The Silver family and Lian family are eternal enemies. It all started with a small fight over a new unexplored land that appeared after the portal incident. Soon that fight became a disaster in the absence of Jaxon as he was inside a dungeon. Both families clashed with each other, and many people died during this duration.

The Lian family had the upper hand due to a large number of superhumans. They pushed the Silver family to a corner. There is a saying that a cornered rat always fights back. So the Silver family also put everything on the line to fight a final battle.

Where there is a war, there are both traitors and heroes. When the Lian family almost wiped out most of them, the cowards of the Silver family stabbed their own family in the back and joined the Lians'. But everything changed within a few minutes when Jaxon emerged from the dungeon with his immortal-like superpower.

In front of absolute power, no matter how many superhumans the Lian family threw at Jaxon, they all got wiped out. Jaxon single-handedly destroyed the Lian family. It hardly took ten minutes to force the Lian family to their knees.

Although that single victory over that unexplored land changed the history of the Silver family. But, during the war, countless good people died from both sides. It was one of the darkest times for both families as due to the result of a single order, people died, and that fact won't change.

To avoid future conflicts, Jaxon, the leader of the Silver family, and Ivan, the leader of the Lian family, signed a pact of non-violence. Then, within a year, the Silver family explored the unknown land and found crystal veins brimming with energy along with countless exotic plantations.

Powerful families and peoples were busy increasing their power and riches by capturing the new lands. Many new countries were formed, and the war continued to wage for years. But, after a while, it ended. Strong were enjoying luxurious life, and the weak were forced to work and scrape by.

Those who were lucky got a chance to start a new life in the new lands. For the unlucky ones, well, the old earth was still there for them. Many cities and towns became empty when the people migrated to the new countries.

Jaxon announced the rise of a new country built on the new land to the world. He named his country, The Silver World.

He raised walls made of energy crystals all around his land to prevent outsider attacks. And as the name suggests, the walls always shine with silver sparkle in the morning and a dim milky white hue at night.

It wasn't easy for him at the beginning, but with Ace's birth, the Silver family suddenly rose to the top five strongest countries in the world. And earned the title of the richest country in the world.

Over time, the Lian family didn't just sit on their butt in despair. Out of desperation and rage, Ivan went inside a dungeon with his two brothers. No one knows what happened next as Ivan was the only one to emerge from the portal after 3 long years.

Ivan then rebuilt his family from the ground. With the overwhelming power he awakened, he took over the country next to The Silver World. He named his conquered land, The Arcon's Helm. The rivalry between the two countries began once again.

They couldn't fight each other due to the pact. So both families always try to best each other through trades, architecture, and superhuman competitions. They bet lands and other treasures through the competition. It's the only way for them to vent their anger on each other and maintain a constant rivalry.

The superhuman competition takes place every year during the winter. This competition spans over days where the families send their young generations to one versus one duel. Out of the ten duels, the side with the most victory wins the competition. Both families take turns hosting the competition. And this year, it was the Silver family's turn.

But, there was still a month left before the competition. And the Lian family decided to intrude in the Silver family's awakening ceremony.

[Location: Silver family's main mansion] [Garden]

"Having a party..."

"And you forgot to invite your best friends..."

Until some uninvited guests decided to drop by the Silver mansion. The eternal rival of the Silver family, The Lian family.

"What the heck are they doing here?" Jaxon said with an annoying tone, seeing Ivan's smiling face. He was surprised to see the leader of the Lian family visiting in person without any prior notice.

Ace noticed the skull marks floating above Ivan's head, excluding the other five members, "So, the Skills don't have a fixed range... Interesting. But... that old freak..." He thought while looking at Ivan.

Ivan was a well-built and muscular man. His muscles were bulging through his clothes. He took of his glass and met Ace's glance with a sly smile. His hairs were all grey and white. One could say that he was in his 60s.

"Humfff," Jaxon hurriedly finished capturing all the traitors.

Trisa came in to take away the prisoners, and Jin was still outside, scanning the surroundings for unknown threats. He thought that the Lian family's sudden visit must have something to do with the constant attacks. So, he stayed outside to prevent any more surprises the Lians' have prepared.

"Is there a problem, Jax?" Ivan yelled with a scoffing tone, "Not too trustworthy people you got there, I see..."

Everyone's focus shifted from the traitors to the Lian family.

"You know that saying... The criminal mastermind always visits his crime scene at least once. We have to play it smart, grandpa," Ace tugged Jaxon's arm and spoke in his ears, "That man, Ivan... He got that got marked by my Skill just like those traitors. You know what that means..."

"Ivan," Jaxon yelled, releasing a wave of bloodlust, "Uninvited guests are not allowed... Get out of my mansion. Or should I kill you for sneaking into my country?"

"Oh!!! Are you sure about that?" Ivan fought back Jaxon with his own bloodlust with an arrogant smile, "By the way, I haven't sneaked in... I followed the procedure, but it looks like your people are more incompetent than I thought..." He took out the permit papers from his storage.


[Booom] A wave of Aura shredded the permit papers.

"Illegal permit... Ivan, don't push your luck any more than necessary..." Jaxon yelled in anger.

"Wooo there... My bad, but I only came to say that this year... I will be betting my country and everything I own..."

"So, I hope you will prepare something of equal value..."

"Wahahahaha... See you in the arena, my old friend..."

Ivan said and let out a burst of blood-chilling sinister laughter.