Enlightenment 2

As the energy flowed through Wo Shie's eyes he could feel the structure of his eyes changing and information related to it being imprinted into his mind.

'Eyes of The Infinite' is what he came to know his eyes by, apparently the circulation of energy was for a cultivation technique called deaths manifestation, and a body technique called Gods omnipotence, both techniques we're out of this world to him.

He'd heard of cultivation through his mom and the witch doctors conversation. He didn't really know the ins and outs of it but he knew it was the reason his mom never seemed tired or hungry no matter what she was doing. He didn't think he'd ever get to actually cultivate if he was to think about his future now he'd say he wanted to be like the witch doctor so he can help people.

After finding out he awakened his 'Eyes of The infinite' by cultivating deaths manifestation and god's omnipotence he started to wonder about what these eyes could do.

Once he thought to himself asking 'what exactly can these eyes of the infinite do' his consciousness was pulled into a vision where a guy with strange black and white eyes that look like they're the exact opposite of each other. When he saw his strange eyes he couldn't help but ask if this half blind man was going to fight.

But in the next moment he heard the guy with strange eyes say, "there are an infinite ways this can turn out luckily I can choose my favorite" and information on what he was doing was shared into Wo Shoe's mind as he was the one making the move right now.

"Memory of the Unseen" Wo Shie Heard the guy utter in a barely audible voice. In the next moment he threw a counter punch towards his opponent blocking it and smoothly executing a jab to his shoulder snapping his collarbone and knocking his shoulder out of place sending him flying at a considerable speed.

While also moving forward at the speed that he sent the opponent flying and smashing him into the ground with his other hand.

Wo Shie looked and found it interesting how he knew what exactly happened the guy with the weird eyes when he used 'memory of the unseen' he instantly saw many possibilities of how this fight could go and when he saw the one he wanted he perfectly executed the countering possibility he'd seen as if he'd practiced it for thousands of years.

This was one of the skills he'd be able to use with his eyes of the infinite. After seeing this and learning this new information his consciousness returned to the flow of energy within his body through his eyes, around his spine to the base then exploding to every cell in his body, though it said it was 2 different techniques 'deaths manifestation' and 'god's omnipotence' when these techniques are cultivated together to create the spiral of energy through the eyes down the spine and exploding g into the body they merge into a singular technique.

So technically it became a method that cultivates spirit energy and body together, because of this with a thought Wo Shie decided to call it 'Death Gods Rebirth'.

Since Wo Shie's foundation was in shambles he couldn't cultivate and increase his cultivation. These cultivation methods 'deaths manifestation and gods omnipotence' actually began to heal and rebuild his foundation at a visible rate. Probably in 5-7 years would his foundation be strong enough for him to cultivate with his divine universe tree.

A year continued like this with his seeing visions of skills and abilities regarding his cultivation techniques and his eyes.

He came to find out that by refining his body with the 'gods omnipotence' he'll awaken what's called the omnipotent eternal temple of god. The name was no joke he found out that his body would turn into a literal temple of god. Not like a building but his soul would take form into its own god body and reside within his body as it's temple.

He found it would also change his body on a cellular level giving him absolute control over his body structure as long as he understands the changes he wants to make within his body.

Say he wanted to change his face to someone else's face he'd have to have a perfect picture of them in his mind for it to work otherwise he'd look like their sibling or a deformed drawing by a 3 year old. He could also turn his body into elements but that was far beyond what he was capable of right now.

One thing he could use right now was something called energy of the creator which was actually the same energy healing and rebuilding his foundation. He could use this ability to heal himself or anyone else it also had calming effects on wild animals.

Furthermore the cultivation technique 'deaths manifestation' actually binded his qi cultivation with his soul cultivation making his qi progress and soul progression interdependent on each other. Meaning the more powerful his chi became the faster he could advance his soul power and vice versa.

Luckily he already had an insane soul cultivation due to his outrageously large Divine Universe Tree the only downside was he wouldn't be able to progress with it or make it stronger until his qi cultivation caught up, he couldn't even make use of a fraction of it's stregnths until his qi catch's up so he was still effectively a cripple until his foundation completely repairs.

With deaths manifestation he found that if he was at deaths doorstep he could use the move 'Omnipotent Rebirth' that he had seen that guy use however if he were to use that move he'd be reborn with no cultivation and only be able to recover his memories under certain circumstances. it would also forcibly reincarnate whoever was within 100 km of himself causing everyone within that radius to be reborn as the same time as him.

When Wo Shie finally came back to reality, he'd actually made it all the way to the bath house where he quickly paid 10 bronze coins to go in, he went inside bathed changed and headed back home.