
After hearing this was Fu Shuo's master, Fu Shen and Lui Marime both nearly lost themselves stumbling backwards. It was well known in the upper echelon of the cultivation world who Fu Shuo's master was.

200 trillion years ago…

The plane of this world was torn to shreds, as large chunks of land were floating in the air and the amount of debris created large smoke clouds nearly impossible for any normal person to see through.

Large explosions could be heard in every direction mixxed in with the cries and screams of the falling warriors. The battles overhead were even more devastating as the stronger people on the battle field fought in the air to decrease casualties for both sides.

In the air stood a lone warrior with 13 opposing him. 3 of the 13 rushed in to attack the solitary warrior while the other 10 cast supportive and ranged abilities in hopes to distract the man while boosting the strength of the 3 fighters rushing into the melee.

The lone man waved his and the gravity across the entire battlefield multiplied thousands of times over sending the landmasses suspended in the air crashing to the ground and instantly clearing every warrior that fought on the ground of the cultivation world.

The 14 figures in the sky however were far more resilient than the ones that fought on the ground, still they couldn't even turn their eye to this attack. They all combined their spiritual energy and formed a shield around them to protect them from the increased gravity, in the same moment that they formed the shield to fight off the increased gravity one of the attackers screamed as his arm fell to the ground detached from his body.

"Why are you doing this we helped you build this world why are you destroying it! You know we can't allow you to destroy the home we've built!" The man who had just lost his arm cried out to the lone man. The pain he felt was evident in his voice as if the hope was leaving his body and he was becoming more of an empty vessel with each passing second.

"Things are created to be destroyed, and things are destroyed so more can be created, it is just the way of life." The lone man spoke his voice carried an air of magesty, his voice soft and soothing carrying an air as if this wasn't a bloodied battle field but a field of flowers on the most peaceful day.

"You monster… how could you!" One of the women floating in the sky shouted. At this time the added gravity also had faded giving the group a chance to attack.

The woman that shouted rushed forward with her hand shrouded by a purple energy, this was a blade created by the mixture of destruction energy and spacial energy.

This was her ultimate trump card and truth be told she was the only one in this group capable of countering the lone man as his gravitational powers suppressed almost every other ability. It was like all other abilities were being swallowed by a black hole when his gravitational energies entered the mix as they would be pulled and dragged in whatever direction the force of the gravity wanted to take it.

Seeing this attack the man's eyebrows twitched, other than that his face remained stoic. Just as she reached him his eyes turned from solid black to having white symbols moving around in them.

The destructive space blade pierced into is abdomen about an inch before it stopped all together. This was the first attack to make it through the gravitational field around him that had repealed everything to this moment.

But how could they have known about the eyes of the infinite, they had never heard of them let alone seen them. However as soon as his eyes changed they all knew this was a hopeless fight.

"RUN GET OUT OF HER…" the woman began to scream at her comrades but before she could finish a solid hand had grasped her neck snapping it in an instant.

The group was frozen in fear and had no idea what to do, the person standing opposite of them was the first being they even knew he was like a father figure how could he do something like this.

Mixing in the eerie aura they felt from his eyes as if they looked into them they would fall into an eternal Abyss they were frozen in fear.

"I will allow this, you 13 may live and reestablish life across my new creation however in 100trillion years we will fight again this time to the death, don't bore me… I had fun with this little skirmish." While saying this the girl who's neck he had just broken healed as somehow against everything life returned back into her body.

After she had come back alive in the man's hands he disappeared from where he was letting the woman fall to the ground. Before she hit the ground she was caught in a type of energy bubble and surprisingly the other 11 people were also in this bubble. They watched on as devastation rained on their world breaking it into many smaller worlds.

They we're absolutely frozen, they stood no chance they should have never attempted fighting death was better than knowing that there was not a thing you could do to protect yourself. Where it seemed as if all was meaningless death would have been a sweet embrace in this moment.

When it was all over and the destruction stopped they fell onto the battle ground frozen in utter misery, what could you do when losing was infinitely inevitable.