We are Nowhere

The 12 remained frozen in despair for nearly a millennium, and finally one of the men stood up. He clenched is fist while looking at the desolate wasteland the battle created, "We can't let it end like this… If we have time we have time to prepare and so long as we have our lives we can't let him just do as he pleases. All our work and effort into creating everything was destroyed before us. That only means that we didn't create the perfect world if it could trampled like that. This time we can do it right."

The other 11 warriors hearing this were slightly brought out of their despair but for the most part they felt it was a fruitless effort.

They we're the 12 creator gods and origin Gods. (These were the two monikers they were given by the beings they created.) They had created everything that existed along side that man, and the other entities he had brought into existence.

"Why should we even try to put so much time and energy into something just to watch it burn again… I don't think I could handle it a second time." One of the women of the 12 Creator Gods said.

"As much as I hate to say didn't you hear what he said during our battle, things are created only to be destroyed, if it wasn't him doing it with his own hands the passage of time would have caught up to our world eventually." One of the men said hearing the two talking.

This statement hit a sore spot in every single one of them they knew the statement wasn't false but hearing about that man destroying everything just hurt.

"Then why don't we do better why don't we create something that can't be destroyed or if we can't create something that can't be destroyed make sure we have the strength to protect our creation from destruction?" Another one of the males spoke up this time the voice was full of vigor and energy as the thoughts running through this man's head were solely to take back what he lost or get vengeance.

"How…" was all one of the women needed to say to send the group back into their silence. How were they supposed to do any of that. But as said throughout the ages where there's a will there's a way the statement was the seed being planted and the question 'how' was the water for the seed to bloom and grow.

Back in Wo Shie's time…

"W-who are you… where are we?" Wo Shie asked the man in front of him, seeing his face was extremely frightening for the young Wo Shie the holes where his eyes were supposed to be were like voids that would claim the soul of anyone who looked too long, and his disheveled Snow White hair gave him the look of a spirit of vengeance.

"Who I am is not important, where we are is nowhere. No one can teach you how to see with the eyes of the infinite but me.. you won't go back to that mortal world until you're no longer blind." The man said his voice smooth and soothing while carrying traces of the disdain he felt for that world in it.

Wo Shie looked around hearing they were nowhere, and what the man said seemed to be true. There was nothing anywhere around them it was like a void. What surprised Wo Shie the most was that there also wasn't anything below him but he was able to stand suspended in the void as if he was standing on a solid surface.

"What do you mean I'm blind? I can see just fine." Wo Shie retorted to the older gentleman who had just kidnapped him.

"Then where are we child?" The man asked Wo Shie his tone completely mocking and condescending the child in front of him.

"I… I don't know…" Wo Shie said as his eyes couldn't make out anything but never ending darkness around him other than the man who stood before him.

"Then when you know where we are you will be able to go back to that trash you call your world." The man said.