
Just as Wo Shie said he was going outside to meet the others, rushed footsteps could be heard outside the old infirmary. From the sound it was definitely more than a few people but no voices accompanied the sound of steps.

Hearing the footsteps Lola and Typhon gave Wo Shie one more look before disappearing within Taijutu's abode.

Shortly after the doors burst open, "Who goes there!? I will have your head on a platter for trespassing!" An unfamiliar voice sounded in Wo Shie's ears.

"Uh… It's me?" Wo Shie said slightly confused not expecting to receive such an abrasive welcome back.

Hearing this the head guard who questioned Wo Shie squinted his eyes examining Wo Shie carefully. "How long until master Fu Shuo and young master Fu Shen arrive?"

"They left with the infinite eyes sect for the inter planar tournament of the planes." Another guard responded causing the lead guard to scratch his head.

"By any chance is your name Wo Shie kid?" The head guard asked Wo Shie.

"Yes that's me, can I get something to eat and if you're just going to question me I can take care of myself out in the city." Wo Shie said, after hearing the Fu Shen and Fu Shuo were out of the palace at some event Wo Shie's patience was ended.

He initially had a little bit of excitement being reunited with them but finding out they were out living life like normal while he had disappeared reminded him the reality of human relationships.

It even made him recall his mom as he began to feel like a hypocrite for judging Fu Shen and Fu Shuo, his mom was dead yet he continued to live enjoying lavish meals, laughing and joking who was he to feel like he had been wronged?

"Ah understood young master, if you would like to return to master Fu Shen's mansion we can show you the way and if you desire to visit the city we can prepare a carriage just give the word." The head guard said as he and the other guards bowed slightly.

"The city sounds nice I'd like to visit the enchanted bazaar." Wo Shie said thinking about how well his design could be doing.

"It will be done young master you're welcome to follow us as we prepare things." After saying this the head guard turned around and began walking down the hallway while pulling a circular device seemingly from nowhere.

He began to speak into the device in what seemed like random sounds to the uncultured Wo Shie. After making a few sounds the disk disappeared as fast as it had appeared.

"Master Fu Shuo is headed back here to pick you up, he should arrive within 1 week, he informed me to ensure all your needs are met, also the carriage is being prepared as we speak." The head guard spoke causing Wo Shie's face to show his shock.

He didn't think that Fu Shuo would come get him from whatever he was doing, nor did he think the head guard would be so efficient in preparing a this Wo Shie only nodded in acknowledgement while wondering if this sounds he heard the head guard making We're actually another language.

While they walked through the corridors the went up many winding staircases they sometimes led through large halls and other times as if they were passing through dungeons as there were spider webs and dust everywhere.

Seeing that the guards were silent during their walk Wo Shie began to practice the things he has learned while in the void space with Albus. He focused on his eyes and the guards in front of him as his view changed from that which normal humans would see to something that resembles static on a tv screen.

Through his current static view he could see the silhouettes of the guards leading his way. The closer he examined the static he began to realize it was just the small bits of information that made the air and created the fabric of space.

Realizing he could see the fabric of space the overwhelming urge in the young Wo Shie to reach out and grab it took over. He slowly reached his hand out inching through the static as to try and not disturb the space before he attempted what his mind was pushing him to do.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you…" the calm voice of Albus sounded in Wo Shie's mind as he froze.

Wo didn't freeze because he was listening to what Albus said but because he was shocked at the intrusion of his privacy.

'Why the hell ar you stilll watching me!? Was seeing me almost die for 6 years not enough for you? Are you some sicko?' Wo Shie back to his usual antics tossing vulgar insults out as if his words were factual and not just an attempt to guilt Albus.

'Ahh the simple mind of a child, still I would seriously reccomend you not following through with your current action, however if you choose to do so I will not intervene.' Albus said in a calm yet ominous tone causing Wo Shie to hesitate further.

Wo Shie began to think on what he had learned about interacting with the symbols and remembered that if he were to interact with any or the symbols without a clear goal and intention in mind the outcome could range from his own death to the birth of a parallel world.

Remembering this Wo Shie put his hand back down to his side as gently as he had raised it.

'If anything practice looking beyond the veil of space to whatever may be your desired target.' The voice of Albus sounded in Wo Shie's mind again slightly annoying him because the old man hadn't been that helpful when he was in the void space.

Nonetheless Wo Shie followed his instructions as the group continued to meander through the corridors. Wo Shie realized that this task was just as difficult if not more than discerning the information that made himself himself.

To look through the veil of space was a simple task for most, you look at an object you can seee and you've technically already pierced the veil of space with your vision.

However for the eyes of the infinite it was a monumentally more difficult task as to pierce through the veil of space with their gaze they also had to pierce through the information, history, and experiences that were contained within that space.

Had Wo Shie been more proficient in his ability to understand the symbols that made up the information of reality while attempting to pierce the veil of space he would receive visions detailing the precise events that occurred in that very spot throughout all of existence past and future.