A New Era

Luckily enough Wo Shie was able to see the silhouettes of the guards leading the way and before he knew it they exited the underground area.

Right in front of Wo Shie the static had increased by at least 2 fold and the image of the guards became harder to see. Also the energy needed to observe the worlds truths wasn't a joking matter especially with Wo Shie's current strength.

Wo Shie let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed his eyes causing the world around him to blur back to normal. He noticed they had come out of the ground directly into the plaza that held all the statues of wolves.

However there was something extremely different about the plaza area since the last time Wo Shie was here. All the statues that were made of cosmic ingot were nowhere to be seen as if they had never existed, there wasn't even the platform for which they stood on.

This caught Wo Shie off guard as he began to think where could those unsettling figures could have gone.

"We will be arriving at the gate in a few minutes young master, we've already assigned you a guard that will look over you as you go into the city." The head guard spoke to Wo Shie.

"Ah, okay.. thanks for the help and you don't gotta keep calling me that it's weird just call me Wo Shie." Wo Shie said feeling awkward everytime this guys called him young master.

"Very well young master." The head guard said as he arpproached the gate while making a hand gesture to the man atop the gate who began to open the gate.

The opened gate revealed a magnificent carriage pulled by 2 massive midnight wolves. "Everything is prepared for you here take this, if you have any questions or need assistance just inject some of your energy into this." The head guard said while handing Wo Shie a disc like object.

Wo Shie boozed and thanked the man before hopping into the carriage that was empty with only a hot pot of tea sitting on a table between the two booth seats.

Wo Shie poured a glass what the carriage began to move through the infinite eyes sect. It looked as if not much had changed since his disappearance, the only difference he could tell right now other than the statues was the infinite eyes sect looked much emptier than the last time he has rolled through here.

Figuring it could have something to do with the Inter planar thing he'd heard about he didn't pay it too much mind, he was only excited to stop my enchanted bazaar and maybe get a style like Lola and typhoons of his sol clothes.

Wo Shie had thought about the things he learned in void space and realized he could use what he learned to recreate the cuff of the pants to his liking but thinking about the time it would take to comprehend the make up of the pants cuff and how long it would take to rewrite them with his current level of experience he quickly gave up on that idea.

After about an hour and a half of familiar sights the carriage began to slow as it approached its destination. The carriage came to a half as a soft yet firm voice sounded in the carriage. "We've arrived young master."

Wo Shie's eyes lit up as he sprung out of his seat nearly crashing into the door before getting it open. He strode off the carriage surprised to feel the entire atmosphere of lone wolf city had changed.

Wo Shie could see many people sporting wear that looked similar to his own and even others with different variations of his own outfit as some people had no hoodies or backpacks and instead wore what looked like short sleeve and long sleeve t-shirts.

If Wo Shie we're to describe what he was feeling right now it would almost be overwhelmed, he hadn't expected to see so many people wearing his design or even for people to go so far as to tweak it to their own personal liking.

The energy felt more youthful and energetic as the city no longer held the bearings of the normal cultivation world and instead resembled a foreign modern world. There were still some people seen sporting the normal cultivation robes but these people were mainly seniors that refused to change with the time and didn't want to acknowledge the functionality and comfortability of this new gear everyone was wearing.

Seeing this Wo Shie did his best to contain his excitement and he took a deep breath before taking his first steps towards enchanted bazaar. Without intention it seemed as if Wo Shies meaningless actions were slowly uprooting the world as everyone knew it ushering in a new era.