my knight."


Small crowds of people would continuously swarm as the two walked, hand-in-hand, down the streets of Valis. The couple would occasionally wave to the citizens.

"To be fairly honest, it is still odd for me to sink in. I'm kind of famous now, with defeating a member of the Black Order, and now dating the Queen." He awkwardly chuckled.

"It's okay Miyuki, it feels a little weird for me, now that I'm the Queen. But the people trust you, remember that." As Evelyn walked and spoke, she soon realized the path the two of them were taking.

Miyuki was leading her, right to her favorite restaurant.

"Oh Miyuki! You remember!" Evelyn tugged lightly on his arm, as she was thrilled that he remembered their first "date" and that the restaurant was her favorite.

"Of course I would remember, you're the only one who really talked to me, when I came here." He embraced Evelyn. "I love you, and would never forget something so important."


Miyuki took a bite of the "salmous".

"Hmm, it does taste like salmon, it just has a different name."

"You're a dork. It's not sal-man. We've been over this dummy." Evelyn spoke, with her mouth full.

"Could you please eat first, then speak? You 'dork'." Miyuki scoffed.

"Yeah yeah, sure thing."

She did not.


"I was wondering, how come everyone here on this 'Earth', speak Japanese?" Miyuki had finally finished his dinner, neatly placing his fork down onto his empty platter.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. The history of this world is only about fifteen-hundered years old. But even then, not much is known. Only person who really knows the history of Earth, is my father, and Valis. She had been around as long as the world. So you would have to ask her. Evelyn took a sip from her water.

Miyuki stared at her as she drank.

"She's so fucking beautiful. I could definitely get around her not having too much manners when it came to eating." He thought briefly.

"Hey, so how old do you have to be, to drink alcohol?" It was something Miyuki always desired, for some odd reason.

"Uh, 19 or 20, I think."

"Interesting." Miyuki got out from his booth seat, and vanished, with the blink of a black light. Then just as fast as he left, he returned with a pint of some type of alcohol.

"Miyuki? What'd you do?" Evelyn was utterly befuddled.

"I went to the back and got myself a little something. I kinda deserve it anyway. If you want some, I'll share." Miyuki winked.

"You're a dork."

He took a sip.

"This tastes like piss."


"So how is the payment going to be done today, my Queen?" The waiter asked.

"My knight will take care of it."

The waiter's gaze moved to the boy, no, the hero.

"Uh, yeah, here, let me get something." He rummaged through a pant-pocket.

"It'll be 10 silver voins."

"Yeah yeah, let me get it." Miyuki pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket, counted 10, then handed it over.

"Thank you, enjoy the rest of your evening." The waiter bowed, then made his way over to another table.

Evelyn turned back to her knight. "Miyuki, where did you get money from? And how did you not get caught with the beer?"

"Well, Evelyn, I don't frankly know." He shrugged his shoulders.


Miyuki rummaged through King Valis' dresser, finding roughly 10 golden voins worth of currency.


Miyuki and Evelyn, mirroring their first date, exited the restaurant, hand-in-hand. The moon shined down lightly onto the streets of the kingdom. Miyuki, helped Evelyn step down the wooden stairs of the small patio, when he looked up towards the sky, at the moon.

"Huh, never realized the moon is real fucked up. Why is there a large chunk missing in the center?" Miyuki turned to ask his Queen.

"Moon? Oh Albera, that's the name of our moon. There's a missing part because a few years ago, during the war, my father and Mimic fought extremely, causing them to collide with Albera." She talked about it as it was natural.

"What!? That's crazy!" Miyuki was dumbfounded. Maybe King Valis and Mimic are more powerful than Miyuki ever imagined.

Miyuki fully took in the view of the moon, admiring the beauty of it. The color was unlike our own, as it was a light-turquoise instead of gray. The large hole, that pierced the satellite, was quite interesting. While continuing to star, Miyuki noticed a glimmer in the sky, within his peripheral vision. His eyes darted to the glimmer, noticing it get bigger.

"Hey, Evelyn, do you see that small light? It's kind of blinking rapidly." Evelyn followed suite and tried to look for it, and then saw it.

"Yeah, I see it."

The light, which shined a bright white, continued to grow in size, and in luminosity. It was akin to a crack in glass, that rapidly grew.

"What the hell?"

The sky began to light up, with a blue and orange hue, as if the morning sun rose. The night sky was shunned, back to wence it came, as the crack got larger and larger. At this point, the people of the kingdom all began to observe the anomaly, as the size of the crack grew.

The gravity of the crack must have had extreme strength, as the sun was pulled to the position in the sky, as it does every day.

The anomaly changed the position of the solar system. Now Earth was half a day ahead.

The crack opened, releasing a large chunk of gray, it looked like a meteor as it traversed the sky.

"Evelyn!" Miyuki took ahold of the woman he loved, spouted shadow wings, and shot into the sky. He continued to watch the colossial gray mass as it descended from the crack.

"Miyuki! What's happening? Where are we going?" Evelyn questioned.

"I'm trying to see where that thing is going."

The gray mass finally collided with something.

"Bouvala!" Evelyn shouted.

Her observation was correct.

A city from Japan, collided with the kingdom of Bouvala.