I cut the call and took a glance at Mia who was covered in blood and left.

Author POV-

Adam entered the house and saw everyone sitting on the couch with pale face, he went towards them,

"Adam, why did you come alone? where is Mia? Wasn't she with you?" Lia worriedly asked while coming closer to him.

"What are you talking about? I was with my friend at a coffee shop, yeah I get a call from her but I can't pick it up, so when I back call her she didn't response," Adam replied.

While Lia kept on calling on Mia's phone, suddenly someone picked up, attaching the phone to her ear, she immediately stood up from her seat and spoke up,

"He-Hello Mia? Mia where the hell you are? why weren't you answ-" she just kept on questioning when the person on the other side spoke up,

"Excuse me ma'am, actually it's not your friend, I am the police officer, Kim Chang Wook, you were calling again ad again so I had to pick up,"

"Wh-Where is M-Mia?" Lia said while getting a hold on herself, Joe and Jess while listening to her sentence, also stood up while Adam was sitting like nothing happened.

"Ma'am actually, someone killed her, and it was not any random person, she was killed mercilessly and the killer must be a psycho or something? so do you want us to investigate it further?" The other person asked.

Hearing his words, Lia was about to fall but Joe hold her, "Lia, get a hold over yourself, what happened ? Is she okay?" Joe asked.

"Jo-Joe M-Mi-Mia, Joe Mia-" she was about to say but then started crying badly.

"Lia, Lia tell us what happened to Mia, Is she, Is she okay?" Jess asked while coming closer to her.

"She's dead!!!!" Lia said before sitting on the floor while crying and Joe hug her.

"WHAT!!? Do yo have any idea what are you saying? How can this possible?" Jess said while sitting down at her level.

"I knew it, I already knew it," Joe said while standing and giving Adam a suspicious look with his red eyes.

Lia looked at him with her teary eyes and asked,

"Wh-what are you saying?"

"Lia look, as Mia is o more among us, so let me tell you something, Mia was the one who killed Isa" Joe said without any emotion.

"WHAT?!!" Lia and Joe were shocked to hear that.

"SO, the one who killed Mia was taking the revenge!" Joe said and again looked at Adam while Lia followed his gaze.

After a while, Adam stood up and walk toward his room, then Joe left outside to the place where Mia was killed to get things under conrtol.

"Li-Lia you okay? please don't cry like that, I can't stand you crying like this?" Jess said while coming closer to her.

"What else can I do except crying, huh? Tell me! why the hell we can't do anything when someone died *bursting into tears* Just tell me why? why we feel only hopeless, " she shout and left to her room.

Lia POV-

I entered my room slamming the door behind me, when Joe tell me it was revenge, I knew it, I knew it can't be other then Adam.

I angrily went toward his room and without knocking, I opened the door and entered the room. He was calmly sitting on the single sofa with a glass of half red wine in his hand, as I entered the room, a smirk appeared on his lips.


"Why do you think I killed her?" He asked while raising his eyebrow.

"So you are saying that you didn't kill her?'' I said while crossing my hands on my chest.

"I didn't said anything like that," he replied while moving his wine.

"Adam, I'm not in a mood to joke around, just tell me why did you even said that you love Mia, when you were just supposed to kill her in the end?" I asked.

"Well, maybe because I enjoyed it," Adam said while taking a sip from his wine.

"Wow Adam, just wow, how can you be so heartless, huh? you didn't think of her love for you while killing her," I said and tears started escaping from my eyes.

"And what's about her, huh? DID SHE THINK OF MY LOVE WHILE KILLING ISA, HUH? !!!" He said while throwing the glass on the floor.

I remained silent.

"Speak up Lia!!! have someone eaten your words?" he shout making me flinch.

"She killed the love of my life Lia, so I just take my revenge," he said in a calm tone.

"B-But why so mercilessly, you could have just stabbed her or pushed her from anywhere but why, why did you become like this, you are not the Adam I know?" I said while cryng.

"I don't know Lia, but you know what, I felt a strange happiness, a great pleasure, while killing her, why that so" He replied while smiling.

"YO-You are a psycho, ADAM YOU ARE A SICK PSYCHO," I said not knowing my words were enough to trigger him on.

He stood up from his seat and started coming toward me, while I was taking back steps, until my back hit the wall.

He put his hand on the wall behind me on both sides thus tapped me in between his shoulders, then looked at me and start caressing my hairs,

"You know what, Lia, the pleasure that I felt from torturing and killing Mia, I wanna feel it again, I wanna kill someone again," he said in a husky tone.

I started to shiver ad tried to push him, but he was way too strong.

"A-Adam p-please don-don't kill me," I said while as I was scared like hell.

"Tsk, are you scared of me?" he said looking in my eyes while smirking.

I remained silent and nod.

"I love it when people are scared of me," he said while get away from me.

I was about to go outside when he held my wrist, "But you did a wrong thing by taking Mia's side," he whispered in my ear.

Saying this he release my wrist and immediately pulled out a knife from his pocket, my eyes widened after saw that knife as it was covered in the blood.

"Yeah, you ae Right, Mia's blood!!" He said like a psycho, I couldn't believe it was him, this can't be, how can he be-

"Where did you lost, baby girl? Adam said and I jump out of my thoughts, realizing he was way too close to me.

He put the knife on my neck while I was crying like hell, he was about to kill me when the door opened revealing Joe.

"ADAM YOU BASTARD!!! WHAT DO YOU THIK YOU ARE DOING??!!!" he said while grabbing me from Adam and hug me, I hug him tightly while crying.

"Are you even in your senses? Mia was the one who killed Isa and you've killed her, now why are you hurting Lia?" he again shout.

"Everyone who think I did a wrong thing should die," he said while looking at me.

"But the one who will protect my prey from me should die first, shouldn't he?" Adam said while glaring darkly at Joe.

He started coming closer to us with the knife, Joe pushed me behind and grabbed Adam's hand as he was about to stab him.

Adam leave the knife ad took a lamp from the side table and harshly hit it in Joe head causing the bleeding, and he just started getting unconscious while I was screaming.

Adam snatched the knife from Joe's hand hand and started coming toward me with a psychotic smirk on his face.

"Ad-Adam d-don't come closer! ADAM, STAY AW-AWAY!!!" I shouted but he wasn't listening to me.

Joe in his unconscious somehow managed to stand ad insert a piece of mirror from the broken lamp into his arm.

Adam flinch in pain ad his smirk turned dark, leaving me, he furiously pushed Joe on the floor and started stabbing him multiple times while sitting on him.

"ADAM PLEASE STOP!!! ADAM DON'T DO THIS, ADAM YOU PSYCHO!!!" but he wasn't listening to me. I ran out of the room while crying to save me from him.

I can hear footsteps chasing me, but I don't care, I entered my room and locked it.