
Wo Shie realized that imagining, remembering and experiencing his fights with Fu Shen we're extremely different. There was a distinct difference in the experience of the fight.

The feeling in their exchange made him feel like he suddenly became further from the world while remaining in the same place. He felt infinitely close to everything while also infinitely far away from everything.

As Wo Shie began to stand up the odd out of body feeling began to slowly disappear and the pain in his ribs started to kick in.

'What the hell was that and this guys definitely trying to punish me' Wo Shie thought to himself as he tried to formulate a plan to just get a good hit in.

He dusted himself off and stepped forward this time he decided to just do whatever he could. When he got in front of Fu Shen instead of taking the fighting stance of fury he just took off running in a hooked patter towards fu Shen.

When he got around to the side of Fu Shen he'd already turned to face Wo Shie and instead of directly attacking he threw a fient and when he saw Fu Shen moving to block he immediately used the momentum of him running to slide past him and while grabbing his leg in an attempt to bring him down.

But somehow just as Wo Shie slid past Fu Shen and reached back to pull his leg out an elbow came raining down in the direction of his face.

At this moment it seemed like Wo Shie's movements became so swift and efficient that they appeared tens of times faster as he clasped his palm to the back of one hand and putting the back of the other hand on his forehead while kicking his legs up with all the strength he had as if to do a backflip.

With the added momentum of the elbow coming down on him he flipped a lot faster and harder than normal causing him to tumble through the air like a plan shot out the sky. He flew a few meters because of his momentum and came flipping and crashing into the ground because he didn't expect to even be able to block that elbow that he was sure should have made a Wo Shie sized crater.

After tumbling like that Fu Shen appeared where Wo Shie was to check on him with i complicated expression wondering if he maybe could have pulled his punches a bit more.

"Wo Shie ah yea that's gonna take a bit to heal… Are you alright I didn't think you'd pull some kind of maneuver like that, or even be able to do what you did this soon, congratulations… I guess aha ha…" Fu Shen awkwardly checked on Wo Shies condition surprised at how soon he started to see glimpses into flow, he attributed this to his earlier hints.

"Shut up old man. *Cough*Cough* you know you could have pulled those *Cough* punches but no you have to push me to just trying to survive!" Wo Shie screamed at Fu Shen while coughing out blood.

"You crazy old bastard what kind sadistic people raised you for you to do this to a kid without feeling remorse you demon!" Wo Shie continue to release his pain and frustration as his body floated being carried by Fu Shen back to the camp site.

"God, kid where did you pick up such curses, such a foul mouth I would have thought you were the one raised by demons." Fu Shen said while laughing to himself at how tough this kid was all his bones were just about broken with a couple protruding through his skin and bleeding.

Yet instead of screaming crying or passing out the kid spat out curses.

"You… you shameless old man just wait one day I'll show you how to be a bully!" and with that it seemed like the adrenaline keeping him going was all gone as he directly passed out and lost consciousness.