26. Why No Obituary?

"Did you see anything when you touched his hand?" Jasper asked Zalina.

"Yes, I saw her. I saw her lying by her bed and then was found by a maid."

Jasper nodded in understanding, and death was a natural thing for every creature. So, he didn't think it was a big deal.

"Mrs. Gloria's life on earth has ended and has come to her destiny. So don't do anything stupid again." Jasper tried to warn Zalina not to throw a tantrum.

After finding a suitable dress for Zalina, Jasper then took Zalina home. They said nothing more about Mrs. Gloria.

When Jasper's car arrived in front of Zalina's yard, Mrs. Nora was seen leaving the house with Mrs. Roston. The two women see Zalina, who had just gotten out of the car. Jasper went down to greet Mrs. Roston.

"Who is he?" Mrs. Nora asked Mrs. Roston. She couldn't remember her first meeting with Jasper in the hospital because Jasper had made her forget.

"He's Jasper Blackmore, Zalina's boss."

"Jasper Blackmore, that name is familiar. Are they just workmates? I saw Zalina shining beside the man, even though there was an aura of darkness in him," said Mrs. Nora.

Mrs. Roston was curious and wanted to ask more questions, but Zalina and Jasper had already approached them.

"Good evening, Mrs. Roston." Jasper greeted with a smile, then nodded his head as he glanced at Mrs. Nora.

Mrs. Nora continued to watch him intently, but Jasper ignored her. Zalina thinks that Mrs. Nora's strange attitude is related to the incident at the hospital.

"I'm sorry. Zalina, you're just getting brighter. But you have to be careful because your light could be dimmed. Maybe someone will take your light." Mrs. Nora glanced briefly at Jasper before leaving.

Zalina and her mother did not understand the meaning of the psychic woman's words, but they did not ask again because Jasper was there. Not long after, Jasper also said goodbye, and he told Mrs. Roston he would take Zalina to the party tomorrow night.

Of course, this took Mrs. Roston by surprise. This was the first time a man had asked her daughter to go to a party, especially since Jasper was no ordinary person. She keeps asking Zalina about their relationship, and Zalina replies there is nothing special between them. Although Zalina felt her heart always beat faster around Jasper at certain times.

That night, Zalina and Mrs. Roston were busy styling Zalina's hair.

"Look how stunning you are, like a princess. So you must be confident and not shake hands with other people too much. If you see something from them, please ignore it!" Mrs. Roston tried to warn her daughter.

She didn't want Zalina to cause trouble at the party and would embarrass Jasper. For Zalina, that last sentence is difficult to do. Even though she knows, that makes her often seen as strange.

"That's what Jasper told me too."

"Hmm, don't disappoint him. Moreover, those who come to the party must be important people."

At precisely eight o'clock in the evening, Jasper and Zalina arrived at a luxurious ballroom. Before entering, they all have to go through a strict inspection.

"Jasper, I'm so nervous. This is my first time coming to a place like this. What should I do?" Zalina whispered.

"You must stay by my side and smile a little when someone is talking to me. And one more thing, don't take your hand off me," Jasper replied, patting Zalina's hand, which was already attached to Jasper's arm.

They entered the party after passing through the inspection door. Zalina's eyes lit up when she saw the atmosphere of the party.

"Wonderful, beautiful music and elegant party. Jasper, can we taste the food there?" asked Zalina.

Jasper wanted to laugh at Zalina's reaction, but he was also annoyed by her dorky attitude

"Zalina, control yourself. It's time for us to taste those foods. Now be elegant and classy."

"Elegant and classy? Am I far from that word?"

"Just follow my orders and don't ask too many questions!"

Zalina didn't comment anymore because she was annoyed with Jasper's words. She was grumbling in her heart. If she didn't deserve to be at the party, why did Jasper have to take her there?

Several people greeted and chatted lightly with Jasper. However, Jasper never once introduced Zalina to them. Jasper did it on purpose to prevent Zalina from shaking hands with them.

Some asked about Zalina, but Jasper only answered with a smile that aroused curiosity. Jasper was sure that tomorrow morning there would be at least one piece of news about him. Zalina will be surprised to find that.

While enjoying a glass of wine, Jasper and Zalina turned almost simultaneously to an old, aged man. The man's voice was quite loud compared to the people around him, which caught Jasper and Zalina's attention.

"Mr. Stuart, Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you." Jasper approached and greeted the man.

"Hello, I'm fine, Jasper Blackmore." Mr. Stuart replied kindly.

"Yesterday I met your wife. Oh yes, did she come with you?" Jasper looked around Mr. Stuart.

"Yeah, she told me about you last night. Too bad she couldn't come because of a headache, so I had to come alone."

"Ooh, I wish your wife a speedy recovery!"

"Thank you, Jasper."

Jasper turned and slightly moved away from Mr. Stuart. Something was off, he thought. Didn't Zalina say that Mrs. Gloria would die this afternoon? Why had Jasper not heard of her death until now? And Mr. Stuart came to the party himself as if nothing had happened. Shouldn't that man be at the funeral parlor to care for his wife's death?

Zalina, who had heard Jasper's words earlier, also felt strange. She then immediately asked Jasper.

"Jasper, is he Mrs. Gloria's husband?"

"Yes," Jasper answered with a nod.

"Why is he here?"

"That's what I thought too. Zalina, maybe what you saw was wrong?"

"I've never been wrong in seeing someone's future. I saw Mrs. Gloria lying down and dying."

"Then why haven't I heard anything about Mrs. Gloria until now?"

There must be something wrong!