Chapter Three

Cleo POV

RiiinnggRiiinngg I reach out and grab my phone which was on the charger top of the night stand switching off my alarm.I get out of the comfy warmth of my other new favourite place im this giant place.

The bed.

I stretch as I walk over to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth heading to the kitchen.

When I finally reach my destination after a lot of wrong twists and turns .I see Letty and Lisa Bisa are awake and sitting on the high top chairs watching the chefs make breakfast.

I make my way over to the them sitting myself on one of the the seats.

"Goodmorning" they both stop their chit chat to look at me and return my greeting.

Elizabeth starts to talk "Soooo you and Hunter eyyy" she gives me a little nudge and a wink.

"Soooo you and Matteo eyyy"I say returning the gestures she sent to me.She looks at me flustered and shocked we glare at each other for a bit.

We give each a look and turn to Scarlett and at the same time. "Soooo you and Lucas eyyy" we raise our eyebrows and wink at her.She looks at us like we grew extra heads.

"No noo no no no no "she says adding an X she made with her hands crossed.

She weakly tries to assure us "Nothing is happening between us,and heck I don't even know the guy".

Lisa Bisa and I look at each clearly not believing a thing she said except for the not knowing him part that it is true.

"Okay fine whatever sales your boat sister"Elizabeth says as she checks her nails for the 50th time since I got here. That's Lisa Bisa for y'all.

The maids are carrying out the food and making their way with it to the dinning area.

We follow them to the dinning area to already find Tiffany and Amy seated having a conversation of their own.

The girls and I seat ourselves across from them at the edge of the dinning table far away from the others.We greet one another and start a conversation.

"So it's nice and sunny outside which means we get to go swimming out back"Amy announces we all start whooping loudly.

"That's right so after eating we going to get out our sexy bikinis and have a blast"Elizabeth adds.

We start talking about other stuff Matteo, Hunter and Lucas make their way to the dinning area and Hunter sits in the chair right next to me.He gives me and wink and smiles whispering a good morning.

I look towards Scarlett and Elizabeth who are both looking at me with irritating smirks on their faces which I want to wipe off.

Jason and Rachel make their way to the dinning area and of course Jason sits at the head of the table while Rachel seats at his Right hand side.

Food is brought and it looks delicious.

Everyone starts digging in Hunter and I are already lost in a conversation of our own about which animal is the best.

Lucas who is sitting right across me next to Scarlett is first to start talking turns to me,"So what are you ladies doing for the day" he asks as he takes a bite out of his bacon.

"Oh nothing much we were just gonna go to the swimming pool" I answer not wanting to sound rude especially when he was so nice to me yesterday.

He answers back,"Oh sounds like fun mind if we join as well I haven't had a swim in ages please please it will be fun I promise" he looks at us all with the worst puppy dog eyes I have ever seen.

I look towards the girls and they all give a nod In approval.I turn to look at Lucas once more ,"Yes you may join us nothing wrong with that".

He stands up and fist pump the air screaming a lot of yeses.Matteo and Jason look at him in irritation.

Jason starts to speak first "Lucas sit your ass down right now,"he says with a deep and authorative voice .Lucas turns pale and quickly sits down.

Elizabeth and I start laughing at him secretly,he looks in our direction and sticks out his tongue which I return back to him.

We finish breakfast everyone leaves the table and I of course having been taught manners take everyone else's plate to the kitchen a lady who looks like she is in her late thirties rushes over to me with a face of shock.

"Oh no madam let me get these plates for you. You shouldn't do such things it's my job"she says as she neatly places them in the counter.

"It's no trouble at all I was just helping out and besides my mother would not have been too happy to see me leaving the place in a mess and the name is Cleo ma'am " I tell her hoping to ease the little panic attack she was a bout to have.

And luckily it did the trick." Thank you for the assist.My name is Margret dear now go on I'm sure you have things to do"she says as she starts shooing me out of the kitchen.

"Okay I'm going, it was lovely to meet you Margret"I yell over my shoulder.

I make my way to my room locking the door in the process.I head to my bathroom strip my clothes and hop in .

20 minutes later I am out of the shower and head out to the walk in closet which ideas able to fill with my clothes. I take out the swimsuit which is a one piece.

I change into it along with a see through oversized jacket that reaches my knees .I put on my slippers and sunglasses grabbing my bag filled things you would take to the beach minus the bucket and shovel.I am now ready for a day out in the sun. I head out of my bedroom to see the other girls coming out same time.

