
When Wo Shie passed out his consciousness appeared in his inner universe as the ominous and source stars were consumed by the hell flame.

He watched the flames size grow as it consumed the stars, then he watched on as the flame consumed the black hole within his inner universe all while remaining as a black flame.

Once the flame consumed all the celestial bodies it formed into a ring of fire around the white beam of light that was keeping the stars and black hole from pulling each other too close and consuming one another.

Once the Hellflame formed a halo around the beam of light it's color began changing rapidly flashing through many colors, making it look like a spinning rainbow of fire while it lasted.

'What is going on…' Wo Shie thought to himself as he look on in awe.

The colors seemed as if they were changing faster and faster making the ring of fire look as if it was spinning faster with each passing second. Finally it became so fast that all the colors seemed to blend into the next until the entire ring was burning with an impossibly bright white light.

Still the Hellflame continued to change within Wo Shie's body until it became more solid until it no longer resembled fire and took on the appearance of plasma.

As the newly formed plasma ring continued to spin it began to emit beams of plasma in random directions creating a lightning storm within Wo Shie's inner universe.

The strange thing was every lightning strike that was ejected from the ring of plasma didn't disappear, instead they trailed off into the seemingly endless space before becoming thousands of tiny orbs of plasma.

Each tiny orb of plasma emitted source energy, the ominous aura of the purple star and the tremendous gravitational pull of the black hole.

Wo Shie quickly became overwhelmed by the presence of all the small orbs, he steeled his mind and attempted to look at the information that made up the Hellflame in its plasma form.

This was like a final straw for Wo Shie, he knew the basic principle of observing the information that made up the physical world.

But the hell flame was different. Wo Shie was not qualified to know what information it held. His eyes immediately began to bleed as his mind was assaulted causing him to fully lose consciousness.

The Hellflame was a primordial existence, and Wo Shie wasn't ready to learn of before.

Immediately sensing Wo Shie's plight, the ring of plasma and all the plasmic orbs turned into black flames emitting no heat at all.

The Hellflame then coated the exterior of Wo Shie's body burning most intensely around his eyes.

"Life" Wo Shie said unconsciously while he remained in a state of unconsciousness. His eyes stopped bleeding when the black flame came in contact with them.

As the word life left Wo Shie's lips his vitality visible began to rise as did all of the attendants in Fu Shen's castle.

The utterance of a simple word resulted in a castle full of people becoming stronger, more durable and increasing their longevity.

Wo Shie wasn't aware of this but with the guards standing by his door and so many high ranking ones at that word was sure to get back to Fu Shuo soon of this latest development.

To all in the castle before their vitality increased they could hear the faintest of voice say "Life" in their mind before the changes occurred. Most of the house keepers in the castle could be considered below average when comparing them to those that had made it into prestigious sects.

However after the last 7 years with all the chaos Wo Shie brought they had also been blessed, now if not considered geniuses in any prestigious sect they could all at least be considered average.

…Planet Veda, Immortal Dimension

"Marime, your father has called an emergency council and your presence is requested." An older woman said to Lui Marime while eying her up and down as if trying to search the woman's soul.

"Very well, I will get ready." Lui Marime said while standing up from her seated position.

In the time that Wo Shie had been gone in the void with the council of light, Lui Marime had finished fully forming her godhood and stepped into the harbinger realm.

This pace was unprecedented unless one was known to be a descendent or a reincarnation of some God. All of the children of the 13 families were considered descendants but to be a descendent as well as a reincarnation, the gap in knowledge and experience and accesses to resources were absolutely unprecedented.

Only the most talented and diligent could hope to keep pace with their dust trail if at all possible.

After Lui Marime got dresssd she left her room and walked through the twisting corridors of the palace she was in. Eventually she came to a throne room where the doors seemed to be the size of entire buildings.

When she pushed the door open she could seem many people standing in a neat shoulder to shoulder line facing the throne in absolute silence.

"I'm glad you have arrived Marime, you recently went to the mortal realm did you not? And that is where you had your breakthrough and began forming your godhood correct?" A large burly man with curly hair and a scruffy beard asked Lui Marime whilst seated on a throne that seemed to be made of ice.

"Yes father, that is We're I found a treasure that helped me break through my shackles." Lui Marime answered honestly.

"And what of the treasure, we're you able to return here with it?" Her father asked as his mind began to wonder about the changes currently occurring.

"I am afraid I consumed it and was unable to return with the treasure." Lui Marime said thinking on her feet not wanting her father to know of Wo Shie's existence.