Chapter Four

Cleo POV

The next morning

The sun starts to come into view.I wake up to see Scarlett and Tiffany alraedy awake.I look over to see Elizabeth passed out and i start laughing because she took up the whole bed all by herself.

I greet the two of them and we tip toe our way out of the room so we do not wake up Lisa Bisa.

Once we are out I am first to speak."How about we make her favourite breakfast"i suggest looking at the two of them.They both agree saying its a good idea.

Now we have decided on making Lisa Bisa's absolute favourite food pancakes with fruits and nutella.Few minutes later we are done with the breakfast we ended up aking for everyone so Margret and the other maids could have a break.

It was really difficult to get Mar to let us make breakfast but she finally agreed.We set the table and i rush up to my room and get my special bell.I head back to the dinning room and start ringing the bell.

The boys are all down but with faces indicating they are most certainly angry.Where as Elizabeth has a big grin on her . I smile at them as innocently as possible.

Matteo talks first "what the fuck is going on, why did we hear a bell" he asks.

"Because its breakfast time" i answer as plainly as possible.Matteo glares at me but I keep my head up and stare at him back.They all get seated and start digging in.

After breakfast time we all head our separate ways.The girls and i get dressed and make our way to the garden.

Elizabeth has been quiet the all time since we got here and that is so unlike her since she is quiet the chatter box who am i kidding here the girl can talk for hours and never gets tired.

"Hey Lisa Bisa you're awfully quiet is something wrong" I ask her waiting for her to answer.

"Nothing's wrong just thinking" she says with a sigh.

"Well maybe you can share your thoughts with us so we lessen you with all that thinking you are doing" i answer to her with a hopeful smile displaying itself on my face.

"Um well we have this family reunion thats coming up and all my family members are gonna be there including Lucas and Matteo's parents".

"And i am just scared wondering wether they will like you guys or not because the last time i introduced a group of friends of mine they did not like them at all".

"Seriously you are worrying about that, you shouldnt stress over such things and I'm sure they will love us cause we are pretty charming"

"Yeah" she answers still sounding a bit uneasy.

"When will they be coming" Tiffany asks while munching on her biscuits.

"They will arrive tomorrow actually" she answers her voice fading.

"TOMORROW!!!" We all yell at the same time.

"Why didn't you tell us, We need to go shopping stat c'mon to the garage" I answer and we all rush to the garage and decide on the black Cadillac.

We arrive at the mall and start going through all the options.

While shuffling through the many dresses one dress speaks to me in particular I reach out and I already fall in love with the dress.

I look over at the price and my eyes almost bulge out the dress is actually 1000 dollars.

I mean Lisa Bisa's brother did say everything was free since he owns the mall, but then that will go against my morals and value's but I really love this dress.Sorry mum you are probably looking down on me with your angry face but it's just this once so I'll take it.

I head over to the girls and their dresses are just as amazing.

We head out of the shop and make our way to the food court.

Once we eat our lunch we head to the car and drive back home.

Dinner was most certainly quiet with Hunter in America and the guys gone to who knows where.

Rachel could not keep quiet she kept on talking and talking and the fact this fake Barbie does not have an off switch pisses me off even more.

We all go to our rooms.After a relaxing shower I get dressed in my t-shirt and shorts.Driffting into yet another dreamless sleep.

"No i think we should go with orange its nice and bright" Scarlett argues.

"What are you saying you computer dweeb its pink we should be going for this colour beacuse it brings out the garden more" Elizabeth argues back.

"Im not a dweeb just smart thats all you barbie doll ostrich" Scarlett says.

Bet you are wondering what is happening now ,So basically we are currently decorating the garden party which is to occur this afternoon.

And these two where given the duty of deciding on which balloons to set up but as usual Scarlett and Elizaebth are arguing so now they are arguing on which balloon colour is more appropriate.

While Tifafany, the maids and i are already done seting up these two knuckle heads are still on their first job.

"CLEO!!!!!!!" I turn to see where my name is being yelled settling on my two best friends who are furosiusly waving for me to go over to them.

Huh just great now they are involving me in their banter.

