
While Wo Shie was walking back towards their small hut, he wanted to think more about his awakening however his attention was taken by multiple fires in the distance. Being the smart 6 year old he was he spotted what looked like 10 fires, and as he continued walking he could hear people's screams and, the crackling flames giving a world breaking sensation. As if the flames were breaking the very fabric of his peaceful reality.

Under normal circumstance 6 year old Wo Shie would be scared but seeing these fires in the direction of where him and his mom's hut was, he steeled his nerves and continued marching in that direction.

As he got closer the smell of charred flesh and blood began to invade his nose and he began to violently throw up blood due to not having eaten in a good amount of time and witnessing the visceral sense of death. On his path he saw many mangled corpse's destroyed to the point where anyone would be unable to identify them.

As he grit his teeth and trekked on, finally his home came into view. His heart sunk when he didn't see fire instead, he saw a crater large enough to fit 10 of his small hut's across its diameter. He began running with tears streaming down his face in the direction of the crater hoping to find his mother.

Before he could even come within 50 meters of the crater a figure grabbed him and thee next thing he realized he was in a forest with the figure that grabbed him lying on the ground in front of him.

"Aunty Doctor, what happened where's mom? Why is the village on fire why is everyone dead?" Wo Shie was unable to grasp what was going on, he seemed to be saved by the witch doctor but he didn't know what had happened to cause such a large commotion in the village.

"Come little Shie let me tell you some things, but first you have to promise me to be a good boy and be strong so you can live a happy life" The witch doctor gently moved her eye's to Wo Shie while reaching out with her hand to touch his cheek.

The witch doctor was in a terrible condition, she seemed to be missing an entire arm with blade marks and burns all over her body while her breathing was shallow and not the strongest.

"I p-promise" Wo Shie replied while sniffling and trying to stop the tears from running down his face.

"Okay listen carefully, Me you and your mother are actually fugitives from the Immortal Sun clan. Before you we're born when your mother first was pregnant with you your father was sent to a battlefield from which he never returned the news we received was that he was dead."

"After your father's death your mother and I felt something was off about the changes in the clan so we planned an escape. In the dark of night, we left and came here to this mortal world hoping to escape the schemes and scrutiny of your family. Right now your mother is fighting against... S-she told me to give this to you and to tell you not to seek revenge"

She then handed a storage ring to Wo Shie, "Your mother... s-she really loves you grow strong and live happily for her sake please" With this the witch doctor seemed to be losing consciousness and falling into deaths gentle grasp.

Wo Shie's tears turned into waterworks as he started asking what he has to do to save his mom and if he could help the witch doctor. Then he remembered he had the ability "energy of the creator" He began to try and use this energy and send it into the witchdoctor's body.

As soon as he began to bring the energy onto his hand the witchdoctor used her remaining strength to grab his wrist and looked at him sternly, "So you can use spirit energy even though you're a cripple that's good, your mom would be happy. Take the storage ring and run get out of here there isn't time to save me or your mom you must escape"

"B-but I can help..." Wo Shie began to try to tell her what he could do but it was for naught as he was cut off.

"RUN! Escape and get out of here, you must live little Shie you are me and your mothers only hope." The witch doctor yelled at Wo Shie which was something he never experienced. He could feel his world crumbling around him and his heart sinking into a black pit in his chest.

"B-b-but I..." Wo Shie was truly heartbroken he didn't know what to say.

"Get out of here before I kill you myself!" The Witch Doctor cut him off again, not wanting to waste anymore time while raising her only hand and sitting up painfully as if she was about to strike Wo Shie.

Seeing this Wo Shie Was finally broken and began to run with tears streaming down his face as his the witch doctor let out a sigh of relief and laid looking at the sky as she breathed her last breath.

Wo Shie was running full speed through the forest thinking his life was over not knowing what to do, the only thing he knew was he wanted to see his mom again, he was only born into this world 6 years ago and spent more than half of those years either in slumber or an unconscious enlightenment. He'd hardly spent anytime with his mother or learning much about the world.

He didn't know what to do where to go or how he'll even eat, He just ran through the dark forest until the sun came up, when the sun came up, he finally collapsed on the ground by the side of a small river and lost consciousness as death's manifestation and god's omnipotence started to circulate energy through his body on it's own.