Shinigami Organization

Once Wo Shie reached the first branch and made it to a place he could rest for a moment he realized the winds up here felt like a raging storm.

The cold frigid air combined with the wind would have probably forced Wo Shie to give up this attempt, but the Sol clothes he got from the Enchanted Bazaar had enchantments to protect him against different weather.

The only downside was the enchantments didn't protect the exposed parts of Wo Shie's body. Hi hands had become numb and turned a bright red from the climbing mixxed with the biting cold air. And his face had a slight layer of frost around his mouth from his sweat.

"Who are you where are you taking me!?" Lui Marime said as she regained consciousness and began to thrash around wildly despite having her hands and feet bound by a spiritual rope.

"I didn't think you'd regain consciousness so soon, it seems as if this life has made you more of a monster than you were previously." The cloaked female figure said while looking in the direction of Lui Marime.

They we're traveling on what looked like a rock at unimaginable speeds through space. There could be seen a barely visible wave of spiritual energy in the direction they were traveling blocking all incoming objects.

Hearing the cloaked woman speak, Lui Marime's mouth opened slightly as she attempted to reply but instead she couldn't find anything to say.

'I haven't told anyone about me being a reincarnation… Who are these people?' Lui Marime thought while her mind was racing with questions she asked.

The shock of the cloaked woman's statement also caused Lui Marime to stop thrashing about while her eyebrows scrunched slightly as she tried to sit up.

"Don't think about it too hard, did you think you'd be allowed to simply leave the Shinigami organization?" The cloaked woman said with her voice containing a childish kind of joy.

Light a light had been turned on Lui Marime's eyes went wide as her body tensed thinking of the Shinigami organization coming to retrieve her.

"Where is my Father!? What happened to my home?" Lui Marime asked frantically as she tried to stand up and grab the woman only falling back on the cold hard rock below her.

"Awww, little Marime you know the procedure when we have to interact with humans, and you know how we deal with possible intel leaks." The cloaked woman said in a teasing manner.

"No…" Lui Marime said a her eyes filled with tears. "Why, why couldn't you just let me go… They know I would never leak organization secrets." Lui Marime said as her emotions began to swell causing the spiritual energy in the atmosphere around them to become rampant.

Soon the asteroid was thrown off its course before the man released a large amount of energy to put them back on course in the right direction.

"The did say that, but they also didn't know why you disappeared so it was a precautionary measure, to think you'd find a way to actually force your own reincarnation, tell me how did you do it?" The cloaked woman said as she leaned closed to Lui Marime.

Lui Marime's head was down as her energy continued to surge and silent tears continued to fall from her face. "I-I don't know… H-have you located Wo Shie?" Lui Marime asked thinking of the only light she had left in her life.

"Unfortunately not, however he's not as important to our plans as you are so if we do find him he'll more than likely be executed and sent to samsara to have all of his memories wiped." The cloaked woman said nonchalantly while carefully examining Lui Marime to see her expression.

Hearing this felt like another ton of bricks had been dropped on Lui Marime's head while she tried to maintain her composure. She couldn't do anything to endanger Wo Shie, but she also couldn't do nothing. Either way it went she knew she didn't have to power necessary to oppose the shinigami organization just yet.

Lui Marime did not respond and just fell into silence as the tears continued to fall from her face and her will to fight seemed to have been broken.

"A pity, I thought you would have lead us to him… either way there was a development in your cultivation worlds mortal realm so we are headed there now, we will arrive in about an hour." The cloaked woman said in an expecting manner while turning her back on Lui Marime and walking towards the cloaked man who could be seen in seated meditation.

Like the worst case scenario was unfolding in front of her eyes, Lui Marime's heart began racing as she hoped and prayed they weren't going to planet Cyrus where Wo Shie was last seen.

"We have an emissary there that is keeping record of the events that we will meet when we arrive, I believe you are already familiar with them." The cloaked woman said loud enough for Lui Marime to hear before sitting next to the man in a meditative posture.