
Not long after the servant left to get Fu Shen, he could be seen walking back into the throne room with Fu Shen in tow. Oddly the servant was blind and was treated extremely respectfully by the likes of Fu Shen and Fu Shuo.

Most other servants just saw him as Fu Shuo's personal servant and that's why the respect he received from the higher ups was undeniable.

Still there was a pristine and refined air around the man, yet he bore no aura resembling a mortal, the only confirmation that he was not mortal was the fact he had worked in the Fu Family as long as anyone could remember, and he hardly appreared in front of guest.

The peculiarity in his service to the Fu Family was undeniable to say the least. Once Fu Shen and the servant appeared Fu Shuo had already prepared 2 seats so that the three could talk comfortably.

"Fu Shen, Lord Ambedo, thank you both for coming at my request. As you two may know I am 95% sure that Wo Shie was the cause of the phenomenon that occurred over the last month. Fu Shen you will now be assigned as the child's protector."

"I want you to take up your position as a core disciple in the Infinite Eyes sect while also urging Wo Shie to join. Lord Ambedo I believe tumultuous times will be coming soon and your divinations must again preserve our knowledge and timeline, I wanted to know if there was anything you divined during the phenomenon." Fu Shuo stated to Fu Shen and Lord Ambedo who had saved the Fu Family and infinite eyes from disaster many times with his godly divinations.

"I attempted to look into what this occurrence meant for the future of the Fu family and I was unable to see a single thing…" Lord Ambedo said causing Fu Shen and Fu Shuo's eyes to go wide.

Lord Ambedo not being able to divine the future was akin to a wolf not being able to hunt. "What do you mean you couldn't see anything, don't tell me this is the time you spoke of many years back?" Fu Shuo said while remembering a few Millenium ago Lord Ambedo told him that in the future there would be a time where they would have to walk in blind faith without his divination.

"You are correct this is the time we must walk in blind faith, unfortunately I recieved horrible backlash from this divination attempt I won't be able to divine until these times have passed I just hope the wisdom of our past experiences will allow us to make the correct decisions, if you need me council as to anything I will be ready at your call." Lord Ambedo said in a somber tone with his face holding no expression.

"I will do as I was told I do hope fate allows us to see it through whatever we face, I will head to the sect to let them know of my return immediately." Fu Shen said before getting up and heading out of the throne room.

On his was out Fu Shuo called out, "If worse comes to worse escape with the child and preserve our history and teachings."

Hearing this Fu Shen couldn't help but feel a slight pain in his heart, the thought of everything he'd known his entire life coming to be no more was a lot to bear. Especially with him thinking in the current world that his family and sect were immovable monoliths within this world.

Reluctantly he bowed towards Fu Shuo and said, "As you wish, it would be done if necessary." With that he hurried out of the throne room with worried thoughts of the possibilities of things to come.