We start making our way to the swimming pool.Let the fun begin.

The boys come out surprisingly Jason has come as well obviously along with Rachel of course.He is actually wearing swimming shorts,not the short shorts if that's what your thinking just the shorts that reach to your knee a long with a sleeveless top which is showing his big muscle.

I mean the view is pretty nice if i do say so myself since that's what all the guys are wearing and Rachel AKA wicked witch of West is wearing a pink bikini it does compliment her skin.

I start to whistle and yell"We love to see it Lucas whhhooo" Lucas starts flexing his muscles and I turn away making it look like he is the sun and that if I look I might burn myself."aahh too bright" I dramatically say and we both start laughing.

Lucas walks over to me"hey" he says as he check me out and continues,"You look ravishing "he says in a British accent.

I do the same "Why thank you fine gentleman" laughing my face off . He sits himself in the chair next to me.

"So wanna head to the bar" he asked.

"Yeah sure let's go" and we head for the bar where Hunter was already seated having a conversation with the bartender.

I grab Hunter' s drink and when he tries to complain i raise my hand indicating for him to shut up.

I take a sip almost choking on the drink it tasted really bitter."what is this poison" I ask.

"It's a scotch" he answers then starts laughing along with Lucas at my lack of knowledge.

"I bet you I can make a better drink" I answer. And its true because before I became a singer I was once a bartender so I know a thing or to about making drinks.

"How about we have a compettition and loser has to do whatever the other says they must do" Lucas asks

"Oh yeah, but we won't say whose drink is whose so we can avoid favoritism"

"Yeah great Idea" Hunter exclaims.

"Okay competition starts in 3,2,1 go" with that we started making our drinks.I've decided on my personal favourite which I like to call THE TWIST. Everyone would always come to the bar just for the drink.

20 minutes later

Hunter blows the whistle he ran in to get a few minutes ago it means time Is up.

"Everyone make your way over to the bar now even you Jason" Hunter yells.Everyone stoples what they where doing and took their seats around the bar.

Hunter is first to talk"okay so Cleo and Lucas are in a competition so we need you guy's help in deciding alcohol beverage is the best"

"Oooohhh sounds fun" Elizabeth exclaims while clapping her hands eagerly.

They all grab a glass from the first tray and they each take a sip the girls show their immediate dislike to the drink but Jason and Mateo have straight faces.

Then they grab from the other tray and they all give a nod of satisfaction well except for the two guys of course they still have their straight faces.

They all huddle up in a group Lucas and I stay behind sticking funny faces at each other.

Hunter comes to announce the winner."Okay the winner was this tray".

I look at the tray and my mouth drops to the floor.I won i actually won ,I mean I knew I would win but wow it feels amazing to win.

They all look between the two of us to try and figure out who had won.I obviously gave it away by the big smile which gracefully appeared in on my face.

"I knew it was your drink was it THE TWIST"Elizabeth asks clearly excited that I won.

"Yep it is and Lucas great game although we both already knew I was going to win anyways,so hang in thare bud"

"No we both knew I was going to win"

"Why didn't you win then"I ask.

"well probably because these people just don't know a good drink .Ok matter over now since you won what would you like me to do for you"he asks oviously bored.

"No i think I might hold on to this wish for later but know let us enjoy this luxurious day last one in the pool is a rotten eggs" with that I jump over the counter and race my way to the pool Scarlett and Elizabeth almost catching up with me.

This pool day really is amzing Tiffany and i had a race and obviously she won since she is an olympic swimmer.We dunked Lucas into the pool and Scarlett helped him which was exactly what we wanted to happen.

Hunter and i got to know each other even more.Jason and Matteo were extremely quiet the whole day but that is none of my concerns.Rachel seems to be conversating with everyone but me which really is funny on how she wants to make me feel left out.

We all head inside and agreed on watching a movie together after dinner which by the way was fantastic.

I head to my room and quickly have a shower.I change into my favourite moo moo onesie and head downstairs to see Scarlett and Elizabeth also wearing their animal onesie scarlett in her monkey one and elizabeth in her lioness onesie. Lucas is laughing at them and they don't seem to be enjoying it.

