Dao of Time

The sect masters looked at eachother before all three of them disappeared from the throne room to try and figure out what could have just happened for them to sense danger. Once they got outside Fu Shuo brought out a metallic rod device with flashing lights making a whirring sound while one could see a mini vortex filtering the surrounding air through it.

After a few moments the rod made a clicking sound while the flashing lights became a solid bluish grey light causing all the sect masters eyes to widen. "Time Dao!" All the sect masters said in unison. There we're very few cultivators that had peered into the Dao of time. It was a complex dao but it made it easy for them narrow down a list of culprits. The only problem was every cultivator they could think about they could contest against alone or was generations behind them and they couldn't possibly imagine the younger generations every holding a candle to their progress.

Some of the younger generation we're indeed blessed and they would openly admit their potential, but their wisdom and experiences would never match them. And for this Time Dao energy signature to be so strong put them on edge if anyone they were thinking about right now was the cause of this energy signature it could be an extremely perilous situation for them.

They had thought about confronting those they knew that had comprehended of the dao of time, however decided against it because they didn't want anyone to catch wind of a possibility of someone targeting the three ancient sect's.

The three sect's located in Lone Wolf city were long established sects. They had been standing tall for so long to nearly every sect of all the three realms they we're an immovable object. A height that could only be reached through surviving era's and maintaining the integrity of it's members.

"I think it's best if we keep this to ourselves and send out some scouts to spy on the time cultivators. But aside from that I think openly asking about this to anyone we can't completely trust would cause people to attempt banding with this time cultivator." The Leader of the Death God sect stated. Truth be told he was the least worried about whoever it was as the reach of the death god sect was simply incomparable to the 12 deities sect or the infinite Eyes sect.

"I agree let's hold our own investigations if any of us gets any information let us meet back together. I'll finish speaking with Lui Marime and inform you two if I come across any information about the recent phenomenon." Fu Shuo said in a serious tone while still looking at the bluish grey reading on the energy detecting rod in his hand.

"Wise words from the sect master's, I too will use my resources to look into these matters and inform you if I find anything out." The Leader of the 12 deities sect said before disappearing from where he was standing.

The sect master of the Death God sect disappeared in that moment as well leaving Fu Shuo to proceed in questioning Lui Marime. He appeared back in the throne room to find Lui Marime sitting in the lotus position with her eyes closed. Upon his entry her eyes snapped open as she asked, "Did you find anything out?" She too felt the sense of danger but knowing the seasoned sect master's were leagues above her in strength and ability she opted to letting them look into the matter on their own lest she get in the way.

"We did however I must ask that you keep these events private and i will do my best to remove suspicion of you and Wo Shie being the cause of the phenomenon. I just didn't want the other sect leaders to think it more believable to at least question you or they would have gotten more suspicious possibly resulting to schemes." Fu Shuo said not giving her the exact details of what happened while also throwing a curveball of his own to change the subject.

"This disciple thanks the Sect Master of the infinite Eyes sect. If it is alright, I will be taking my leave now to check on Wo Shie." Lui Marime said while giving a slight bow and breathing a sigh of relief that they would stop investigating her.

As Lui Marime left the throne room Fu Shuo called his servant into the room, "Summon Fu Shen we need to speak of these matters." After saying this he dismissed the servant and sat on hiis throne thinking intently.