I walk over to them."Okay which one is better boring orange or happy pink and choose wisely also note that i bought you that hoverboard you always wanted"Elizabeth as she looks at me waiting for me to choose her.

"Hey thats cheating" Scarlett says clearly upset.

"Okay lets chill for a second alright, Now both you're colours are fun and vibrant now how about we do both colours" i ask looking at the pair.I am lying my teeth out both their colours are rubbish but I love them both.

They look at each other and both agree and we start blowing up the balloons.

One hour passes and we set up all the balloons and everything looks amazing except forbthe balloons ofcourse.

The garden party is about to start we all rush to our rooms to get ready.

I have a quick shower, once done i head into the walk in closet.After putting on the dress along with my white high sneakers, high heels aren't much of my thing.I leave my hair in its curly state and go four natural makeup look.

Once I'm settled with my appereance i head downstairs and to the garden where a crowd already formed.I pass through the crowd only to be grabbed by two hands on either side of my arms.

Before i can have time to react i find myself at the backstage i turn to look at the culprits and it turns out its Scarlett and Elizabeth and they look distressed.

"Hey guys everything okay" I ask them.They look at each other feeling a bit uneasy.

Elizabeth decides to speak "You are not going to like this but its a crisis, my little brother James is performing but the girl he was supposed to sing with didn't show up and i told him i had someone in mind"

Scarlett begins to talk "We know this is meant to be a vacation but we really need you to fill in for the girl please" They both look at me with their so called puppy dog eyes.

"Uggh fine but you two owe me big time" This was suppose to be my big break from the spotlight but i can't let the kid down.

"And don't worry its a song you love so the lyrics are already in your head" Scarlett answers as they lead me to the stage behind the curtain.

"Okay um just to let you know my brother is a huge fan so he might forget his lyrics"

"Okay got it enjoy the show ladies" I say in a diva accent and they roll their eyes.

Well guess its time to face the music.


Jason POV

These family reunions are always the worst too many people.A lot of talking and a lot of touching. Three of the main things i do not like.

We are currently waiting for James to come on stage and perform.And for some reason i always find myself looking for a certain curly haired somebody and its most certainly something i never do but ever since I first met her she is always invading my thoughts and dreams and i dont like it at all.

My search is diturbed by the music on stage of the song showing that the show is starting James comes on stage.

He starts singigng and the attention is on him.Another voice can be heard from the backstage until the singer shows themselves and to my surprise it was Cleo and she is really good and i found myself paying attention when she sang her part .

I could see Amelia,Jessica, and Rosy my little cousins screaming and fidgeting as they run to the stage.

The two of them sing in harmony but by the looks of it James is trying to contain his happiness for some unknown reason i mean he does not even know her.

Cleo starts getting down the stairs and the girls look at her in admiration and she waves them over and they waste no time in coming over.

"Oh my gosh its her Cleo Mandez" i hear Rebecca my sixteen year old cousin exclaims as she clings on the arm of my other 18 year old cousin Chloe.

"Yes I see that now let go" she answers clearly annoyed.I make my way over to them.

"Who is Cleo Mandez" I ask them.This will finally give me the answers I have been looking for. They turn to look at me like as if I grew three heads.

"I mean I'm not surprised you don't know her cause you are as old as great grandpa Marco" Rebecca says as she gives a smug smile.

"Hey I am not old" they start laughing at my statement which slowly angers me even more.

"Jason you don't even know what a fucking selfie is you literally said it's a self programming app I mean what the fuck is that" Amelia answers as Rebecca nod's her head in agreement.

"I am not old just really intelligent" I correct them.

"Yeah whatever, okay to answer your question from before.the lady over there is Cleo Mandez" she answers and I look at her clearly not amused.

"Okay okay so basically just like you are a celebrity in the Business world she is a celebrity in the music world.But she is way better like how half the money she earns from concerts is taken to different charity funds"Rebecca says.

."Oooh and the best part about her is she actually follows back on all social media platforms except for you tube. Unlike some celebs who just peep and mize or ignore just in case you don't what mode is" Amelia adds in.