I walk over to their sides and look at him but instead of quieting down he is laughing even harder and answers"you too, hahahaha you guys look so stupid hahahaha" and i am quick to respond "Your head shape looks stupid but you dont see me rubbing it in your face do you?, plus i dont recall them or me asking for your bloody opinion?" i ask him expectantly.

He looks at me shocked and i hear Matteo snickering in the back.Lucas starts touching his head and Scarlett steps in "i like your head Lucas" and that's all he needed and he starts sticking his tounge at me which i flip him off in return.

And they find a seat next to each other.Uggh its so irritating how these two are meant for each other i mean how am i supposed to roast him with her around uggghhh.

Amy and i make the popcorn and head to the theatre room where almost everyone is there."how about i go and get Jason and Rachel" i offer and they all agree and Matteo gives me directions to his room and office the two main places he would likely be.

I start with his office i knock once no answer,i knock again no answer and just go ahead and open the door only to find it empty.

I head for his room and knock extra loud and the door opens in one swift motion.The view before me is not so bad if I do say so myself he has a towel which is wrapped dangerously low and he looks like he has 10 packs if thats even possible.

But remember why you are here Cleo i look up to meet his eyes.My foster mom always told me to look into the eyes of the person you are talking to,it helps show confidence.

"Everyone was wondering if you wanted to come watch the movie you and Rachel"

"No" he answers with a straight and clearly irritated voice and with that he closes the door in my face

"ugh what an asshole" i mutter to myself and I head for the theatre room.They ask me where he is and i repeat what he had told me.

After the movie which was alright and we all go to our rooms.I hop into my bed and drift off into slumber.

02:00 am




"I'm comimg" i roll over in annoyance and i go crashing down head first.

"Fuck thats gonna leave a mark:" i head to the door and my sleepy eyes had instantly disappeared due to the sight before me.

Elizabeth was in tears her always happy smile had been replaced with tears and saddness gracing her face.

"Hey hey whats wrong Lisa Bisa, no wait lets go to Scarlett's room and i will go get us some of your favourite snacks from the kitchen and get your favourite movie how bout it"

"yeah fine by me"and with that i take her to Scarletts room.I tell scarlett where I am heading as well as sending her to go and get Lisa Bisa's favourite movie.

I make my way to the kitchen and grab all the snacks and drinks.I head back upstairs not before going to get Amy and Tiffany.

Tiffany was the only one in her room Amy wasnt in her room so i was suspecting her to probably have spent the night with the guard she had been flirting with and worst part the guards quaters is really far so i guess i will tell her tomorrow.

We both head over to Scarletts room.Scarlett opens the door and i look around the room to see Elizabeth seated on the edge of the bed shedding tears.I turn my attention back to Letty and whisper to her "hey i brought the snacks and Tiffany, did she say anything"

"No she says she wont talk until you guys would come so come in"she answers.

We all make our way to her and sit around her in comfortable sience. I look over to Elizabeth and the it really breaks my heart she looks betrayed and hurt.

Tiffany is first to break the silence "so whats the matter hun we are here for you so please tell us whats wrong, your silence really is worrying us"

After some time she finslly starts talking.

"yeah um so after the movie i was heading for my room and i was passing Jasons office and noticed the door was open just a liitle bit the lights where on and i thought he left them on like he does all the time i open the the door so i can turn the light on anddddd" she stops her voice cracking before she finally continues.

"And i find my brother thrusting in and out of Amy"she finishes not before shedding more tears.

Oh my freaking gosh!!!!. Here i was thinking she was a lovely girl but she was just like the rest of them sly and crook.To believe i shared with her my favourite chips.

"Oh Eli im so sorry" Tiffany says Scarlett and i nod our heads in agreement.

"And the worst part is she didnt even look regretful or scared that she had been caught in fact she just looked at me and smiled she freaking smiled"

Before I can continue she talks first "and I loved her like a sister but she only used me just to get to him just like all my past friends"

I begin to speak"hey don't blame yourself you didn't know she was a snake .she is the one at fault not you " I look at her assurigly before continuing

"Now, we have brought your favourite snacks and movies so how about we start cheering you up huh"

"Yeah sounds great and thanks you guys I love y'all very much" she sniffles before giving us a small smile.

The movie was once again amazing and we all agreed on sleeping in Scarlett's room.I get myself comfortable in the sleeping bag Scarlett brought incase we were to have a sleepover in someone else's room.

Today was most certainly odd,and its only just the beginning.