6 years

Wo Shie reflected on what the man said on seeing himself inside and out if he didn't want to disappear, while doing this he could feel the his senses dulling more and more and if he was becoming just a shell.

Days went by like this with his senses dulling the more dull they became the slower the process of his senses becoming dull. Days turned into weeks like this and weeks became month until the only sense that remained was his sight and that too began to fade.

As his sight, his final sense began to fade he used this moment to look at his body. He noticed his feet and fingers has slowly started to disappear as the tips of his fingers and toes were no where to be seen.

'I'm really going to disappear…. I don't know how to see myself inside and out and that man hasn't returned for me to ask him…' Wo Shie thought as he began to despair.

This was by far the hardest thing that the young Wo Shie had ever encountered he reflected on himself inside and out and felt he was getting nowhere in however much time he had spent here. Surprisingly he never felt hungry as if he didn't need food or drink to survive here.

Quickly the months turned into a year and before his vision completely faded to black he witnessed the disappearance of his hands and feet, he also realized he needed the sensation of feeling his limbs to move them which he was completely incapable of doing at this point.

'What even am I and what is this place that can make me disappear… if I can't move without feeling then how do I feel.." Wo Shie began reflecting on his current experience.

The way time dilated in a void space is weird originally the body liked to follow the rhythm it had on a regular planet where there were periods of light and darkness. However after going through such a long period of darkness Wo Shie noticed that feeling of tiredness he felt at the beginning had little to no effect on him.

As time passed it became harder and harder to know how long he had been there probably after the first week it was hard to know if a few hours had passed or hundreds of years passed, there were no que's, signs or even ways to monitor how much time had passed eventually he decided to not even think about how long this was taking and save his existence before he was no more.

He continued to meditate on the words of seeing himself inside and out, he concluded there was some part inside of him that created all his sensations of feelings he began to think deeper and deeper on what it could be.

By the beginning of the second year he began to see again however this time it wasn't completely black he saw. It was the same strange black and white symbols he saw in the man's eyes in one of his earliest visions.

Upon remembering this he thought to himself 'everything has been dark this entire time but I forgot that I could see things even when my eyes are closed… isn't that equal to seeing things with them open?'

When he thought this he decided to also try visualizing what the inside of him would look like, this process was strenuous as he had never seen the insides of a persons body and could only go based off his memories.

He remembered when he had underwent the body tempering process, the pain he felt internally and externally and also how it felt when when his body would heal itself.

Remembering the pain he felt helped identify which organs were what as sometimes it would hurt to breathe other times it would hurt when he ate. He remembered it all and with remembering his mind also intuitively began to form pictures of his organs and what they looked like and even where they were.

He found it odd because all of the images of his organs in his mind were black covered in white symbols. Yet even when he fully imagined his skeleton and organs at the end of the third year everything remained black and none of his senses returned.

'What could I be missing?' Wo Shie thought to himself. That's when the black and white symbols also resurfaced in his mind, 'Could it be…' he wondered if the black and white symbols could be a more fundamental building block.

He never really spend too much time thinking about his putter appearance as he could perfectly remember seeing his reflection on the surface of the river he could also remember seeing himself in the tall mirror back in his room of the castle so he didn't spend too much time thinking about that.

He began to think reflect deeply on the black and white symbols as building blocks 3 years quickly became 6 years and finally he was able to see it.

Beyond his organs beyond the symbols were an infinite amount of infinitely smaller symbols that made up the whole of his being, the deeper he was able to go with visualizing the symbols slowly did he start to feel his senses returning to him.