"She is actually the only celeb who deserves to be called an influencer cause she actually influences us to be the best we can be unlike other celebs who just post pics of themselves in bikinis or whatever I mean c'mon that's just encouraging us to feel even more ugly" Rebecca says.

"Oh and she is actually the one who dealt with that guy who was going around social media trolling girls and stalking them" Rebecca says.

And with that said they walk over to Elizabeth and her friend Scarlett.

So she has a soft side under all that hard exterior.

Performing on that stage really felt amazing it felt good to be back under the light.

Right now I am signing autographs and taking selfies along with answering the billions of questions these little girls have for me.

"What inspired you to be a singer"

"What's your favorite color"

"Would you ever help an injured skunk"

"Do you have an exotic tiger?"

Why is it the first that comes to mind when it comes to celebrities or billionaire's is an exotic tiger I mean why not something else like maybe a Lama.

"Okay guys let's take it easy I am only one person after all, now to answer your questions I always loved singing in my shower and thought hey I'm pretty darn good why not turn my talent into a career and bam I became a singer."

"My favourite colour is dark red"

"Of course I would help the skunk because it has a heart and brain like us humans although my heart and brain are bigger"they all laugh.

"Nope I don't have an exotic tiger" I answer them honestly.

We end up changing the topic.Elizabeth makes her way through the crowd.And asked me to come with her.

I look ahead of where we are heading to see Scarlett and Tiffany already there talking to older people.

"Okay I brought her,mom dad this is my other Best friend Cleo Mandez" she introduces.

"And Cleo this Is Catherine and Carlos my parents, Hannah Lucas's mom, lastly Pablo and Mariah Mateo' s parents."

She introduces them and I shake each of their hands strange thing is when handshaking Mariah(Matteo's mom) it felt so familiar but I just brushed it off.

"So you're the Cleo that brought our lovely Eli' s smile back it's lovely to finally meet you she has told us a lot about you"Catherine smiles at me while shaking hands.

"Um good things I hope and she has told me a lot of good things about you ma'am" i answer as politely as I can.

"Oh no to you girls just call us by our names you are the one who brought back the smile on our little princessa so you deserve some respect" Carlos lovingly says.

We all start having a conversation before me and the girls head to the booth.

During the whole party Mateo' s mother has been watching me . and it's starting to creep me out.

All the other guests left an hour ago except for Matteo's,Lucas' s and Jason's parents they are staying for the week.The kids are all in the cinema room watching Moana.

Now we have just finished dinner and now we are currently seated in the living room getting to know each other and now the questions have come to me and just as I suspected Mariana is asking me questions.Oh Boy.

"So where are you from Cleo?"

"New York" I answer as honestly as possible.

"How about your family " she asks the one question that is always hard to answer.

Everyone stops talking clearly interested. Scarlett and Elizabeth tense up knowing how this question always does it for me.

"Uh well my therapist did say I had to open up about what happened even if it's to strangers" I say and they all look even more confused.

"My parents and sibling all passed away in a car accident when I was four years old" I answer Scarlett and Elizabeth sit themselves on either side of me making sure I don't go into a mental break down.

"I'm sorry to intrude was your sibling a boy?" She asks as she starts tearing up as well and Pablo looks at me waiting for my answer.

"A boy yes I don't really remember his full name but I do remember calling him Ally, and Before he passed away he gave me his favourite teddy bear"

I dig through my bag and Matteo is first to reach for it looking for something in the doll when he finally finds it , he looks at me then at his parents.

"It's her" he answers and everyone in the room including Elizabeth look at me in shock.While Scarlett and Tiffany are just as clueless as me.

Pablo speaks up " We don't know for sure" he turns to me "What is your second name if you have one" he asks me.

"Um it's Isabella I remember my mother chose the name for me she even gave me her favourite necklace before she died and I carry it with me wherever I go"

I bring out the necklace that is tucked neatly in my pocket dress and show it to them.Mariah looks at the necklace and opens it which I did not know could do and she starts crying even more.

"Oh honey we thought you where dead "Mariah answers and starts her way over to me hugging me in a bone crushing way.

"Okay I'm confused someone please tell me what the hell is going on" I ask starting to get really upset.

"I am your mother we are your family". No fucking way.