His Name is Wo Shie

By the end of the sixth year All of Wo Shie, senses had returned except his sight which had slowly began to returned. He spent half of the year visualizing all the symbols of every part of his body.

However when it came to visualizing the symbols that made up his brain and his eyes he found that the symbols were more than every other part of his body combined including his internal organs.

Luckily he didn't have to visualize his divine universe tree or the universe within his body because they were intrinsically and etherically a part of him so by simply visualizing the symbols that made up his body he also observe red the symbols that made up these parts of him.

'I knew he could do it but I didn't think he would be this fast… 10 years the last great genius to see himself inside out took 10 years… I need to let the others know.' The man thought as he appeared in the great hall.

The great hall was a simple dome shaped building with beautiful marble like walls that held a perfect black and white swirl pattern.

"It's nice of you to join us how is the child's progress I hope you're not here to tell us he panicked and rushed his own demise?" One of the figures of light said with a masculine voice in a mocking tone as if already saying 'I told you so.'

"Ou quite contrary, he has almost completed the first phase I believe he will be done within a years time and we will be able to begin the second phase of his training." The man of light with his soothing voice said causing all the other beings made of light to become silent.

"It's almost been 7 years since he's began there's no way a child has completed so soon… we've seen the greatest geniuses throughout all of time go through that space and the fastest one took 10 years and he is now ranked 7th in all of existence. What you're saying must be preposterous." A feminine voice said the disbelief evident in her tone.

She herself guided that genius ranked 7th in existence he was in his early twenties and he was a monster like no other when he went through the training to see there was no way she'd believe a child could have completed a task as mindstakingly difficult as this sooner than that man.

"If you do not believe me all I can say is come witness for yourself, but I am overjoyed that I may not have to take his universe's fate into my own hands my head can rest peacefully on my shoulders now." The man said as his voice eased becoming more angelic and calming than before revealing that he was holding tension and anxiety about the young Wo Shie failing his task.

"Then lead the way so we may lay eyes upon this young deity." One of the more masculine voices said as all their interest had been piqued hearing of such genius in a youth. Even if it was just being slightly exaggerated if what he said was true then this child may become the one that they had been waiting for since they were first brought into being.

Wo Shie's universe did contain God's but beyond God's there were angels, dieties, and supreme beings and the people from his universe that had reached even the angelic level could be counted on a single hand.

Upon hearing the man speak all the others nodded in agreement standing up almost in unison to follow the man. Once he saw they were all adamant about witnessing young Wo Shie they all disappeared from the great hall and appeared in the void space that Wo Shie was training.

Seeing after 7 years in this space and the child's entire body was intact the group was immediately taken aback. The only way his body could be in tact was if he had actually succeeded in visualizing and seeing what mas up those parts of his body.

This in reality was a monumental task that was required for any god to go beyond the realm of the gods and become an angel. To put this in perspective only 1% of everyone would even be able to place a a single toe into the realm of godhood while only .1% of those that had attained godhood would step into the angelic realms and even less would become deities or supreme beings.

The difficulty of this task was something that wasn't to be taken lightly by anyone especially by a child. Granted he was one of the few possessors of the eyes of the infinite but still this fast was as difficult as fitting a planet into a human sized keyhole it should be impossible especially when Wo Shie Didn't even have the dao attainments that an immortal would have.

"Who is this child…" one of the women of the group unconsciously said filled with shock seeing that a child had actually almost completed one of the required steps to entering the angelic levels of power.

"His name is Wo Shie." The man that brought Wo Shie here spoke with pride.