
Again as Wo Shie passed out and became unconscious his body began to absorb spirit energy and converting it into source energy with the help of his universe core through Deaths Manifestation and Gods Omnipotence.

As Fu Shen returned to the campsite with the unconscious Wo Shie in tow he began to build a fire while crushing up herbs to make a healing tea for Wo Shie when he woke up.

As he was crushing up his herbs, he began to feel a familiar energy coming out from Wo Shie. As he could see Wo Shie's body healing at a visible rate.

Seeing Wo Shie healing and feeling the energy of the creator Fu Shen finally stopped berating himself as the energy began to induce a calm and relaxing feeling in him. He unconsciously sat down and began meditating.

Surprisingly Wo Shie's foundation was approaching the point where it'd be repaired to a point where he could safely start cultivating. As he continued to absorb the spirit energy the source energy enveloping his body became thicker.

It got to the point the energy of the creator surrounding Wo Shie was completely black with flashes of white symbols every now and then. This caused it to have a dim shine from time to time when the white symbols would appear. Mythic beast within a 100km radius also began to become docile as they too began to relax and enter states of hibernation.

What was happening within the Wo Shie shaped blob of black and white light was even more enigmatic as the injuries that incurred when he was sparing with Fu Shen had completely healed and it seem as his entire body was undergoing some type of metamorphosis as the energy around him continued to grow more dense and the space surrounding him began to be slightly pushed away causing him to seem as if he was in 2 separate realities at once.

Once the energy became so dense that it noticeably looked like space was bending around Wo Shie, the energy of the creator enveloping his body began to slowly seep into his body. At this rate he'd be like this for at most a week.

The energy first enveloped his organs as they began to drastically change as the energy enveloped every single organ in Wo Shie's body and began to go into the cells causing the cellular rebirth rate to exponentially speed up while the energy of the creator was the catalyst for the new cells being born. His organs were born anew with a black and white hue.

They we're to a point it looked as if no matter what he ate or if he was poisoned his organs would keep functioning as they should. The energy then seeped into his bones as the stronger blood now flowing through his heart passively strengthened his muscles.

His bones also received a level of energy of the creator that they were reborn on a cellular level. And then proceeded to his muscles and his skin and he became completely reborn just about.

If one could see the blood flowing through his body would notice that it was now completely white with black symbols that would appear every now and then. His bones had also turned completely black with white symbols that would flash frequently.

This process of the energy transformation took a total of 3 days while there was about 40% of the initial energy of the creator remaining around his body.

The energy surrounding him began to seep into his foundation as he slowly started regaining his consciousness.

He opened his eyes and looked around and found he was back in the castle that looked like a broken mirror with the reflective glowing black walls and white jagged tiles with more reflective black stone material.

He found himself inside the castle standing in front of the alter with the 'Taijutu Incarnate" manual sitting on top of it.

He remembered the pain he experienced the last time he touched the book and flinched as he slowly reached out to grab it this time hoping he could finally finish reading it.

When he made contact with the book it opened itself to a page with a castle similar to this one with the statues of dragons surrounding a castle at the end of the long path. Atop the page it said 'Taijutu's Abode'

When he read the words on the page all the information regarding 'Taijutu's abode' appeared in his mind with a slight stinging feeling.

He came to know that 'Taijutu's abode' was located within its own void universe inside a bubble of Wo Shie's divine universe tree. He also came to know that this castle had many facilities the ones he had access to now were the comprehension chamber and the metamorphosis pod.

The comprehension chamber was a room where his ability to comprehend anything was ten times stronger. And the metamorphosis pod was a spherical object filled with extremely concentrated energy of the creator that could only be absorbed when he reached a certain strength.

As soon as he found out what the rooms were capable of he ran straight towards the comprehension chamber as he wanted to try and grasp that feeling he had earlier.

Actually when he had blocked that elbow that Fu Shen launched towards his face he had the same feeling he had in their first exchange when they fought a few days ago.

The feeling was as if he was experiencing everything around him as his senses seemed to be heightened to the point where his body knew what to do for its highest chances of survival. It was such a foreign experience right now the only thing he could relate it to was an out of body experience.

It was a weird feeling as it made him inside his body feel like he was infinitely close yet infinitely far away from the world while he could somehow sense everything going on around him and feel the slightest changes in the flow of energy in a certain direction as some places became more dense with spirit energy and some became void of any spirit energy.

By the time he noticed this he was already tumbling through the air like a cannonball.