Kid Who Got Lucky

The cloaked man searched high and low for 2 days and was unable to find any bodies of who he was after or his unknown assailant. This caused him to give up his search as he began to search the planet in hopes of finding his target.

'Damned brat I'll make sure to take your life when I find you for causing me so much trouble!' The cloaked man thought as he began his search to find his target. He had only been able to find him so quickly because of the tremor the day before and the energy that filled his aura was very similar to the woman that was his earlier target.

Meanwhile Fu Shen and Wo Shie were long gone from that immediate area. Fu Shen's speed was absolutely terrifying. Wo Shie had woken up briefly from his over exhaustion in the moment to see nothing but a blurry landscape and he felt as if everything was spinning, if he were more experienced he'd say he felt drunk however he hadn't even seen alcohol or wine so this was far from his realm of experiences.

Feeling extremely disoriented Wo Shie passed out again and only regained consciousness when his body felt it had become stationary again.

Opening his eyes he realized he was laying on easily the most comfortable bed he'd ever came into contact with. He was so comfortable he felt like if it was his fate for him to lay here for eternity he wouldn't have a problem. This was slightly because the feeling of eons passing within his universe that he was unsure if time had dilated or if he actually was there for that long.

Him rejoicing in the comfort of the bed soon came to a halt as the memories of the predicaments he was facing began to resurface as he started to try and think of ways he could possibly survive this.

He was almost 7 his mother and only other person that resembled a relative we're dead. He was now a stray dog with no one but Lola and Fu Shen and both of them hardly counted to him as he still held his mother and the witch doctor that had been with him since birth so close, and losing them so early in life before even getting to experience life with him had built an unconscious barrier causing him to not fully accept those around him.

To top all of this off now he had come face to face with his mother's killer and he was utterly powerless. Had it not been for Lola's interference he would most likely be dead. This lit a fire in him, he needed power he wasn't seeking revenge but if the hen came to him there was no point in not butchering it, but where he was now that was utterly impossible.

He saw the devastation one kick of Lola's had on the man, granted he was caught off guard still Wo Shie's own strength was only able to cause ripples to arise on the surface of a river. The gap was like a ping-pong ball in the face of a planet.

'Power… I need to grow stronger… and fast.' Just as Wo Shie thought this there was a knock at the door of the room he was in. He stood up off of the bed and went to open the door, when he opened the door he saw Fu Shen standing there waiting for him.

Seeing a familiar non-hostile face was a slight relief as a deep fear welled inside him that it could possibly be the masked man.

"Yo little Shie, are you alright can I come in?" Fu Shen asked Wo Shie who opened the door and after a sigh of relief just kind of stared blankly at him.

Wo Shie snapped out of his train of thought and said, "Oh yea sure come in… I'm sure you want to ask about what happened, and where is this place?"

"Yes I would like to know, that really ruined my isolated cultivation but it's fine my progress was still far greater than I expected. Oh yea and this is actually Lone Wolf City the city I'm from after getting pretty far I decided to use a teleportation talisman, I felt like it would be safer than my flying ship or running." Fu Shen said while nodding his head and answering Wo Shie's question.

Wo Shie nodded now knowing where he was his guard went down slightly as he recounted what had happened in the forest a few days ago to Fu Shen leaving out the parts related to his mother and the witch doctor as those scabs had been picked quite thoroughly in the past few days.

"Ahh I see, so I assume this has something to do with your mysterious past?" Fu Shen listened and made some deductions as to what could be the background to this incident but only came to a few solutions.

Seeing Wo Shie nod and not say anything he left it at that, "Well you can open up about it whenever you want, don't worry I got your back little Shie and if I'm not strong enough know you got the entire Fu clan behind you.

Hearing this Wo Shie was totally shocked, what had he done to have an entire clan ready to raise arms for him, he was just a homeless kid who got lucky to get his hands on some things he wasn't entirely sure what to do with.