Too Beautiful

Wo Shie woke up early in the morning, the sun had just began to peak over the horizon causing the sky to glow shades of orange and pink while a lot of the sky was still scattered with stars and the full moon loomed high in the sky as if waiting for the sun before it retreated to the other side of the planet.

Wo Shie yawned and stretched taking in all of his surroundings looking at the sky in its unencumbered beauty. The peaceful air and the beauty of this morning however held an air of silence as if beneath all of this glory that was basking the mortal plane was a monster lying in wait.

It was too beautiful, too peaceful. Wo Shie felt a familiar feeling deep in the pit of his stomach, this feeling was almost ingrained in his soul as the image of the world faded and he was brought back to the moment where his village was destroyed and the mangled bodies of the villagers lay there on the sides of the roads some missing limbs and some charred.

With his mind clouded in hopes to try and save his mom he took off running towards their small hut only to be swept away by the witch doctor again, however this time it wasn't the witch doctor.

It was a cloaked and masked figure, this brought Wo Shie back to his senses as he felt he was in deaths hand. The air around the masked man was sharp to the point that Wo Shie felt as if he was a spec of dust in front of a monolith.

"W-who are you?" Wo Shie managed to push out as his body was shaking almost to the point of convulsions, and every fiber in his body was screaming escape.

"Oh I am nobody, I just believe I found what I'm looking for, that witch doctor and the other lady proved to be a handful and I believe you're a loose end. Also you have something in your possession that does not rightfully belong to you." The masked man spoke with an air of superiority and contempt.

Hearing his words rage swelled in Wo Shie's stomach and his vision blurred, he continuously blinked his eyes in attempt to remain conscious with the overflowing emotions inside of him.

The words of the witch doctor to not seek revenge and grow stronger resounded in his mind, and the feeling of powerlessness caused his heart to tremble in the realization that he wasn't enough to protect his mother and he couldn't even protect himself now.

"W-what do you want bastard?" Wo Shie asked with a dark look on his face as all his rage and regret towards himself and towards the man in front of him were extremely evident in his voice. His fist were clenched as blood trickled down the side of his hands.

"Oh you're a feisty kid aren't you, we'll I'm sure I can fi…" the masked man's words were cut short as a foot landed flush on the side of his head launching him through the forest at an alarming speed.

The force in the kick had also thrown Wo Shie back a considerable distance however he was caught before he was allowed to crash into anything, "We have to escape!" Lola's voice sounded in his ears as he finally noticed a long split in the forest was made from where the masked man was standing.

The commotion had also drawn Fu Shen to immediately come to the area as it wasn't very far from their campsite. Fu Shen seeing Wo Shie in the arms of a girl that looked to be the same age as him slightly put him on guard.

"You must take him and escape this is an enemy you can't deal with he should be incapacitate long enough for you to escape but I can't do what I just did again." Lola shouted commands at The confused Fu Shen but after he examined the scenes he understood and believer no person on the mortal plane possessed power of this magnitude.

"Who are you how do I know that you aren't the enemy?" Fu Shen began his counter investigation immediately as he didn't want to play into the enemy's hand but became ultimately surprised when he saw the girl place Wo Shie on the ground and completely vanish from his eyes.

'I've got to get us out of here and let master know what happened here.' Fu Shen thought to himself as he began to feel a tingling feeling in the base of his spine. He dashed through the air transforming into his werewolf form while running he picked up Wo Shie who had passed out due to the mental torment he was feeling.

He tossed Wo Shie onto his back and dashed through the forest as blast of light began decimating an entire 1000km radius. He ran and dodged in and out of the trees using his heightened senses as a werewolf to try and go in the safest directions. Luckily the blast from the wide area attack also provided slight cover as within 15 seconds he'd escaped the 1000km radius.

He didn't escape unscathed but he was still safe enough to keep moving at his top speed. The rain of attacks continued in the area for close to an hour by that time Fu Shen and Wo Shie were clear out of the area when the man who's mask had broken descended onto the ground.

'I just need to find his body even if it's in his soul space his soul shouldn't have dissipated until at least 72 hours.'