First Branch

The head of the guards then dragged Wo Shie alone as he kicked the palace doors open, it was fairly normal to see some of the heirs squabble with the guards some even formed rivalries so this action went ignored by most present in the court yard and the castle.

When Wo Shie was finally outside he could hardly believe his eyes, he could see it, the silhouette of a tree larger than life, he could see its trunk high in the sky and its roots like arms holding it above the castle.

'I have to climb that…' Wo Shie thought to himself as his face became more sullen. He grit his teeth and tightened his body to prepare to break free from the guards vice grip.

With all his power Wo Shie attempted to break free and make a run for it but to no avail.

He yanked his shoulder out of place and screamed in pain causing the guard to let go immediately not wanting to be held responsible for the child's self destruction.

As soon as the guard let go Wo Shie took this chance to make a break for it. Seeing him run the guards became confused looking back at eachother and the escaping Wo Shie wondering what to do?

"He free to do as he pleases just follow him and send reports I will inform master Shuo." The head of the guards spoke while trying to contain his confusion in this situation.

Wo Shie ran with one arm in his hand, he noticed that one of the roots of the tree was running along the side of the castle walls so he bolted in that direction weaving through the bushes and trees of the courtyard.

He looked back while running to see if the guards were behind him but he saw nothing. This made Wo Shie more apprehensive as he put more effort into running faster so he could reach his goal before he got detained.

Just as Wo Shie began approaching the castle wall he realized it was just as tall as the tallest trees he had climbed in the forest around 50yds.

He looked down at his limp arm and recalled all he had learned about the information that made his body up and understood that the connection point between his arm and torso had been disturbed in his escape attempt.

He grit his teeth and closed his eyes while grabbing the wrist of his limp arm and slowly pulling with more force.

His muffled groans and grunts could be heard through his teeth as he continued to pull harder until finally he heard it. *POP*

The pain was replaced with a numb soreness but Wo Shie knew he couldn't take too long here unless someone tries to stop him or get in his way again.

He moved his sore arm around a bit before mounting the wall and preparing to climb. When he started climbing he looked no different than a human spider apart from the obvious pain you could see when he would pull him self up with his left arm.

Before lone Wo Shie conquered the castle wall and still couldn't see a guard in sight. Wo Shie ran over to where the tree root could be seen going into the ground on the opposite side of the wall and jumped out on top of the root.

He began running up the tree root until it became too steep for him to run, eventually it turned into a steep hike before becoming a full on climb.

Wo Shie hadn't realized how large the tree was from below but now that he had made it more than halfway up the tree root he realized the base of the tree looked endless.

It was like looking across a vast ocean of darkness apart of the details being shown by the soft glow of the tree leaves above.

Wo Shie continued to climb as the winds increased the higher he climbed. The wind became so strong that Wo Shie felt if he were to slip or make a wrong decision he be thrown far away from the tree to his death.

Thinking this Wo Shie gulped and calmed his mind before he continued to push upwards in his climb.

Wo Shie looked down to see that the only thing below him after hours of climbing was darkness, he could no longer see the castle or the trees roots.

He was on a completely verticals surface and the only option he had at this point was to continue climbing.

Wo Shie looked up and noticed that the first tree branch had finally come into view, it was about 300 meters above him but after hours of climbing he had finally reached the first branch.