"What the hell is going on?" Miyuki continued to hold Evelyn, as they hovered, watching the chaos that had unfolded. Still in awe, they watched as the morning sun beat down onto them.
"I-I think, we should check that out sometime soon, but first we have to calm down the citizens of Valis." Miyuki spoke. "This is seriously going to freak everyone out."
"Yeah." Evelyn replied, nodding.
Miyuki was beginning to descend, when he noticed a small, hovering object in the distance. It looked if it was a person, who also held the capability of flight.
"Evelyn, do you see that thing over there? It looks like a person-" Miyuki was speaking but he noticed something odd about the figure.
They wore an all black robe, with a strange matte-black helmet. It reminded him of someone.
But this wasn't Mimic, as he wore a different helmet. This one, was different, possibly belonging to a different member of the Black Order. Like one from his nightmares.
"Miyuki?" Evelyn noticed he was shaking, as he observed the strange individual in the distance. She noticed something was wrong.
"Evelyn, I think we have another thing to worry about." Within a second, the two of them, Evelyn still tightly held by her knight, descended rapidly.
"What the hell is happening? Lord Mimic foretold us about an anomaly, but I didn't know it was to this extent." Glider observed the collision, as he hovered in the morning sky.
"What does Lord Mimic know, that no one else does?" He thought to himself. "I still need to find Ethan Josephine, I need to find him quickly, then eliminate him."
"Are you sure you can do it alone?" Evelyn asked as Miyuki placed her onto the sidewalk. She quickly dusted herself off.
"Leave it to me, console with Leonidas and knight command, I'll take care of it. Trust me." He embraced his love.
"Okay, yes, I trust you." She held him tightly.
"Thank you." He let go, then shot into the sky.
"Please be safe Miyuki." Evelyn uttered under her breath.
"Is the Black Order in town? Why the fuck can't I ever catch a break? I've only had one week to myself. I wish it was longer." Miyuki was tiredly pondering as he ascended.
He finally stopped, and saw the figure still hovered there.
"Fuck. Time to fight him I guess." He slowly floated over to the villian.
But Glider finally noticed, staring down his opponent. He finally spoke as Miyuki grew near.
"The Swiftful Knight, how interesting to see you here. I noticed you not too long ago. I don't have time to waste on you, so I shall be going now."
"I don't think so. Why are you here? I should take you in for questioning. Wait, 'Swiftful Knight'? That's a badass nickname!" Miyuki grew slightly giddish as he found out that he has a cool nickname. Who coined the nickname, it didn't matter to him because he thought it was badass.
"I don't need to tell you my buisness. Just leave and forget about me ever being here. Got it?" Mimic scoffed, as he turned around, no longer facing Miyuki.
"Yeah, no." Miyuki's shadow wings twitched, as he got himself into a stance. "Lightspeed." Miyuki's body was lightly illuminated with a yellow light, as he instantly glided towards his opponent's front.
"What the hell-"
"Lightspeed punch!" Miyuki socked Glider with immense force, causing him to fall back tens of yards. Before he could steady himself, he was once again, pummeled by the Swiftful Knight.
"Shit! Kid you know your stuff! But I'm just holding back." Glider scoffed as he cracked his neck. "You're not ready." In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Miyuki. He tried to turn to see, but he wasn't fast enough. Glider had hit Miyuki with an uppercut, knocking him back.
Instantly, Glider went behind Miyuki, then hit a devastating blow on his back, shooting him straight down back towards the Earth.
"I told you I was holding back." Glider appeared under Miyuki, and once again, jabbed him with immense strength. Over and over, Glider knocked around the knight, giving him no time to think.
This was Miyuki's first airborne fight, so he had to clear strategy to beat Glider.
Once more, Glider punched him in the back, with every ounce of strength in his body. Miyuki felt every bone in his spine, crack as he fell hundereds of stories.
"Fuck I have to get back!" He continued to free-fall as he tried to think of anyway to get out of this situation. Miyuki slowly came to a stop, his shadow wings flapping as he began to hover. "Fuck. I have to kill him." He reached towards his sword, and swiftly pulled it out, grasping it with both hands.
Glider stared him down as Miyuki unsheathed his blade.
"I'm holding back too, fucker!" Miyuki lowered his sword, in a position as if he was going to strike upward. "Pure! Lightspeed!" His body pulsed with a more immense glow.
"What?" Glider continued to observe Miyuki, and was instantly met with an egregious pain that he was never familiar with.
A pain that one would never want to experience.
With the quick sound of a 𝘴𝘩𝘩𝘯𝘬, Miyuki sliced open his opponent's stomach, causing liters of blood to gush out.
"Oh fuck! Lord Mimic!" Glider began to cry for help. His screams could be heard from miles away.
Miyuki rose his blade, ready for the final strike.
Glider had to think of something quick. He swiftly, socked Miyuki in the face, causing him to be thrown back.
"You fucker!" Miyuki turned to face his opponent, but he was gone. He left within an instant. "Fuck!" Miyuki shoved his sword back into the leather sheath.
He slicked his hair back, looking towards Bouvala.
"Goddamn it, I really can't fucking catch a break."
"L-Lord Mimic... please help." Glider lied on a roof.
"Pathetic. I train you, and you can not even hold your own for a minute? Goddamn it. Immortal, just heal Glider." Mimic began to walk away as the other member picked up the dying man.
"Mimic, it seems the Swiftful Knight may be more powerful than we thought." Immortal said, as he carried his fellow member.
"He is an insect compared to me. I am a God. Miyuki will see eventually."