
"A shame, very well there have been reports of a major development in the mortal realms, now that you've fully ascended into your godhood I think it would be a good exorcise for you to return and look into the matter for me…"

"I will be sending one of the Generals with you as you are highly likely to encounter many other powers that are also investigating this." Lui Marime's father spoke while carefully analyzing Lui Marime.

Lui marime felt a slight tremble. As she recalled the strange feeling of connection being lost she had been feeling the past few days.

"Ah uhm, very well… but do you really believe it is necessary to send a general with me?" Lui Marime asked clearly not fond of the idea of a general accompanying her and watching her every move.

"It is decided, go get ready the general will get you when the carriage arrives." Lui Marime's father spoke before slouching back in his throne with a contemplative look.

"Fath…" Lui Marime spoke in preparation to contest her father.

"You are all dismissed, tell all the generals currently on the premises to report to the throne room." Lui Marime's father spoke.

"Yes sir!" The advisors spoke before they all dispersed in different directions.

"Fathe…" Lui Marime began to speak in a more sheepish and sympathetic tone.

"It is decided! There are things much larger than me and you at stake, not even I can contest this decision." Lui Marime's father spoke.

Hearing this Lui Marime turned and stormed in the direction of the door before saying. "Make sure the general knows to stay out of my way…" after saying this lui marime left the throne room and slammed the door.

Once Lui Marime left her father let out a cold breath of air while his forehead began to sweat lightly. 2 figures in dark robes appeared next to Lui Marime's father.

One with the blade of a sword to his throat and the other sitting in a relaxed manner on the arm of the chair.

"What a good daddy? Sending his daughter to the slaughter to save his own skins… you disgust me." The figure sitting on the arm of the throne spoke with a childish and girly voice.

"Do it, when they return with their generals dispose of them." She then spoke before swaying her hand creating a pocket in space that she then stepped in to.

Without a word the other cloaked figure beheaded the man on the throne. The strike was so swift and precise not even a speck of blood had escaped from the attack.

As soon as he had beheaded the man he waved his hand and wrapped Lui Marime's father in his spirtual energy and moved his Brody into his spatial ring.

Just at this moment 3 of the generals arrived in the throne room, "Who are you! Where is the Family head!?" The general standing in front of the group spoke.

But before any of the other generals could catch their baring's the cloaked figure disappeared and again effortlessly sliced cleanly through general who asked the questions neck.

Lui Marime's father was the family head of a small branch of the moon clan, so him and his generals hadn't fully ascended into god hood, still as far as

Immortals went They could be considered more talented than most.

Seeing their fellow general felled so easily the other generals instincts took over as both the remaining generals jumped forward unleasing their might on the cloaked assassin.

Before theirs fist could land on the cloaked assassin,

The assassin seemed to turn into a shadow or mist while their attacks went directly through the figure of the assassin being absorbed by the mist.

As both generals kept moving forward they felt a sharp pain before both of their worlds began to turn upside down as their torso's fell to the ground with their entrails falling out.

"Get the girl and burn it all to the ground." The man spoke after slaughtering the family head and all their generals without out even breaking a sweat.

"As you command dear brother." The other cloaked figure spoke leaving the spatial pocket she had created.

She then re-appeared behind Lui Marime who was walking back to her room.

As soon as the cloaked woman appeared behing Lui Marime felt all the hairs on her body stand up and her entire body begin to tremble as her instincts began to scream for her to flee.

Lui Marime quickly turned around and swung her fist in a hook to create some distance between her and whatever was behing her.

The cloaked woman quickly disappeared and reappeared a few yards to the side of where the attack was thrown.

"Who are you?" Lui Marime asked in confusion. As she did her best to stand her ground in front of such a monstrous aura.

"Oh my, you are as talented as they say, this will be fun." The cloaked woman said as she did a quick chop with her hand in the air.

At the same time as the cloaked woman chopped the air Lui Marime was flung forward like she had been hit in the back of the head and passed out.

The cloaked woman then pulled out another cloak and a coffin from her spatial ring and placed the cloak on the unconscious Lui Marime before placing her into the coffin.

"Good, time to go." The cloaked man said as he put is hand on the woman's shoulder and the other on the coffin.

He then spat out what seemed to be lava which instantly caught fire as it started to sink into the floor and grow into an entire pool of lava.

The cloaked woman then wrapped them in a colorful light that seemed to reflect the universe before they all disappeared.