Now you are the one and only who left "ALIVE"

Author POV-

Lia locked herself in the room and dialed Jess number while there Adam was still standing outside of her room. After four rings Jess picked up the call,

"Hell-" he was about to say but Lia immediately spoke up,

"J-Jess, Jess where are you? Are you at the house?" She asked.

"Lia I'm not at house, actually I'm-" she again cut him off,

"Listen to me very carefully, no matter what happened, never come back here, did you get that?!!" she spoke up while tears started coming out from her eyes.

"Lia, what happened? I'm just outside the house and about to enter, hmm? don't worry, everythig will-" she cut him again as he was giving her hope not knowing anything about what just happened in there a while ago.

"You listen to me, please don't enter the house, I'm already out *she lied* Adam is the one who killed Mia and also*starts sobbing* and also J-Joe," saying this she started crying and cut the call.

"Hello? hello Lia? Oh God, what did she just said? is she really alright? maybe she ran away from here and also want me to run away from Adam, wait did Adam really killed Joe, no, no, no, it must be some misunderstanding, okay I agree he can kill Mia for revenge but why Joe, Geez~ what should I do? maybe I should run away from here.

Jess then started running through the woods.



I slowly opened the door of my room, as I saw no movement from beneath the door, Adam was not there, I sighed in relief, and slowly started walking.

While walking I somehow get out of the house, as I was about to run, my eyes widen after looking at the scene in front of my eyes.

At the backyard, or I say at the barren backyard, Adam was digging a grave with a shovel while Joe's body was laying beside him.

I put my hands on my mouth to prevent any sob or noise, without thinking anything I started running.

Author POV-

As she was about to run, she accidently stepped on some dry leave causing noise enough for Adam to turn behind and looked at her running and disappearing figure,

He chuckled and suddenly an evilish smirk appeared on his face, before running in her direction.

Lia POV-

I was running fast without thinking anything, while running only Joe's lifeless body was roaming in my brain.

While running I turn my head back to look as if someone was following me, but suddenly my head bumped into someone's hard chest causing me to fall down on the ground.

I knew it, I knew it was him, I didn't looked up at his face,

???: "Lia, is that you?"

As soon as I heard those words, I realized that it was not Adam but Jess, I immediately stood up and hug him tightly not letting him go.

"Li-Lia what are you doing here?" he asked while patting my head.

"Jess, please take me away from him, please I don't want to dead, Jess, he has killed Joe, he will also kill me for sure," I asked while grabbing his shirt tightly from my hands due to fear.

"Lia look at-" he was about to say something when he quiet, I raised my head from his chest and looked at him, who was looking straightly at someone maybe.

I understand and gulped before following his gaze, yes, yes, it was him, it was Adam, he was standing there with a knife in his hand and was giving us a dark gaze while smirking.

Jess hold my wrist and pulled me behind him, he was standing in front of me, no matter how hard he was scared, he was acting like a really brave man.

"Adam, look, listen, Mi-" Adam cut him off.

"Jess, stay away from her, if you don't have the wish to die," Adam said while coming closer to us.

"I'm not a stupid enough to let you have her, MIND IT!!" Jess replied while grinding his teeth.

"Then don't blame me for the consequences," he said and while coming toward us, he pushed Jess making him fall on the ground.

He looked at me and smirk, he raised his hand with knife and was about to stab me, when Jess hold his hand from behind.

Adam furiously jerked his hand and turned toward him to kill him, he attacked on his thigh making him groan in pain.

I harshly grabbed Adam's hand to protect Jess as I can't just look at him killing Jess like Joe.

Adam jerked my hand causing me to fell on ground and turned toward me while I was backing off from him, Jess was already laying on the ground.

He was about to stab me, so I closed my eyes ready to feel the pain, but no I didn't feel anything but a little scream, as I opened my eyes I saw Jess laying in front f me while blood was continuously coming out from his stomach.

"N-NO NO, ADAM YOU PSYCHO, YOU KILLED HIM HOW CAN YOU BE SO HEARTLESS?!!!" I shout while dragging myself toward his body.

"Jess!!! Jess please don't close your eyes, Jess-" I put his head on my lap in my arms while he was almost unconsciuos.

"L-Lia, remember, remember that you are very brave, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met *smile sadly* yeah I've fallen for you a long time ago but wa-was waiting for the right time and right place,

*blood throw out from is mouth* please save yourself from him and live, Lia, Lia I want you to live,

just don't let this monster hurt you, Lia please tell my bro-brother that I love him, I really love him and tell my mom that-" he was about to say but suddenly he closed his eyes and, and- no no it can't be.

"Je-Jess, don't, Jess open your eyes, Jess please *bursting into tears* please don't leave me, JESS!!!!!" I started crying hardly.

"Enough of your drama sweetheart," Adam said while sitting behind me.

"YOU ARE A PSYCHO ADAM, YOU BASTARD, HOW CAN YOU KILL HIM, YOU REALLY ARE HEARTLESS, MAY YOU BECOME THE TARGET OF GOD'S WRATH, YOU-" I was just saying anything that was coming in my mind then he cut me off.

"Shh, enough of you cursing me, baby girl," he said in a husky tone.

"let's go," saying this he hit something on my head, causing my head to spin like hell, and slowly everything blacked out.