Void Space

The group looked on in awe at the child as they repeated his name, "Wo Shie…. We look forward to seeing what you can do." One of the figures spoke to which the rest of them nodded in agreement.

"Train him well Albus, also assign him a shadow guard with the usual task only protect him from obstacles he has absolutely no way of making it past with his own strength and abilities." One of the figures spoke before they all disappeared.

Hearing this only the man called Albus was left in the space alone with the training Wo Shie who was completely unaware of the presence of other beings here despite now hearing the white sound of the void space he was currently in.

Lone Wolf City…

A group of men could be seen walking into the throne room of the man known as Fu Shuo, the walked on the path of cosmic ingot and quickly arrived before the throne.

"Your majesty we've finally traced to where the spacial rift of 6 years ago went." The man that seemed to be leading the group said.

"Well tell me and let the staff know I will be leaving at once, they will know what to do." Fu Shuo said while standing up and appearing in front of the group leader.

Seeing this the man put his head down as he said, "Your majesty may not be able to find him where he is, the place that he was taken was within the Void, the amount of space within the Void is even more vast than all the space in our universe a million times over." The man said to Fu Shuo.

Hearing this Fu Shuo's blood went cold. It was widely know that going beyond the bounds of universe lied massive spaces of voice space where there was nothing, these regions of space were extremely dangerous not only because there was nothing like a plants to rest on or stars to provide light so one would know where they were going.

The space was even more hostile and the ones that had traversed through the void and were lucky enough to make it back alive spoke of treacherous creature beyond the strength of any God that existed within this universe.

Fu Shuo didn't know what to do at this moment he had long since surpassed what most considered the paek of this universe being one of the 4 angelic beings that resided here. Still traversing the void wasn't a simple matter. Prior to the time when their universe began searching for ways to increase the strength of the universe as a whole there were a total of 9 angelic beings one of them just so happening to be Fu Shuo.

During that time period 5 angelic beings were lost to the void, never confirmed to be dead or alive but once you were lost within Void space you were as good as gone forever if you couldn't open up a spacial rift long enough to bring you home and that was something an angelic being definitely couldn't do.

Thinking about this it mad Fu Shuo wonder, 'how strong has my master become… was that even my master if he can open a tear from void space all the way to here his strength is something I can't even imagine right now.'

"Leave I need to think do not spread this word to anyone, if any of you so much as breathe about this incident all of you will pay with your lives, now go!" Fu Shuo said the frustration and confusion obvious in his voice.

The group of men hurriedly left the throne room, they were happy not to speak of this incident the pay they recieved would make their families powerhouses almost anywhere for generations so if they had to keep a secret they'd die before they parted their lips.

Void space….

Time continued to pass as Wo Shie continued to visualize the fundamental symbols that made up his brain and eyes this process lasted almost 6 months before he finally completed visualizing the symbols and his sight finally fully returning.

He clenched his fist finally feeling again, however it was off it was as if his body's sensitivity had gone up a million fold as he could feel the motion of every symbol causing his hand to much he could also feel the odd resistance of what one would call air as his fingers passed through the space it resided.

"Woah…" was all Wo Shie could say the feeling was so absolutely different from when he first arrived and anything he ever experienced he had no words to describe it or exclaim only 'woah'.

"Good work now it's time we start the second phase." Albus appeared and stated to the teenage Wo Shie who was still moving his body adjusting to the new feeling.